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Payment over the phone with TwiML<Pay>

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This sample application shows how to do a bill payment over the phone using TwiML<Pay> with a credit card.

Implementations in other languages:

.NET Java Python PHP Ruby

How it works

It uses the TwiML<Pay> to prompt the user to enter a credit card's information to pay a bill that can be configured on the UI, then it will process the payment through Stripe (which needs to be added as a connector on the Twilio console) and will let the user know if the payment was successful or not.

Pay Diagram


  • Node.js web server using Express.js
  • Basic web user interface using Pug for templating and Bootstrap for UI
  • User interface to configure payment details.
  • Payment details can be stored in a JSON database using lowdb.
  • Unit tests using mocha and chai
  • Automated CI testing using GitHub Actions
  • Linting and formatting using ESLint and Prettier
  • Project specific environment variables using .env files and dotenv-safe by comparing .env.example and .env.
  • One click deploy buttons for Heroku and Glitch

Set up


It is recommended to follow the tutorial on how to capture your first payment using <Pay> as it already describes in detail all of the following steps:

  1. Create a Stripe's account.
  2. Purchase a voice-enabled Twilio phone number (or use one of yours if you already have it).
  3. Configure Stripe <Pay> Connector on the your Twilio console.

Twilio Account Settings

This application should give you a ready-made starting point for writing your own payment over the phone application. Before we begin, we need to collect all the config values we need to run the application:

Config Value Description
Auth Token Used to authenticate - You'll find it on your Twilio's console.
Payment connector This has to be configured on your Twilio's console. There you should select the Stripe connector and link it to your Stripe's account

NOTE: The Auth token will validate the requests are coming from the authorized account, otherwise you will get a 403 Forbidden response.

Local development

After the above requirements have been met:

  1. Clone this repository and cd into it
git clone [email protected]:twilio-labs/sample-pay-service.git

cd sample-pay-service
  1. Install dependencies
npm install
  1. Install Twilio CLI

See Twilio CLI Quickstart for installation guide for Linux and to learn how to use the Twilio CLI.

Mac OS X

brew tap twilio/brew && brew install twilio


npm install twilio-cli -g
  1. Log in to Twilio CLI
twilio login

See Twilio Account Settings to locate the necessary environment variables.

  1. List and purchase an available phone number by area code
twilio phone-numbers:buy:local --country-code US --area-code="208"
  1. Set your environment variables
npm run setup

See Twilio Account Settings to locate the necessary environment variables.

  1. Run the application
npm start

Alternatively, you can use this command to start the server in development mode. It will reload whenever you change any files.

npm run dev
  1. Once you have your server running, you need to expose your localhost to a public domain so the Twilio webhook can reach the expected endpoint. This is easy using the Twilio CLI.
twilio phone-numbers:update [PN sid or E.164] --sms-url http://localhost:3000/pay

This will generate a url similar to:

  1. Navigate to http://localhost:3000 to see some sample credit card details to test the payment.

  2. You can also navigate to http://localhost:3000/config to override the default payment details.

  3. That's it! Now call the Twilio phone number you configured and follow the instructions to complete the payment.

  4. You can see if the payment was charged on your Stripe dashboard. Learn how to capture your first payment for more details.


You can run the tests locally by typing:

npm test

Cloud deployment

Additionally to trying out this application locally, you can deploy it to a variety of host services. Here is a small selection of them.

Please be aware that some of these might charge you for the usage or might make the source code for this application visible to the public. When in doubt research the respective hosting service first.

Don't forget to set the environmental variables on each hosting service!

Heroku Deploy
Glitch Remix on Glitch

Here are some notes about the services:

  • Heroku: Very straightforward, just create an account and after clicking the deploy button you need to follow the instructions and that's it.
  • Glitch: It requirers an additional step. Once you click on the deploy button, you need to manually create the file .env and add set TWILIO_AUTH_TOKEN variable. You can duplicate the .env.example file and edit it accordingly.



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No warranty expressed or implied. Software is as is.