diff --git a/config.py b/config.py
index 206369e..85f1fab 100644
--- a/config.py
+++ b/config.py
@@ -2,9 +2,9 @@
# default username and password
utorrentcfg = {
- "host" : "default_hostname:1000",
- "login" : "default_login",
- "password" : "default_password",
- "api" : "", # linux, desktop (2.x), falcon (3.x)
- "default_torrent_format" : "{hash} {status} {progress}% {size} {dl_speed} {ul_speed} {ratio} {peer_info} eta: {eta} {name} {label}",
+ u"host" : u"default_hostname:1000",
+ u"login" : u"default_login",
+ u"password" : u"default_password",
+ u"api" : u"", # linux, desktop (2.x), falcon (3.x)
+ u"default_torrent_format" : u"{hash} {status} {progress}% {size} {dl_speed} {ul_speed} {ratio} {peer_info} eta: {eta} {name} {label}",
diff --git a/utorrentctl.py b/utorrentctl.py
index b922881..c45af03 100755
--- a/utorrentctl.py
+++ b/utorrentctl.py
@@ -1,32 +1,37 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env python3
+#!/usr/bin/env python
- This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
- it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by
- the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
- (at your option) any later version.
- This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- GNU General Public License for more details.
- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- along with this program. If not, see .
+ This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by
+ the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
+ (at your option) any later version.
+ This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ GNU General Public License for more details.
+ You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ along with this program. If not, see .
+from __future__ import print_function
+from __future__ import division
- utorrentctl - uTorrent cli remote control utility and library
+ utorrentctl - uTorrent cli remote control utility and library
+ Ported to Python 2.x from original Python 3.x code
+from io import open
from hashlib import sha1
from collections import OrderedDict
-import base64
+from base64 import b64encode
import datetime
import email.generator
import errno
-import http.client
-import http.cookiejar
+import httplib
import json
import ntpath
import os.path
@@ -35,1860 +40,1864 @@
import socket
import string
import time
-import urllib.parse
-import urllib.request
-def url_quote( string ):
- return urllib.parse.quote( string, "" )
-def bdecode( data, str_encoding = "utf8" ):
- if not hasattr( data, "__next__" ):
- data = iter( data )
- out = None
- t = chr( next( data ) )
- if t == "e": # end of list/dict
- return None
- elif t == "i": # integer
- out = ""
- c = chr( next( data ) )
- while c != "e":
- out += c
- c = chr( next( data ) )
- out = int( out )
- elif t == "l": # list
- out = []
- while True:
- e = bdecode( data )
- if e == None:
- break
- out.append( e )
- elif t == "d": # dictionary
- out = {}
- while True:
- k = bdecode( data )
- if k == None:
- break
- out[k] = bdecode( data )
- elif t.isdigit(): # string
- out = ""
- l = t
- c = chr( next( data ) )
- while c != ":":
- l += c
- c = chr( next( data ) )
- bout = bytearray()
- for i in range( int( l ) ):
- bout.append( next( data ) )
- try:
- out = bout.decode( str_encoding )
- except UnicodeDecodeError:
- out = bout
- return out
-def bencode( obj, str_encoding = "utf8" ):
- out = bytearray()
- t = type( obj )
- if t == int:
- out.extend( "i{}e".format( obj ).encode( str_encoding ) )
- elif t == dict:
- out.extend( b"d" )
- for k in sorted( obj.keys() ):
- out.extend( bencode( k ) )
- out.extend( bencode( obj[k] ) )
- out.extend( b"e" )
- elif t in ( bytes, bytearray ):
- out.extend( str( len( obj ) ).encode( str_encoding ) )
- out.extend( b":" )
- out.extend( obj )
- elif is_list_type( obj ):
- out.extend( b"l" )
- for e in map( bencode, obj ):
- out.extend( e )
- out.extend( b"e" )
- else:
- obj = str( obj ).encode( str_encoding )
- out.extend( str( len( obj ) ).encode( str_encoding ) )
- out.extend( b":" )
- out.extend( obj )
- return bytes( out )
-def _get_external_attrs( cls ):
- return [ i for i in dir( cls ) if not re.search( "^_|_h$", i ) and not hasattr( getattr( cls, i ), "__call__" ) ]
-def is_list_type( obj ):
- return hasattr( obj, "__iter__" ) and not isinstance( obj, ( str, bytes ) );
-class uTorrentError( Exception ):
- pass
-class Version:
- product = ""
- major = 0
- middle = 0
- minor = 0
- build = 0
- engine = 0
- ui = 0
- date = None
- user_agent = ""
- peer_id = ""
- device_id = ""
- @staticmethod
- def detect_from_settings( settings ):
- out = Version( settings )
- falcon = False
- for setting in settings["settings"]:
- if setting[0] == "webui.uconnect_enable": # only Falcon has this setting
- falcon = True
- out.major = 3
- out.middle = 0
- out.minor = 0
- break
- if not falcon:
- out.major = 2
- out.middle = 2
- out.minor = 0
- out.user_agent = "BTWebClient/{}{}{}0({})".format( out.major, out.middle, out.minor, out.build )
- out.peer_id = "UT{}{}{}0".format( out.major, out.middle, out.minor )
- return out
- def __init__( self, res ):
- if "version" in res: # server returns full data
- self.product = res["version"]["product_code"]
- self.major = res["version"]["major_version"]
- self.middle = 0
- self.minor = res["version"]["minor_version"]
- self.build = res["build"]
- self.engine = res["version"]["engine_version"]
- self.ui = res["version"]["ui_version"]
- date = res["version"]["version_date"].split( " " )
- self.date = datetime.datetime( *map( int, date[0].split( "-" ) + date[1].split( ":" ) ) )
- self.user_agent = res["version"]["user_agent"]
- self.peer_id = res["version"]["peer_id"]
- self.device_id = res["version"]["device_id"]
- elif "build" in res:
- # fill some partially made up values as desktop client doesn't provide full info, only build
- self.product = "desktop"
- self.build = self.engine = self.ui = res["build"]
- else:
- raise uTorrentError( "Cannot detect version from the supplied server response" )
- def __str__( self ):
- return self.user_agent
- def verbose_str( self ):
- return "{} {}/{} {} v{}.{}.{}.{}, engine v{}, ui v{}".format(
- self.user_agent, self.device_id, self.peer_id, self.product,
- self.major, self.middle, self.minor, self.build, self.engine, self.ui
- )
-class TorrentStatus:
- _progress = 0
- _value = 0
- started = False
- checking = False
- start_after_check = False
- checked = False
- error = False
- paused = False
- queued = False # queued == False means forced
- loaded = False
- def __init__( self, status, percent_loaded = 0 ):
- self._value = status
- self._progress = percent_loaded
- self.started = bool( status & 1 )
- self.checking = bool( status & 2 )
- self.start_after_check = bool( status & 4 )
- self.checked = bool( status & 8 )
- self.error = bool( status & 16 )
- self.paused = bool( status & 32 )
- self.queued = bool( status & 64 )
- self.loaded = bool( status & 128 )
- # http://forum.utorrent.com/viewtopic.php?pid=381527#p381527
- def __str__( self ):
- if not self.loaded:
- return "Not loaded"
- if self.error:
- return "Error"
- if self.checking:
- return "Checked {:.1f}%".format( self._progress )
- if self.paused:
- if self.queued:
- return "Paused"
- else:
- return "[F] Paused"
- if self._progress == 100:
- if self.queued:
- if self.started:
- return "Seeding"
- else:
- return "Queued Seed"
- else:
- if self.started:
- return "[F] Seeding"
- else:
- return "Finished"
- else: # self._progress < 100
- if self.queued:
- if self.started:
- return "Downloading"
- else:
- return "Queued"
- else:
- if self.started:
- return "[F] Downloading"
-# else:
-# return "Stopped"
- return "Stopped"
- def __lt__( self, other ):
- return self._value < other._value
-class Torrent:
- _utorrent = None
- hash = ""
- status = None
- name = ""
- size = 0
- size_h = ""
- progress = 0. # in percent
- downloaded = 0
- downloaded_h = ""
- uploaded = 0
- uploaded_h = ""
- ratio = 0.
- ul_speed = 0
- ul_speed_h = ""
- dl_speed = 0
- dl_speed_h = ""
- eta = 0
- eta_h = ""
- label = ""
- peers_connected = 0
- peers_total = 0
- seeds_connected = 0
- seeds_total = 0
- availability = 0
- availability_h = ""
- queue_order = 0
- dl_remain = 0
- dl_remain_h = ""
- _default_format = "{hash} {status} {progress}% {size} {dl_speed} {ul_speed} {ratio} {peer_info} eta: {eta} {name} {label}"
- _default_format_specs = {
- "status" : "{status: <15}",
- "name" : "{name: <60}",
- "size" : "{size_h: >9}",
- "progress" : "{progress: >5.1f}",
- "downloaded" : "{downloaded_h: >9}",
- "uploaded" : "{uploaded_h: >9}",
- "ratio" : "{ratio: <6.2f}",
- "dl_speed" : "{dl_speed_h: >12}",
- "ul_speed" : "{ul_speed_h: >12}",
- "eta" : "{eta_h: <7}",
- "label" : "{label}",
- "peers_connected" : "{peers_connected: <4}",
- "peers_total" : "{peers_total: <5}",
- "seeds_connected" : "{seeds_connected: <4}",
- "seeds_total" : "{seeds_total: <5}",
- "peer_info" : "{peer_info: <7}",
- "availability" : "{availability_h: >5.2}",
- "dl_remain" : "{dl_remain_h: >9}",
- }
- def __init__( self, utorrent, torrent = None ):
- self._utorrent = utorrent
- if torrent:
- self.fill( torrent )
- def __str__( self ):
- return "{} {}".format( self.hash, self.name )
- def _process_format( self, format_string ):
- out = []
- args = dict( self.__dict__ )
- args["peer_info"] = ( "{peers_connected}/{peers_total}" if args["progress"] == 100 else "{seeds_connected}/{seeds_total}" ).format( **args )
- args["label"] = "({label})".format( **args ) if args["label"] != "" else ""
- if args["dl_speed"] < 1024:
- args["dl_speed_h"] = ""
- if args["ul_speed"] < 1024:
- args["ul_speed_h"] = ""
- if args["dl_remain"] == 0:
- args["dl_remain_h"] = ""
- formatter = string.Formatter()
- for literal_text, field_name, format_spec, conversion in formatter.parse( format_string ):
- elem = { "before" : literal_text, "value" : "" }
- if field_name != None:
- def_field_name, def_format_spec, def_conversion = None, " <20", None
- if field_name in self._default_format_specs:
- def_field_name, def_format_spec, def_conversion = next( formatter.parse( self._default_format_specs[field_name] ) )[1:4]
- val = formatter.get_field( field_name if def_field_name == None else def_field_name, None, args )[0]
- val = formatter.convert_field( val, conversion if conversion != None else def_conversion )
- val = formatter.format_field( val, format_spec if format_spec != "" else def_format_spec )
- elem["value"] = val
- out.append( elem )
- return out
- def _format_to_str( self, format_res ):
- out = ""
- for i in format_res:
- out += i["before"] + i["value"]
- return out.strip()
- def verbose_str( self, format_string = None ):
- return self._format_to_str( self._process_format( self._default_format if format_string == None else format_string ) )
- def fill( self, torrent ):
- self.hash, status, self.name, self.size, progress, self.downloaded, \
- self.uploaded, ratio, self.ul_speed, self.dl_speed, self.eta, self.label, \
- self.peers_connected, self.peers_total, self.seeds_connected, self.seeds_total, \
- self.availability, self.queue_order, self.dl_remain = torrent
- self._utorrent.check_hash( self.hash )
- self.progress = progress / 10.
- self.ratio = ratio / 1000.
- self.status = TorrentStatus( status, self.progress )
- self.size_h = uTorrent.human_size( self.size )
- self.uploaded_h = uTorrent.human_size( self.uploaded )
- self.downloaded_h = uTorrent.human_size( self.downloaded )
- self.ul_speed_h = uTorrent.human_size( self.ul_speed ) + "/s"
- self.dl_speed_h = uTorrent.human_size( self.dl_speed ) + "/s"
- self.eta_h = uTorrent.human_time_delta( self.eta )
- self.availability_h = self.availability / 65535.
- self.dl_remain_h = uTorrent.human_size( self.dl_remain )
- @classmethod
- def get_readonly_attrs( cls ):
- return tuple( set( _get_external_attrs( cls ) ) - set( ( "label", ) ) )
- @classmethod
- def get_public_attrs( cls ):
- return tuple( set( _get_external_attrs( cls ) ) - set( cls.get_readonly_attrs() ) )
- def info( self ):
- return self._utorrent.torrent_info( self )
- def file_list( self ):
- return self._utorrent.file_list( self )
- def start( self, force = False ):
- return self._utorrent.torrent_start( self, force )
- def stop( self ):
- return self._utorrent.torrent_stop( self )
- def pause( self ):
- return self._utorrent.torrent_pause( self )
- def resume( self ):
- return self._utorrent.torrent_resume( self )
- def recheck( self ):
- return self._utorrent.torrent_recheck( self )
- def remove( self, with_data = False ):
- return self._utorrent.torrent_remove( self, with_data )
-class Torrent_API2( Torrent ):
- url = ""
- rss_url = ""
- status_message = ""
- _unk_hash = ""
- added_on = 0
- completed_on = 0
- _unk_str = 0
- download_dir = ""
- def __init__( self, utorrent, torrent = None ):
- Torrent.__init__( self, utorrent, torrent )
- self._default_format_specs["status"] = "{status_message: <15}"
- self._default_format_specs["completed_on"] = "{completed_on!s}"
- self._default_format_specs["added_on"] = "{added_on!s}"
- def fill( self, torrent ):
- Torrent.fill( self, torrent[0:19] )
- self.url, self.rss_url, self.status_message, self._unk_hash, self.added_on, \
- self.completed_on, self._unk_str, self.download_dir = torrent[19:27]
- self.added_on = datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp( self.added_on )
- self.completed_on = datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp( int( self.completed_on ) )
- def remove( self, with_data = False, with_torrent = False ):
- return self._utorrent.torrent_remove( self, with_data, with_torrent )
-class Label:
- name = ""
- torrent_count = 0
- def __init__( self, label ):
- self.name, self.torrent_count = label
- def __str__( self ):
- return "{} ({})".format( self.name, self.torrent_count )
-class Priority:
- value = 0
- def __init__( self, priority ):
- priority = int( priority )
- if priority in range( 4 ):
- self.value = priority
- else:
- self.value = 2
- def __str__( self ):
- if self.value == 0:
- return "don't download"
- elif self.value == 1:
- return "low priority"
- elif self.value == 2:
- return "normal priority"
- elif self.value == 3:
- return "high priority"
- else:
- return "unknown priority"
-class File:
- _utorrent = None
- _parent_hash = ""
- index = 0
- hash = ""
- name = ""
- size = 0
- size_h = ""
- downloaded = 0
- downloaded_h = ""
- priority = None
- progress = 0.
- def __init__( self, utorrent, parent_hash, index, file = None ):
- self._utorrent = utorrent
- self._utorrent.check_hash( parent_hash )
- self._parent_hash = parent_hash
- self.index = index
- self.hash = "{}.{}".format( self._parent_hash, self.index )
- if file:
- self.fill( file )
- def __str__( self ):
- return "{} {}".format( self.hash, self.name )
- def verbose_str( self ):
- return "{: <44} [{: <15}] {: >5}% ({: >9} / {: >9}) {}".format( self.hash, self.priority, self.progress, \
- self.downloaded_h, self.size_h, self.name )
- def fill( self, file ):
- self.name, self.size, self.downloaded, priority = file[:4]
- self.priority = Priority( priority )
- if self.size == 0:
- self.progress = 100
- else:
- self.progress = round( float( self.downloaded ) / self.size * 100, 1 )
- self.size_h = uTorrent.human_size( self.size )
- self.downloaded_h = uTorrent.human_size( self.downloaded )
- def set_priority( self, priority ):
- self._utorrent.file_set_priority( { self.hash : priority } )
-class File_API2( File ):
- def fill( self, file ):
- File.fill( self, file[:4] )
-class JobInfo:
- _utorrent = None
- hash = ""
- trackers = []
- ulrate = 0
- ulrate_h = ""
- dlrate = 0
- dlrate_h = ""
- superseed = 0
- dht = 0
- pex = 0
- seed_override = 0
- seed_ratio = 0
- seed_time = 0
- def __init__( self, utorrent, hash = None, jobinfo = None ):
- self._utorrent = utorrent
- self.hash = hash
- if jobinfo:
- self.fill( jobinfo )
- def __str__( self ):
- return "Limits D:{} U:{}".format( self.dlrate, self.ulrate )
- def verbose_str( self ):
- return str( self ) + " Superseed:{} DHT:{} PEX:{} Queuing override:{} Seed ratio:{} Seed time:{}".format(
- self._tribool_status_str( self.superseed ), self._tribool_status_str( self.dht ),
- self._tribool_status_str( self.pex ), self._tribool_status_str( self.seed_override ), self.seed_ratio,
- uTorrent.human_time_delta( self.seed_time )
- )
- def fill( self, jobinfo ):
- self.hash = jobinfo["hash"]
- self.trackers = jobinfo["trackers"].strip().split( "\r\n\r\n" )
- self.ulrate = jobinfo["ulrate"]
- self.ulrate_h = uTorrent.human_size( self.ulrate ) + "/s"
- self.dlrate = jobinfo["dlrate"]
- self.dlrate_h = uTorrent.human_size( self.dlrate ) + "/s"
- self.superseed = jobinfo["superseed"]
- self.dht = jobinfo["dht"]
- self.pex = jobinfo["pex"]
- self.seed_override = jobinfo["seed_override"]
- self.seed_ratio = jobinfo["seed_ratio"]
- self.seed_time = jobinfo["seed_time"]
- @classmethod
- def get_public_attrs( cls ):
- return _get_external_attrs( cls )
- def _tribool_status_str( self, status ):
