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Releases: tristanisham/zvm

Added removed and ls commands

12 Dec 07:04
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So yeah, two releases in one night. This one brings uninstall/rm and ls.

Uninstall / rm

Remove installed versions of Zig. This will break your symlink if you delete your current Zig version.
zvm rm 0.10.0 / zvm uninstall 0.10.0


Now you can view what versions of Zig you already have installed! Just run zvm ls to get a list printed to the console.

Full Changelog: v0.1.2...v0.1.3

Color Toggle and User Settings

12 Dec 06:19
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Welcome to the first post 0.1.0 release! zvm v0.1.2 is all about providing you with more options. Now, you'll find a new settings.json file in your .zvm folder. This is your playground. Mess it up, fuck around. And if you want to start fresh just delete and re-run zvm. As more settings are added more work will go into making it a meaningful addition that'll let you totally customize your ZVM experience. Right now though, it just lets you toggle CLI colors.

    "useColor": false

You can also just toggle it from the command line:

Turn on Colors

zvm --yescolor or zvm --yescolour #British English spellings are included for each color command because why not 🤷‍♂️

Turn off colors

zvm --nocolor or zvm --nocolour

Toggle color:

zvm --color or zvm --colour

This feature was created to address an issue on my color library. While I work on that, this will work for you!

Thanks Danyil!

Got any other issues or bugs? Please make an issue here on GitHub. zvm tracks no analytics or system information so every report helps!

Full Changelog: v0.1.0...v0.1.1

First Stable Release!

09 Dec 23:37
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Full Changelog: v0.0.1-beta.4...v0.1.0

Nothing really changed. This is just an official jump for the API and SEMVAR.

Clean command, fixed Windows install

08 Dec 04:58
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Full Changelog: v0.0.1-beta.4...v0.0.1-beta.5

Added clean command to remove install artifacts. This is a beta command and may be removed in future updates
Fixed extract on Windows to actually work.

Updated ZVM to work on ARM-based systems

07 Dec 00:05
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What's Changed

  • install: Map arm64 GOARCH to aarch64 by @ibokuri in #7

Full Changelog: v0.0.1-beta.3...v0.0.1-beta.4

Fix update statement

06 Dec 00:39
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Updated use statement to download new Zig version if not present on your current system.

Full Changelog: v0.0.1-beta.2...v0.0.1-beta.3

Fixing critical MacOS amd64 bug

05 Dec 23:50
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What's Changed

  • install: Fix darwin system info by @ibokuri in #6

New Contributors

Full Changelog: v0.0.1-beta.1...v0.0.1-beta.2

Added Version/Help commands

05 Dec 05:09
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Pretty self-explanatory

Switch to Go

03 Dec 05:50
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In this release, I've decided to switch zvm to Go for the time being. This program's goals are to be flexible, portable, and fast. At this time, I can better achieve that with Go. Eventually, I'd like to make the master branch Zig again, but in the meantime both languages will continue development.


24 Nov 06:07
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v0.0.1-alpha Pre-release

Hello, and welcome to the first "release" of ZVM ever! This alpha version of the program can install multiple versions of the Zig programming language. All you need to do is add a little line to your ~/.profile and leave the rest to ZVM. More features are coming soon, and as this is an alpha, it's important to clarify that this release is more about setting a structure for the program, rather than finding and breaking all bugs.

What this release represents

This release represents literally everything I've done in Zig up to this point. The idea, execution, late night streams, and every message sent on the Discord. I've been frustrated. I've been elated. And I'm still here. Zig is fun.

I also tried very hard to port ZVM to windows #2, however, I haven't been able to get it to compile. This is due, in part, to a dependency on #3 libcurl. Please look at the existing issues if you think you have a solution. It would be much appreciated. I'd love to get ZVM to compile on every platform Zig supports.

This release is only for Linux/amd64.

Thank you all so much for your support and help! This is my most popular open-source project to date and I'm loving it.

I hope y'all have a wonderful Thanksgiving!

  • Tristan

Full Changelog: