Reporting on 30 Issues from 29 authors, 34 Pull Requests from 16 authors, and 0 Discussions from 0 authors.
- brew doctor warning:
not on the default git origin branch
despite being onmain
- Upgrade Reference to Microsoft.IdentityModel.JsonWebTokens (#771)
- System.MissingMethodException when ITwilioRestClient created via DI (#768)
- TrustProductsChannelEndpointAssignmentResource.ReadAsync() doesn't load entities fully (#742)
- Target .net 6.0 (and later), removing newtonsoft dependency (#630)
- Java_com_twilio_voice_Call_nativeMute produces "null pointer dereference" crash (#639)
- Voice SDK crash (#638)
- Error when run twilio token:voice command (#637)
- Incoming call notifications not received in IOS (#457)
- Token not unregistered when app is unistall in IOS. (#456)
- Ios issue app is in kill state and pick up the call from notification then app freeze react-native (#455)
- Ringtone Volume Low on Android (#454)
- Request for Information: Compatibility with React Native's New Architecture (#452)
- Incoming calls not working Voice React Native SDK (#432)
- Unable to start service com.twiliovoicereactnative.VoiceService (#430)
- [VBLOCKS-3848] fix: address rc feedback (#459)
- Update (#458)
- [VBLOCKS-2968] Display name customization (#453)
- Voice.registration(token) throw a code error : "Voice error" (#451)
- TVOAudioDeviceMustBeSetBeforeMediaStackSetup error on incoming calls (iOS) (#413)
- Cannot read property 'voice_connect_android' of null", using expo (#360)
- How to add an icon on the native call screen to the button that takes you to the application ? (#191)
- App Crashes occasionally (#281)
- VideoView initializes twice causing app to crash (since iOS 18) (#280)
- isStarted on RemoteVideoTrack is intermittently false (#2064)
- participant.networkQualityLevel Returns Null When Connect to a Room with Audio and Video Off (#2031)
- VideoProcessors v3.0 (#2053)
- docs: introduce beta support for Video Processor V3 (#2067)
- Prep for 2.29.0-beta.1 (#2065)
- docs: clarify bug fix in MediaStreamTrack cloning (#2063)
- fix: preserve track enabled state during cloning (#2061)
- chore: fix the documentation generation (#2058)
- docs: update CDN link for beta release (#2066)
- [BUG] AccessTokenInvalid for valid tokens (#110)
- [VBLOCKS-2429] Update: release npm install (#302)
- [FEATURE] Provide a way to force stop sounds (#222)
- [BUG] ConnectionError: ConnectionError (31005): Error sent from gateway in HANGUP when answerOnBridge (#140)
- Are there plans for Content API integration? (#619)
- Mac Support or Mac Catalyst (#411)
- Snyk fix 208495ae4173957e4890e0a79533cc46 (#327)
- [VBLOCKS-3844] fixed permission errors when running on newer devices (API34+) (#295)
- VBLOCKS-3815 Update (#23)
- [VBLOCKS-3800] feat: cold transfer (#22)
- Prep for 3.0.0-beta.1 (#88)
- chore: upgrade to macos-13 in acceptance test (#616)
- chore: update base64 --output flag to > (#615)
- chore: upgarde to macos13 (#614)
- feat: auth ruby (#734)
- fix: Fixing header parameter issues in twilio-python (#625)
- Add workflow to generate builds (#44)
- chore: add support for oauth in public apis (#1049)
- fix: Incorrect PhoneNumberCapabilities type (#1025)
- feat: implement oauth for public apis (#1048)
- VBLOCKS-3834 Make AudioDeviceChangeListener optional parameter when calling start() (#169)
- [Snyk] Security upgrade react-scripts from 3.2.0 to 5.0.0 (#140)
- Php8.4 (#834)
- chore: pass query params in delete (#257)
- Email & Sms - YoutubeTutorial (#9)