- return "not allowed" if status == -1 else ( "disabled" if status == 0 else "enabled" )
-class RssFeedEntry:
- name = ""
- name_full = ""
- url = ""
- quality = 0
- codec = 0
- timestamp = 0
- season = 0
- episode = 0
- episode_to = 0
- feed_id = 0
- repack = False
- in_history = False
- def __init__( self, entry ):
- self.fill( entry )
- def __str__( self ):
- return "{}".format( self.name )
- def verbose_str( self ):
- return "{} {}".format( '*' if self.in_history else ' ', self.name_full )
- def fill( self, entry ):
- self.name, self.name_full, self.url, self.quality, self.codec, self.timestamp, self.season, self.episode, \
- self.episode_to, self.feed_id, self.repack, self.in_history = entry
- try:
- self.timestamp = datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp( self.timestamp )
- except ValueError: # utorrent 2.2 sometimes gives too large timestamp
- pass
-class RssFeed:
- id = 0
- enabled = False
- use_feed_title = False
- user_selected = False
- programmed = False
- download_state = 0
- url = ""
- next_update = 0
- entries = None
- def __init__( self, feed ):
- self.fill( feed )
- def __str__( self ):
- return "{: <3} {: <3} {}".format( self.id, "on" if self.enabled else "off", self.url )
- def verbose_str( self ):
- return "{} ({}/{}) update: {}".format(
- str( self ), len( [ x for x in self.entries if x.in_history ] ), len( self.entries ), self.next_update
- )
- def fill( self, feed ):
- self.id, self.enabled, self.use_feed_title, self.user_selected, self.programmed, \
- self.download_state, self.url, self.next_update = feed[0:8]
- self.next_update = datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp( self.next_update )
- self.entries = []
- for e in feed[8]:
- self.entries.append( RssFeedEntry( e ) )
- @classmethod
- def get_readonly_attrs( cls ):
- return ( "id", "use_feed_title", "user_selected", "programmed", "download_state", "next_update", "entries" )
- @classmethod
- def get_writeonly_attrs( cls ):
- return ( "download_dir", "alias", "subscribe", "smart_filter" )
- @classmethod
- def get_public_attrs( cls ):
- return tuple( set( _get_external_attrs( cls ) ) - set( cls.get_readonly_attrs() ) )
-class RssFilter:
- id = 0
- flags = 0
- name = ""
- filter = None
- not_filter = None
- save_in = ""
- feed_id = 0
- quality = 0
- label = ""
- postpone_mode = False
- last_match = 0
- smart_ep_filter = 0
- repack_ep_filter = 0
- episode = ""
- episode_filter = False
- resolving_candidate = False
- def __init__( self, filter_props ):
- self.fill( filter_props )
- def __str__( self ):
- return "{: <3} {: <3} {}".format( self.id, "on" if self.enabled else "off", self.name )
- def verbose_str( self ):
- return "{} {} -> {}: +{}-{}".format( str( self ), self.filter, self.save_in, self.filter, \
- self.not_filter )
- def fill( self, filter_props ):
- self.id, self.flags, self.name, self.filter, self.not_filter, self.save_in, self.feed_id, \
- self.quality, self.label, self.postpone_mode, self.last_match, self.smart_ep_filter, \
- self.repack_ep_filter, self.episode, self.episode_filter, self.resolving_candidate = filter_props
- self.postpone_mode = bool( self.postpone_mode )
- @classmethod
- def get_readonly_attrs( cls ):
- return ( "id", "flags", "last_match", "resolving_candidate", "enabled" )
- @classmethod
- def get_writeonly_attrs( cls ):
- return ( "prio", "add_stopped" )
- @classmethod
- def get_public_attrs( cls ):
- return tuple( set( _get_external_attrs( cls ) ) - set( cls.get_readonly_attrs() ) )
- @property
- def enabled( self ):
- return bool( self.flags & 1 )
-class uTorrentConnection( http.client.HTTPConnection ):
- _host = ""
- _login = ""
- _password = ""
- _request = None
- _cookies = http.cookiejar.CookieJar()
- _token = ""
- _retry_max = 3
- _utorrent = None
- @property
- def request_obj( self ):
- return self._request
- def __init__( self, host, login, password ):
- self._host = host
- self._login = login
- self._password = password
- self._url = "http://{}/".format( self._host )
- self._request = urllib.request.Request( self._url )
- self._request.add_header( "Authorization", "Basic " + base64.b64encode( "{}:{}".format( self._login, self._password ).encode( "latin1" ) ).decode( "ascii" ) )
- http.client.HTTPConnection.__init__( self, self._request.host, timeout = 10 )
- self._fetch_token()
- def _make_request( self, loc, headers, data = None, retry = True ):
- last_e = None
- utserver_retry = False
- retries = 0
- max_retries = self._retry_max if retry else 1
- try:
- while retries < max_retries or utserver_retry:
- try:
- self._request.add_data( data )
- self.request( self._request.get_method(), self._request.get_selector() + loc, self._request.get_data(), headers )
- resp = self.getresponse()
- if resp.status == 400:
- last_e = uTorrentError( resp.read().decode( "utf8" ).strip() )
- # if uTorrent server alpha is bound to the same port as WebUI then it will respond with "invalid request" to the first request in the connection
- # apparently this is no longer the case, TODO: remove this hack
- if ( not self._utorrent or type( self._utorrent ) == uTorrentLinuxServer ) and not utserver_retry:
- utserver_retry = True
- continue
- raise last_e
- elif resp.status == 404 or resp.status == 401:
- raise uTorrentError( "Request {}: {}".format( loc, resp.reason ) )
- elif resp.status != 200:
- raise uTorrentError( "{}: {}".format( resp.reason, resp.status ) )
- self._cookies.extract_cookies( resp, self._request )
- if len( self._cookies ) > 0:
- self._request.add_header( "Cookie", "; ".join( [ "{}={}".format( url_quote( c.name ), url_quote( c.value ) ) for c in self._cookies ] ) )
- return resp
- # retry when utorrent returns bad data
- except ( http.client.CannotSendRequest, http.client.BadStatusLine ) as e:
- last_e = e
- self.close()
- # socket errors
- except socket.error as e:
- # retry on timeout
- if str( e ) == "timed out": # some peculiar handling for timeout error
- last_e = uTorrentError( "Timeout after {} tries".format( max_retries ) )
- self.close()
- # retry after pause on specific windows errors
- elif e.errno == 10053 or e.errno == 10054:
- # Windows specific socket errors:
- # 10053 - An established connection was aborted by the software in your host machine
- # 10054 - An existing connection was forcibly closed by the remote host
- last_e = e
- self.close()
- time.sleep( 2 )
- elif e.errno == errno.ECONNREFUSED or e.errno == errno.ECONNRESET:
- raise uTorrentError( e.strerror )
- else:
- raise e
- # name resolution failed
- except socket.gaierror as e:
- raise uTorrentError( e.strerror )
- retries += 1
- if last_e:
- raise last_e
- except Exception as e:
- self.close()
- raise e
- return None
- def _get_data( self, loc, data = None, retry = True, save_buffer = None, progress_cb = None ):
- headers = { k : v for k, v in self._request.header_items() }
- if data:
- bnd = email.generator._make_boundary( data )
- headers["Content-Type"] = "multipart/form-data; boundary={}".format( bnd )
- data = data.replace( "{{BOUNDARY}}", bnd )
- resp = self._make_request( loc, headers, data, retry )
- if save_buffer:
- read = 0
- resp_len = resp.length
- while True:
- buf = resp.read( 10240 )
- read += len( buf )
- if progress_cb:
- progress_cb( read, resp_len )
- if len( buf ) == 0:
- break
- save_buffer.write( buf )
- self.close()
- return None
- out = resp.read().decode( "utf8" )
- self.close()
- return out
- def _fetch_token( self ):
- data = self._get_data( "gui/token.html" )
- match = re.search( "
", data )
- if match == None:
- raise uTorrentError( "Can't fetch security token" )
- self._token = match.group( 1 )
- def _action_val( self, val ):
- if isinstance( val, bool ):
- val = int( val )
- return str( val )
- def _action( self, action, params = None, params_str = None ):
- args = []
- if params:
- for k, v in params.items():
- if is_list_type( v ):
- for i in v:
- args.append( "{}={}".format( url_quote( str( k ) ), url_quote( self._action_val( i ) ) ) )
- else:
- args.append( "{}={}".format( url_quote( str( k ) ), url_quote( self._action_val( v ) ) ) )
- if params_str:
- params_str = "&" + params_str
- else:
- params_str = ""
- if action == "list":
- args.insert( 0, "token=" + self._token )
- args.insert( 1, "list=1" )
- section = "gui/"
- elif action == "proxy":
- section = "proxy"
- else:
- args.insert( 0, "token=" + self._token )
- args.insert( 1, "action=" + url_quote( str( action ) ) )
- section = "gui/"
- return section + "?" + "&".join( args ) + params_str
- def do_action( self, action, params = None, params_str = None, data = None, retry = True, save_buffer = None, progress_cb = None ):
- # uTorrent can send incorrect overlapping array objects, this will fix them, converting them to list
- def obj_hook( obj ):
- out = {}
- for k, v in obj:
- if k in out:
- out[k].extend( v )
- else:
- out[k] = v
- return out
- res = self._get_data( self._action( action, params, params_str ), data = data, retry = retry, save_buffer = save_buffer, progress_cb = progress_cb )
- if res:
- return json.loads( res, object_pairs_hook = obj_hook )
- else:
- return ""
- def utorrent( self, api = None ):
- if api == "linux":
- return uTorrentLinuxServer( self )
- elif api == "desktop":
- return uTorrent( self )
- elif api == "falcon":
- return uTorrentFalcon( self )
- else: # auto-detect
- try:
- ver = Version( self.do_action( "getversion", retry = False ) )
- except uTorrentError as e:
- if e.args[0] == "invalid request": # windows desktop uTorrent client
- ver = Version.detect_from_settings( self.do_action( "getsettings" ) )
- else:
- raise e
- if ver.product == "server":
- return uTorrentLinuxServer( self, ver )
- elif ver.product == "desktop":
- if ver.major == 3:
- return uTorrentFalcon( self, ver )
- else:
- return uTorrent( self, ver )
- else:
- raise uTorrentError( "Unsupported WebUI API" )
-class uTorrent:
- _url = ""
- _connection = None
- _version = None
- _TorrentClass = Torrent
- _JobInfoClass = JobInfo
- _FileClass = File
- _pathmodule = ntpath
- _list_cache_id = 0
- _torrent_cache = None
- _rssfeed_cache = None
- _rssfilter_cache = None
- api_version = 1 # http://user.utorrent.com/community/developers/webapi
- @property
- def TorrentClass( self ):
- return self._TorrentClass
- @property
- def JobInfoClass( self ):
- return self._JobInfoClass
- @property
- def pathmodule( self ):
- return self._pathmodule
- def __init__( self, connection, version = None ):
- self._connection = connection
- self._connection._utorrent = self
- self._version = version
- @staticmethod
- def _setting_val( value_type, value ):
- # Falcon incorrectly sends type 0 and empty string for some fields (e.g. boss_pw and boss_key_salt)
- if value_type == 0 and value != '': # int
- return int( value )
- elif value_type == 1 and value != '': # bool
- return value == "true"
- else:
- return value
- @staticmethod
- def human_size( size, suffixes = ( "B", "kiB", "MiB", "GiB", "TiB" ) ):
- for s in suffixes:
- if size < 1024:
- if s == suffixes[0]:
- return "{}{}".format( round( size, 0 ), s )
- else:
- return "{:.2f}{}".format( round( size, 2 ), s )
- if s != suffixes[-1]:
- size /= 1024.
- return "{:.2f}{}".format( round( size, 2 ), suffixes[-1] )
- @staticmethod
- def human_time_delta( seconds, max_elems = 2 ):
- if seconds == -1:
- return "inf"
- out = []
- reducer = ( ( 60 * 60 * 24 * 7, "w" ), ( 60 * 60 * 24, "d" ), ( 60 * 60, "h" ), ( 60, "m" ), ( 1, "s" ) )
- for d, c in reducer:
- v = int( seconds / d )
- seconds -= d * v
- if v or len( out ) > 0:
- out.append( "{}{}".format( v, c ) )
- if len( out ) == max_elems:
- break
- if len( out ) == 0:
- out.append( "0{}".format( reducer[-1][1] ) )
- return " ".join( out )
- @staticmethod
- def is_hash( torrent_hash ):
- return re.match( "[0-9A-F]{40}$", torrent_hash, re.IGNORECASE )
- @staticmethod
- def get_info_hash( torrent_data ):
- return sha1( bencode( bdecode( torrent_data )["info"] ) ).hexdigest().upper()
- @classmethod
- def check_hash( cls, torrent_hash ):
- if not cls.is_hash( torrent_hash ):
- raise uTorrentError( "Incorrect hash: {}".format( torrent_hash ) )
- @classmethod
- def parse_hash_prop( cls, hash_prop ):
- if isinstance( hash_prop, ( File, Torrent, JobInfo ) ):
- hash_prop = hash_prop.hash
- try:
- parent_hash, prop = hash_prop.split( ".", 1 )
- except ValueError:
- parent_hash, prop = hash_prop, None
- parent_hash = parent_hash.upper()
- cls.check_hash( parent_hash )
- return parent_hash, prop
- def resolve_torrent_hashes( self, hashes, torrent_list = None ):
- out = []
- if torrent_list == None:
- torrent_list = self.torrent_list()
- for h in hashes:
- if h in torrent_list:
- out.append( torrent_list[h].name )
- return out
- def resolve_feed_ids( self, ids, rss_list = None ):
- out = []
- if rss_list == None:
- rss_list = utorrent.rss_list()
- for feed_id in ids:
- if int( feed_id ) in rss_list:
- out.append( rss_list[int( feed_id )].url )
- return out
- def resolve_filter_ids( self, ids, filter_list = None ):
- out = []
- if filter_list == None:
- filter_list = utorrent.rssfilter_list()
- for filter_id in ids:
- if int( filter_id ) in filter_list:
- out.append( filter_list[int( filter_id )].name )
- return out
- def parse_file_list_structure( self, file_list ):
- out = OrderedDict()
- for file in file_list:
- parts = file.name.split( self.pathmodule.sep )
- cur_out = out
- for i, part in enumerate( parts ):
- is_last = i == len( parts ) - 1
- if not part in cur_out:
- if not is_last:
- cur_out[part] = OrderedDict()
- if is_last:
- cur_out[part] = file
- else:
- cur_out = cur_out[part]
- return out
- def _create_torrent_upload( self, torrent_data, torrent_filename ):
- out = "\r\n".join( (
- "--{{BOUNDARY}}",
- 'Content-Disposition: form-data; name="torrent_file"; filename="{}"'.format( url_quote( torrent_filename ) ),
- "Content-Type: application/x-bittorrent",
- "",
- torrent_data.decode( "latin1" ),
- "--{{BOUNDARY}}",
- "",
- ) )
- return out
- def _get_hashes( self, torrents ):
- if not is_list_type( torrents ):
- torrents = ( torrents, )
- out = []
- for t in torrents:
- if isinstance( t, self._TorrentClass ):
- hsh = t.hash
- elif isinstance( t, str ):
- hsh = t
- else:
- raise uTorrentError( "Hash designation only supported via Torrent class or string" )
- self.check_hash( hsh )
- out.append( hsh )
- return out
- def _handle_download_dir( self, download_dir ):
- out = None
- if download_dir:
- out = self.settings_get()["dir_active_download"]
- if not self._pathmodule.isabs( download_dir ):
- download_dir = out + self._pathmodule.sep + download_dir
- self.settings_set( { "dir_active_download" : download_dir } )
- return out
- def _handle_prev_dir( self, prev_dir ):
- if prev_dir:
- self.settings_set( { "dir_active_download" : prev_dir } )
- def do_action( self, action, params = None, params_str = None, data = None, retry = True, save_buffer = None, progress_cb = None ):
- return self._connection.do_action( action = action, params = params, params_str = params_str, data = data, retry = retry, save_buffer = save_buffer, progress_cb = progress_cb )
- def version( self ):
- if not self._version:
- self._version = Version( self.do_action( "start" ) )
- return self._version
- def _fetch_torrent_list( self ):
- if self._list_cache_id:
- out = self.do_action( "list", { "cid" : self._list_cache_id } )
- # torrents
- for t in out["torrentm"]:
- del self._torrent_cache[t]
- for t in out["torrentp"]:
- self._torrent_cache[t[0]] = t
- # feeds
- for r in out["rssfeedm"]:
- del self._rssfeed_cache[r]
- for r in out["rssfeedp"]:
- self._rssfeed_cache[r[0]] = r
- # filters
- for f in out["rssfilterm"]:
- del self._rssfilter_cache[f]
- for f in out["rssfilterp"]:
- self._rssfilter_cache[f[0]] = f
- else:
- out = self.do_action( "list" )
- if "torrents" in out:
- self._torrent_cache = { hsh : torrent for hsh, torrent in [ ( t[0], t ) for t in out["torrents"] ] }
- if "rssfeeds" in out:
- self._rssfeed_cache = { feed_id : feed for feed_id, feed in [ ( r[0], r ) for r in out["rssfeeds"] ] }
- if "rssfilters" in out:
- self._rssfilter_cache = { filter_id : filter_props for filter_id, filter_props in [ ( f[0], f ) for f in out["rssfilters"] ] }
- self._list_cache_id = out["torrentc"]
- return out
- def torrent_list( self, labels = None, rss_feeds = None, rss_filters = None ):
- res = self._fetch_torrent_list()
- out = { h : self._TorrentClass( self, t ) for h, t in self._torrent_cache.items() }
- if labels != None:
- labels.extend( [ Label( i ) for i in res["label"] ] )
- if rss_feeds != None:
- for feed_id, feed in self._rssfeed_cache.items():
- rss_feeds[feed_id] = RssFeed( feed )
- if rss_filters != None:
- for filter_id, filter_props in self._rssfilter_cache.items():
- rss_filters[filter_id] = RssFilter( filter_props )
- return out
- def torrent_info( self, torrents ):
- res = self.do_action( "getprops", { "hash" : self._get_hashes( torrents ) } )
- if not "props" in res:
- return {}
- return { hsh : info for hsh, info in [ ( i["hash"], self._JobInfoClass( self, jobinfo = i ) ) for i in res["props"] ] }
- def torrent_add_url( self, url, download_dir = None ):
- prev_dir = self._handle_download_dir( download_dir )
- res = self.do_action( "add-url", { "s" : url } );
- self._handle_prev_dir( prev_dir )
- if "error" in res:
- raise uTorrentError( res["error"] )
- if url[0:7] == "magnet:":
- m = re.search( "urn:btih:([0-9A-F]{40})", url, re.IGNORECASE )
- if m:
- return m.group( 1 ).upper()
- return None
- def torrent_add_data( self, torrent_data, download_dir = None, filename = "default.torrent" ):
- prev_dir = self._handle_download_dir( download_dir )
- res = self.do_action( "add-file", data = self._create_torrent_upload( torrent_data, filename ) );
- self._handle_prev_dir( prev_dir )
- if "error" in res:
- raise uTorrentError( res["error"] )
- return self.get_info_hash( torrent_data )
- def torrent_add_file( self, filename, download_dir = None ):
- f = open( filename, "rb" )
- torrent_data = f.read()
- f.close()
- return self.torrent_add_data( torrent_data, download_dir, os.path.basename( filename ) )
- """
- [
- { "hash" : [
- { "prop_name" : "prop_value" },
- ...
- ]
- },
- ...
- ]
- """
- def torrent_set_props( self, props ):
- args = []
- for arg in props:
- for hsh, t_prop in arg.items():
- for name, value in t_prop.items():
- args.append( "hash={}&s={}&v={}".format( url_quote( hsh ), url_quote( name ), url_quote( str( value ) ) ) )
- self.do_action( "setprops", params_str = "&".join( args ) )
- def torrent_start( self, torrents, force = False ):
- if force:
- self.do_action( "forcestart", { "hash" : self._get_hashes( torrents ) } )
- else:
- self.do_action( "start", { "hash" : self._get_hashes( torrents ) } )
- def torrent_forcestart( self, torrents ):
- return self.torrent_start( torrents, True )
- def torrent_stop( self, torrents ):
- self.do_action( "stop", { "hash" : self._get_hashes( torrents ) } )
- def torrent_pause( self, torrents ):
- self.do_action( "pause", { "hash" : self._get_hashes( torrents ) } )
- def torrent_resume( self, torrents ):
- self.do_action( "unpause", { "hash" : self._get_hashes( torrents ) } )
- def torrent_recheck( self, torrents ):
- self.do_action( "recheck", { "hash" : self._get_hashes( torrents ) } )
- def torrent_remove( self, torrents, with_data = False ):
- if with_data:
- self.do_action( "removedata", { "hash" : self._get_hashes( torrents ) } )
- else:
- self.do_action( "remove", { "hash" : self._get_hashes( torrents ) } )
- def torrent_remove_with_data( self, torrents ):
- return self.torrent_remove( torrents, True )
- def torrent_get_magnet( self, torrents, self_tracker = False ):
- out = {}
- tors = self.torrent_list()
- for t in torrents:
- t = t.upper()
- utorrent.check_hash( t )
- if t in tors:
- if self_tracker:
- trackers = [ self._connection.request_obj.get_full_url() + "announce"]
- else:
- trackers = self.torrent_info( t )[t].trackers
- trackers = "&".join( [ "" ] + [ "tr=" + url_quote( t ) for t in trackers ] )
- out[t] = "magnet:?xt=urn:btih:{}&dn={}{}".format( url_quote( t.lower() ), url_quote( tors[t].name ), trackers )
- return out
- def file_list( self, torrents ):
- res = self.do_action( "getfiles", { "hash" : self._get_hashes( torrents ) } )
- out = {}
- if "files" in res:
- fi = iter( res["files"] );
- for hsh in fi:
- out[hsh] = [ self._FileClass( self, hsh, i, f ) for i, f in enumerate( next( fi ) ) ]
- return out
- def file_set_priority( self, files ):
- args = []
- filecount_cache = {}
- for hsh, prio in files.items():
- parent_hash, index = self.parse_hash_prop( hsh )
- if not isinstance( prio, Priority ):
- prio = Priority( prio )
- if index == None:
- if not parent_hash in filecount_cache:
- filecount_cache[parent_hash] = len( self.file_list( parent_hash )[parent_hash] )
- for i in range( filecount_cache[parent_hash] ):
- args.append( "hash={}&p={}&f={}".format( url_quote( parent_hash ), url_quote( str( prio.value ) ), url_quote( str( i ) ) ) )
- else:
- args.append( "hash={}&p={}&f={}".format( url_quote( parent_hash ), url_quote( str( prio.value ) ), url_quote( str( index ) ) ) )
- self.do_action( "setprio", params_str = "&".join( args ) )
- def settings_get( self ):
- res = self.do_action( "getsettings" )
- out = {}
- for name, type, value in res["settings"]:
- out[name] = self._setting_val( type, value )
- return out
- def settings_set( self, settings ):
- args = []
- for k, v in settings.items():
- if isinstance( v, bool ):
- v = int( v )
- args.append( "s={}&v={}".format( url_quote( k ), url_quote( str( v ) ) ) )
- self.do_action( "setsetting", params_str = "&".join( args ) )
- def rss_list( self ):
- rss_feeds = {}
- self.torrent_list( rss_feeds = rss_feeds )
- return rss_feeds
- def rssfilter_list( self ):
- rss_filters = {}
- self.torrent_list( rss_filters = rss_filters )
- return rss_filters
-class uTorrentFalcon( uTorrent ):
- _TorrentClass = Torrent_API2
- _JobInfoClass = JobInfo
- _FileClass = File_API2
- api_version = 1.9
- # no description yet, what I found out:
- # * no support for getversion
- def torrent_remove( self, torrents, with_data = False, with_torrent = False ):
- if with_data:
- if with_torrent:
- self.do_action( "removedatatorrent", { "hash" : self._get_hashes( torrents ) } )
- else:
- self.do_action( "removedata", { "hash" : self._get_hashes( torrents ) } )
- else:
- if with_torrent:
- self.do_action( "removetorrent", { "hash" : self._get_hashes( torrents ) } )
- else:
- self.do_action( "remove", { "hash" : self._get_hashes( torrents ) } )
- def torrent_remove_with_torrent( self, torrents ):
- return self.torrent_remove( torrents, False, True )
- def torrent_remove_with_data_torrent( self, torrents ):
- return self.torrent_remove( torrents, True, True )
- def file_get( self, file_hash, buffer, progress_cb = None ):
- parent_hash, index = self.parse_hash_prop( file_hash )
- self.do_action( "proxy", { "id" : parent_hash, "file" : index }, save_buffer = buffer, progress_cb = progress_cb )
- def settings_get( self, extended_attributes = False ):
- res = self.do_action( "getsettings" )
- out = {}
- for name, type, value, attrs in res["settings"]:
- out[name] = self._setting_val( type, value )
- return out
- def rss_add( self, url ):
- return self.rss_update( -1, { "url" : url } )
- def rss_update( self, feed_id, params ):
- params["feed-id"] = feed_id
- res = self.do_action( "rss-update", params )
- if "rss_ident" in res:
- return int( res["rss_ident"] )
- return feed_id
- def rss_remove( self, feed_id ):
- self.do_action( "rss-remove", { "feed-id" : feed_id } )
- def rssfilter_add( self, feed_id = -1 ):
- return self.rssfilter_update( -1, { "feed-id" : feed_id } )
- def rssfilter_update( self, filter_id, params ):
- params["filter-id"] = filter_id
- res = self.do_action( "filter-update", params )
- if "filter_ident" in res:
- return int( res["filter_ident"] )
- return filter_id
- def rssfilter_remove( self, filter_id ):
- self.do_action( "filter-remove", { "filter-id" : filter_id } )
- def xfer_history_get( self ):
- return self.do_action( "getxferhist" )["transfer_history"]
- def xfer_history_reset( self ):
- self.do_action( "resetxferhist" )
+import urllib2, urllib
+from itertools import imap
+def url_quote(string):
+ return urllib.quote(string, "")
+def bdecode(data, str_encoding="utf8"):
+ if not hasattr(data, "__next__"):
+ data = iter(data)
+ out = None
+ t = unichr(data.next())
+ if t == "e": # end of list/dict
+ return None
+ elif t == "i": # integer
+ out = ""
+ c = unichr(data.next())
+ while c != "e":
+ out += c
+ c = unichr(data.next())
+ out = int(out)
+ elif t == "l": # list
+ out = []
+ while True:
+ e = bdecode(data)
+ if e == None:
+ break
+ out.append(e)
+ elif t == "d": # dictionary
+ out = {}
+ while True:
+ k = bdecode(data)
+ if k == None:
+ break
+ out[k] = bdecode(data)
+ elif t.isdigit(): # string
+ out = ""
+ l = t
+ c = unichr(data.next())
+ while c != ":":
+ l += c
+ c = unichr(data.next())
+ bout = bytearray()
+ for i in xrange(int(l)):
+ bout.append(data.next())
+ try:
+ out = bout.decode(str_encoding)
+ except UnicodeDecodeError:
+ out = bout
+ return out
+def bencode(obj, str_encoding="utf8"):
+ out = bytearray()
+ t = type(obj)
+ if t == int:
+ out.extend("i{}e".format(obj).encode(str_encoding))
+ elif t == dict:
+ out.extend("d")
+ for k in sorted(obj.keys()):
+ out.extend(bencode(k))
+ out.extend(bencode(obj[k]))
+ out.extend("e")
+ elif t in (str, bytearray):
+ out.extend(unicode(len(obj)).encode(str_encoding))
+ out.extend(":")
+ out.extend(obj)
+ elif is_list_type(obj):
+ out.extend("l")
+ for e in imap(bencode, obj):
+ out.extend(e)
+ out.extend("e")
+ else:
+ obj = unicode(obj).encode(str_encoding)
+ out.extend(unicode(len(obj)).encode(str_encoding))
+ out.extend(":")
+ out.extend(obj)
+ return str(out)
+def _get_external_attrs(cls):
+ return [ i for i in dir(cls) if not re.search("^_|_h$", i) and not hasattr(getattr(cls, i), "__call__") ]
+def is_list_type(obj):
+ return hasattr(obj, "__iter__") and not isinstance(obj, (unicode, str));
+class uTorrentError(Exception):
+ pass
+class Version(object):
+ product = ""
+ major = 0
+ middle = 0
+ minor = 0
+ build = 0
+ engine = 0
+ ui = 0
+ date = None
+ user_agent = ""
+ peer_id = ""
+ device_id = ""
+ @staticmethod
+ def detect_from_settings(settings):
+ out = Version(settings)
+ falcon = False
+ for setting in settings["settings"]:
+ if setting[0] == "webui.uconnect_enable": # only Falcon has this setting
+ falcon = True
+ out.major = 3
+ out.middle = 0
+ out.minor = 0
+ break
+ if not falcon:
+ out.major = 2
+ out.middle = 2
+ out.minor = 0
+ out.user_agent = "BTWebClient/{}{}{}0({})".format(out.major, out.middle, out.minor, out.build)
+ out.peer_id = "UT{}{}{}0".format(out.major, out.middle, out.minor)
+ return out
+ def __init__(self, res):
+ if "version" in res: # server returns full data
+ self.product = res["version"]["product_code"]
+ self.major = res["version"]["major_version"]
+ self.middle = 0
+ self.minor = res["version"]["minor_version"]
+ self.build = res["build"]
+ self.engine = res["version"]["engine_version"]
+ self.ui = res["version"]["ui_version"]
+ date = res["version"]["version_date"].split(" ")
+ self.date = datetime.datetime(*imap(int, date[0].split("-") + date[1].split(":")))
+ self.user_agent = res["version"]["user_agent"]
+ self.peer_id = res["version"]["peer_id"]
+ self.device_id = res["version"]["device_id"]
+ elif "build" in res:
+ # fill some partially made up values as desktop client doesn't provide full info, only build
+ self.product = "desktop"
+ self.build = self.engine = self.ui = res["build"]
+ else:
+ raise uTorrentError("Cannot detect version from the supplied server response")
+ def __str__(self):
+ return self.user_agent
+ def verbose_str(self):
+ return "{} {}/{} {} v{}.{}.{}.{}, engine v{}, ui v{}".format(
+ self.user_agent, self.device_id, self.peer_id, self.product,
+ self.major, self.middle, self.minor, self.build, self.engine, self.ui
+ )
+class TorrentStatus(object):
+ _progress = 0
+ _value = 0
+ started = False
+ checking = False
+ start_after_check = False
+ checked = False
+ error = False
+ paused = False
+ queued = False # queued == False means forced
+ loaded = False
+ def __init__(self, status, percent_loaded=0):
+ self._value = status
+ self._progress = percent_loaded
+ self.started = bool(status & 1)
+ self.checking = bool(status & 2)
+ self.start_after_check = bool(status & 4)
+ self.checked = bool(status & 8)
+ self.error = bool(status & 16)
+ self.paused = bool(status & 32)
+ self.queued = bool(status & 64)
+ self.loaded = bool(status & 128)
+ # http://forum.utorrent.com/viewtopic.php?pid=381527#p381527
+ def __str__(self):
+ if not self.loaded:
+ return "Not loaded"
+ if self.error:
+ return "Error"
+ if self.checking:
+ return "Checked {:.1f}%".format(self._progress)
+ if self.paused:
+ if self.queued:
+ return "Paused"
+ else:
+ return "[F] Paused"
+ if self._progress == 100:
+ if self.queued:
+ if self.started:
+ return "Seeding"
+ else:
+ return "Queued Seed"
+ else:
+ if self.started:
+ return "[F] Seeding"
+ else:
+ return "Finished"
+ else: # self._progress < 100
+ if self.queued:
+ if self.started:
+ return "Downloading"
+ else:
+ return "Queued"
+ else:
+ if self.started:
+ return "[F] Downloading"
+# else:
+# return "Stopped"
+ return "Stopped"
+ def __lt__(self, other):
+ return self._value < other._value
+class Torrent(object):
+ _utorrent = None
+ hash = ""
+ status = None
+ name = ""
+ size = 0
+ size_h = ""
+ progress = 0. # in percent
+ downloaded = 0
+ downloaded_h = ""
+ uploaded = 0
+ uploaded_h = ""
+ ratio = 0.
+ ul_speed = 0
+ ul_speed_h = ""
+ dl_speed = 0
+ dl_speed_h = ""
+ eta = 0
+ eta_h = ""
+ label = ""
+ peers_connected = 0
+ peers_total = 0
+ seeds_connected = 0
+ seeds_total = 0
+ availability = 0
+ availability_h = ""
+ queue_order = 0
+ dl_remain = 0
+ dl_remain_h = ""
+ _default_format = "{hash} {status} {progress}% {size} {dl_speed} {ul_speed} {ratio} {peer_info} eta: {eta} {name} {label}"
+ _default_format_specs = {
+ "status" : "{status: <15}",
+ "name" : "{name: <60}",
+ "size" : "{size_h: >9}",
+ "progress" : "{progress: >5.1f}",
+ "downloaded" : "{downloaded_h: >9}",
+ "uploaded" : "{uploaded_h: >9}",
+ "ratio" : "{ratio: <6.2f}",
+ "dl_speed" : "{dl_speed_h: >12}",
+ "ul_speed" : "{ul_speed_h: >12}",
+ "eta" : "{eta_h: <7}",
+ "label" : "{label}",
+ "peers_connected" : "{peers_connected: <4}",
+ "peers_total" : "{peers_total: <5}",
+ "seeds_connected" : "{seeds_connected: <4}",
+ "seeds_total" : "{seeds_total: <5}",
+ "peer_info" : "{peer_info: <7}",
+ "availability" : "{availability_h: >5.2}",
+ "dl_remain" : "{dl_remain_h: >9}",
+ }
+ def __init__(self, utorrent, torrent=None):
+ self._utorrent = utorrent
+ if torrent:
+ self.fill(torrent)
+ def __str__(self):
+ return "{} {}".format(self.hash, self.name)
+ def _process_format(self, format_string):
+ out = []
+ args = dict(self.__dict__)
+ args["peer_info"] = ("{peers_connected}/{peers_total}" if args["progress"] == 100 else "{seeds_connected}/{seeds_total}").format(**args)
+ args["label"] = "({label})".format(**args) if args["label"] != "" else ""
+ if args["dl_speed"] < 1024:
+ args["dl_speed_h"] = ""
+ if args["ul_speed"] < 1024:
+ args["ul_speed_h"] = ""
+ if args["dl_remain"] == 0:
+ args["dl_remain_h"] = ""
+ formatter = string.Formatter()
+ for literal_text, field_name, format_spec, conversion in formatter.parse(format_string):
+ elem = { "before" : literal_text, "value" : "" }
+ if field_name != None:
+ def_field_name, def_format_spec, def_conversion = None, " <20", None
+ if field_name in self._default_format_specs:
+ def_field_name, def_format_spec, def_conversion = formatter.parse(self._default_format_specs[field_name]).next()[1:4]
+ val = formatter.get_field(field_name if def_field_name == None else def_field_name, None, args)[0]
+ val = formatter.convert_field(val, conversion if conversion != None else def_conversion)
+ val = formatter.format_field(val, format_spec if format_spec != "" else def_format_spec)
+ elem["value"] = val
+ out.append(elem)
+ return out
+ def _format_to_str(self, format_res):
+ out = ""
+ for i in format_res:
+ out += i["before"] + i["value"]
+ return out.strip()
+ def verbose_str(self, format_string=None):
+ return self._format_to_str(self._process_format(self._default_format if format_string == None else format_string))
+ def fill(self, torrent):
+ self.hash, status, self.name, self.size, progress, self.downloaded, \
+ self.uploaded, ratio, self.ul_speed, self.dl_speed, self.eta, self.label, \
+ self.peers_connected, self.peers_total, self.seeds_connected, self.seeds_total, \
+ self.availability, self.queue_order, self.dl_remain = torrent
+ self._utorrent.check_hash(self.hash)
+ self.progress = progress / 10.
+ self.ratio = ratio / 1000.
+ self.status = TorrentStatus(status, self.progress)
+ self.size_h = uTorrent.human_size(self.size)
+ self.uploaded_h = uTorrent.human_size(self.uploaded)
+ self.downloaded_h = uTorrent.human_size(self.downloaded)
+ self.ul_speed_h = uTorrent.human_size(self.ul_speed) + "/s"
+ self.dl_speed_h = uTorrent.human_size(self.dl_speed) + "/s"
+ self.eta_h = uTorrent.human_time_delta(self.eta)
+ self.availability_h = self.availability / 65535.
+ self.dl_remain_h = uTorrent.human_size(self.dl_remain)
+ @classmethod
+ def get_readonly_attrs(cls):
+ return tuple(set(_get_external_attrs(cls)) - set(("label",)))
+ @classmethod
+ def get_public_attrs(cls):
+ return tuple(set(_get_external_attrs(cls)) - set(cls.get_readonly_attrs()))
+ def info(self):
+ return self._utorrent.torrent_info(self)
+ def file_list(self):
+ return self._utorrent.file_list(self)
+ def start(self, force=False):
+ return self._utorrent.torrent_start(self, force)
+ def stop(self):
+ return self._utorrent.torrent_stop(self)
+ def pause(self):
+ return self._utorrent.torrent_pause(self)
+ def resume(self):
+ return self._utorrent.torrent_resume(self)
+ def recheck(self):
+ return self._utorrent.torrent_recheck(self)
+ def remove(self, with_data=False):
+ return self._utorrent.torrent_remove(self, with_data)
+class Torrent_API2(Torrent):
+ url = ""
+ rss_url = ""
+ status_message = ""
+ _unk_hash = ""
+ added_on = 0
+ completed_on = 0
+ _unk_str = 0
+ download_dir = ""
+ def __init__(self, utorrent, torrent=None):
+ Torrent.__init__(self, utorrent, torrent)
+ self._default_format_specs["status"] = "{status_message: <15}"
+ self._default_format_specs["completed_on"] = "{completed_on!s}"
+ self._default_format_specs["added_on"] = "{added_on!s}"
+ def fill(self, torrent):
+ Torrent.fill(self, torrent[0:19])
+ self.url, self.rss_url, self.status_message, self._unk_hash, self.added_on, \
+ self.completed_on, self._unk_str, self.download_dir = torrent[19:27]
+ self.added_on = datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(self.added_on)
+ self.completed_on = datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(int(self.completed_on))
+ def remove(self, with_data=False, with_torrent=False):
+ return self._utorrent.torrent_remove(self, with_data, with_torrent)
+class Label(object):
+ name = ""
+ torrent_count = 0
+ def __init__(self, label):
+ self.name, self.torrent_count = label
+ def __str__(self):
+ return "{} ({})".format(self.name, self.torrent_count)
+class Priority(object):
+ value = 0
+ def __init__(self, priority):
+ priority = int(priority)
+ if priority in xrange(4):
+ self.value = priority
+ else:
+ self.value = 2
+ def __str__(self):
+ if self.value == 0:
+ return "don't download"
+ elif self.value == 1:
+ return "low priority"
+ elif self.value == 2:
+ return "normal priority"
+ elif self.value == 3:
+ return "high priority"
+ else:
+ return "unknown priority"
+class File(object):
+ _utorrent = None
+ _parent_hash = ""
+ index = 0
+ hash = ""
+ name = ""
+ size = 0
+ size_h = ""
+ downloaded = 0
+ downloaded_h = ""
+ priority = None
+ progress = 0.
+ def __init__(self, utorrent, parent_hash, index, file=None):
+ self._utorrent = utorrent
+ self._utorrent.check_hash(parent_hash)
+ self._parent_hash = parent_hash
+ self.index = index
+ self.hash = "{}.{}".format(self._parent_hash, self.index)
+ if file:
+ self.fill(file)
+ def __str__(self):
+ return "{} {}".format(self.hash, self.name)
+ def verbose_str(self):
+ return "{: <44} [{: <15}] {: >5}% ({: >9} / {: >9}) {}".format(self.hash, self.priority, self.progress, \
+ self.downloaded_h, self.size_h, self.name)
+ def fill(self, file):
+ self.name, self.size, self.downloaded, priority = file[:4]
+ self.priority = Priority(priority)
+ if self.size == 0:
+ self.progress = 100
+ else:
+ self.progress = round(float(self.downloaded) / self.size * 100, 1)
+ self.size_h = uTorrent.human_size(self.size)
+ self.downloaded_h = uTorrent.human_size(self.downloaded)
+ def set_priority(self, priority):
+ self._utorrent.file_set_priority({ self.hash : priority })
+class File_API2(File):
+ def fill(self, file):
+ File.fill(self, file[:4])
+class JobInfo(object):
+ _utorrent = None
+ hash = ""
+ trackers = []
+ ulrate = 0
+ ulrate_h = ""
+ dlrate = 0
+ dlrate_h = ""
+ superseed = 0
+ dht = 0
+ pex = 0
+ seed_override = 0
+ seed_ratio = 0
+ seed_time = 0
+ def __init__(self, utorrent, hash=None, jobinfo=None):
+ self._utorrent = utorrent
+ self.hash = hash
+ if jobinfo:
+ self.fill(jobinfo)
+ def __str__(self):
+ return "Limits D:{} U:{}".format(self.dlrate, self.ulrate)
+ def verbose_str(self):
+ return unicode(self) + " Superseed:{} DHT:{} PEX:{} Queuing override:{} Seed ratio:{} Seed time:{}".format(
+ self._tribool_status_str(self.superseed), self._tribool_status_str(self.dht),
+ self._tribool_status_str(self.pex), self._tribool_status_str(self.seed_override), self.seed_ratio,
+ uTorrent.human_time_delta(self.seed_time)
+ )
+ def fill(self, jobinfo):
+ self.hash = jobinfo["hash"]
+ self.trackers = jobinfo["trackers"].strip().split("\r\n\r\n")
+ self.ulrate = jobinfo["ulrate"]
+ self.ulrate_h = uTorrent.human_size(self.ulrate) + "/s"
+ self.dlrate = jobinfo["dlrate"]
+ self.dlrate_h = uTorrent.human_size(self.dlrate) + "/s"
+ self.superseed = jobinfo["superseed"]
+ self.dht = jobinfo["dht"]
+ self.pex = jobinfo["pex"]
+ self.seed_override = jobinfo["seed_override"]
+ self.seed_ratio = jobinfo["seed_ratio"]
+ self.seed_time = jobinfo["seed_time"]
+ @classmethod
+ def get_public_attrs(cls):
+ return _get_external_attrs(cls)
+ def _tribool_status_str(self, status):
+ return "not allowed" if status == -1 else ("disabled" if status == 0 else "enabled")
+class RssFeedEntry(object):
+ name = ""
+ name_full = ""
+ url = ""
+ quality = 0
+ codec = 0
+ timestamp = 0
+ season = 0
+ episode = 0
+ episode_to = 0
+ feed_id = 0
+ repack = False
+ in_history = False
+ def __init__(self, entry):
+ self.fill(entry)
+ def __str__(self):
+ return "{}".format(self.name)
+ def verbose_str(self):
+ return "{} {}".format(u'*' if self.in_history else u' ', self.name_full)
+ def fill(self, entry):
+ self.name, self.name_full, self.url, self.quality, self.codec, self.timestamp, self.season, self.episode, \
+ self.episode_to, self.feed_id, self.repack, self.in_history = entry
+ try:
+ self.timestamp = datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(self.timestamp)
+ except ValueError: # utorrent 2.2 sometimes gives too large timestamp
+ pass
+class RssFeed(object):
+ id = 0
+ enabled = False
+ use_feed_title = False
+ user_selected = False
+ programmed = False
+ download_state = 0
+ url = ""
+ next_update = 0
+ entries = None
+ def __init__(self, feed):
+ self.fill(feed)
+ def __str__(self):
+ return "{: <3} {: <3} {}".format(self.id, "on" if self.enabled else "off", self.url)
+ def verbose_str(self):
+ return "{} ({}/{}) update: {}".format(
+ unicode(self), len([ x for x in self.entries if x.in_history ]), len(self.entries), self.next_update
+ )
+ def fill(self, feed):
+ self.id, self.enabled, self.use_feed_title, self.user_selected, self.programmed, \
+ self.download_state, self.url, self.next_update = feed[0:8]
+ self.next_update = datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(self.next_update)
+ self.entries = []
+ for e in feed[8]:
+ self.entries.append(RssFeedEntry(e))
+ @classmethod
+ def get_readonly_attrs(cls):
+ return ("id", "use_feed_title", "user_selected", "programmed", "download_state", "next_update", "entries")
+ @classmethod
+ def get_writeonly_attrs(cls):
+ return ("download_dir", "alias", "subscribe", "smart_filter")
+ @classmethod
+ def get_public_attrs(cls):
+ return tuple(set(_get_external_attrs(cls)) - set(cls.get_readonly_attrs()))
+class RssFilter(object):
+ id = 0
+ flags = 0
+ name = ""
+ filter = None
+ not_filter = None
+ save_in = ""
+ feed_id = 0
+ quality = 0
+ label = ""
+ postpone_mode = False
+ last_match = 0
+ smart_ep_filter = 0
+ repack_ep_filter = 0
+ episode = ""
+ episode_filter = False
+ resolving_candidate = False
+ def __init__(self, filter_props):
+ self.fill(filter_props)
+ def __str__(self):
+ return "{: <3} {: <3} {}".format(self.id, "on" if self.enabled else "off", self.name)
+ def verbose_str(self):
+ return "{} {} -> {}: +{}-{}".format(unicode(self), self.filter, self.save_in, self.filter, \
+ self.not_filter)
+ def fill(self, filter_props):
+ self.id, self.flags, self.name, self.filter, self.not_filter, self.save_in, self.feed_id, \
+ self.quality, self.label, self.postpone_mode, self.last_match, self.smart_ep_filter, \
+ self.repack_ep_filter, self.episode, self.episode_filter, self.resolving_candidate = filter_props
+ self.postpone_mode = bool(self.postpone_mode)
+ @classmethod
+ def get_readonly_attrs(cls):
+ return ("id", "flags", "last_match", "resolving_candidate", "enabled")
+ @classmethod
+ def get_writeonly_attrs(cls):
+ return ("prio", "add_stopped")
+ @classmethod
+ def get_public_attrs(cls):
+ return tuple(set(_get_external_attrs(cls)) - set(cls.get_readonly_attrs()))
+ @property
+ def enabled(self):
+ return bool(self.flags & 1)
+class uTorrentConnection(httplib.HTTPConnection):
+ _host = ""
+ _login = ""
+ _password = ""
+ _request = None
+ _token = ""
+ _retry_max = 3
+ _utorrent = None
+ @property
+ def request_obj(self):
+ return self._request
+ def __init__(self, host, login, password):
+ self._host = host
+ self._login = login
+ self._password = password
+ self._url = "http://{}/".format(self._host)
+ self._request = urllib2.Request(self._url)
+ self._request.add_header("Authorization", "Basic " + b64encode("{}:{}".format(self._login, self._password).encode("latin1")).decode("ascii"))
+ httplib.HTTPConnection.__init__(self, self._host, timeout=10)
+ self._fetch_token()
+ def _make_request(self, loc, headers, data=None, retry=True):
+ last_e = None
+ utserver_retry = False
+ retries = 0
+ max_retries = self._retry_max if retry else 1
+ try:
+ while retries < max_retries or utserver_retry:
+ try:
+ self._request.add_data(data)
+ self.request(self._request.get_method(), self._request.get_selector() + loc, self._request.get_data(), headers)
+ resp = self.getresponse()
+ if resp.status == 400:
+ last_e = uTorrentError(resp.read().decode("utf8").strip())
+ # if uTorrent server alpha is bound to the same port as WebUI then it will respond with "invalid request" to the first request in the connection
+ # apparently this is no longer the case, TODO: remove this hack
+ if (not self._utorrent or type(self._utorrent) == uTorrentLinuxServer) and not utserver_retry:
+ utserver_retry = True
+ continue
+ raise last_e
+ elif resp.status == 404 or resp.status == 401:
+ raise uTorrentError("Request {}: {}".format(loc, resp.reason))
+ elif resp.status != 200:
+ raise uTorrentError("{}: {}".format(resp.reason, resp.status))
+ set_cookie_header = resp.getheader("set-cookie", None)
+ if set_cookie_header != None:
+ self._request.add_header("Cookie", set_cookie_header.split(';')[0])
+ return resp
+ # retry when utorrent returns bad data
+ except (httplib.CannotSendRequest, httplib.BadStatusLine), e:
+ last_e = e
+ self.close()
+ # socket errors
+ except socket.error, e:
+ # retry on timeout
+ if unicode(e) == "timed out": # some peculiar handling for timeout error
+ last_e = uTorrentError("Timeout after {} tries".format(max_retries))
+ self.close()
+ # retry after pause on specific windows errors
+ elif e.errno == 10053 or e.errno == 10054:
+ # Windows specific socket errors:
+ # 10053 - An established connection was aborted by the software in your host machine
+ # 10054 - An existing connection was forcibly closed by the remote host
+ last_e = e
+ self.close()
+ time.sleep(2)
+ elif e.errno == errno.ECONNREFUSED or e.errno == errno.ECONNRESET:
+ raise uTorrentError(e.strerror)
+ else:
+ raise e
+ # name resolution failed
+ except socket.gaierror, e:
+ raise uTorrentError(e.strerror)
+ retries += 1
+ if last_e:
+ raise last_e
+ except Exception, e:
+ self.close()
+ raise e
+ return None
+ def _get_data(self, loc, data=None, retry=True, save_buffer=None, progress_cb=None):
+ headers = dict((k, v) for k, v in self._request.header_items())
+ if data:
+ bnd = email.generator._make_boundary(data)
+ headers["Content-Type"] = "multipart/form-data; boundary={}".format(bnd)
+ data = data.replace("{{BOUNDARY}}", bnd)
+ resp = self._make_request(loc, headers, data, retry)
+ if save_buffer:
+ read = 0
+ resp_len = resp.length
+ while True:
+ buf = resp.read(10240)
+ read += len(buf)
+ if progress_cb:
+ progress_cb(read, resp_len)
+ if len(buf) == 0:
+ break
+ save_buffer.write(buf)
+ self.close()
+ return None
+ out = resp.read().decode("utf8")
+ self.close()
+ return out
+ def _fetch_token(self):
+ data = self._get_data("gui/token.html")
+ match = re.search("(.+?)
", data)
+ if match == None:
+ raise uTorrentError("Can't fetch security token")
+ self._token = match.group(1)
+ def _action_val(self, val):
+ if isinstance(val, bool):
+ val = int(val)
+ return unicode(val)
+ def _action(self, action, params=None, params_str=None):
+ args = []
+ if params:
+ for k, v in params.items():
+ if is_list_type(v):
+ for i in v:
+ args.append("{}={}".format(url_quote(unicode(k)), url_quote(self._action_val(i))))
+ else:
+ args.append("{}={}".format(url_quote(unicode(k)), url_quote(self._action_val(v))))
+ if params_str:
+ params_str = "&" + params_str
+ else:
+ params_str = ""
+ if action == "list":
+ args.insert(0, "token=" + self._token)
+ args.insert(1, "list=1")
+ section = "gui/"
+ elif action == "proxy":
+ section = "proxy"
+ else:
+ args.insert(0, "token=" + self._token)
+ args.insert(1, "action=" + url_quote(unicode(action)))
+ section = "gui/"
+ return section + "?" + "&".join(args) + params_str
+ def do_action(self, action, params=None, params_str=None, data=None, retry=True, save_buffer=None, progress_cb=None):
+ # uTorrent can send incorrect overlapping array objects, this will fix them, converting them to list
+ def obj_hook(obj):
+ out = {}
+ for k, v in obj:
+ if k in out:
+ out[k].extend(v)
+ else:
+ out[k] = v
+ return out
+ res = self._get_data(self._action(action, params, params_str), data=data, retry=retry, save_buffer=save_buffer, progress_cb=progress_cb)
+ if res:
+ return json.loads(res, object_pairs_hook=obj_hook)
+ else:
+ return ""
+ def utorrent(self, api=None):
+ if api == "linux":
+ return uTorrentLinuxServer(self)
+ elif api == "desktop":
+ return uTorrent(self)
+ elif api == "falcon":
+ return uTorrentFalcon(self)
+ else: # auto-detect
+ try:
+ ver = Version(self.do_action("getversion", retry=False))
+ except uTorrentError, e:
+ if e.args[0] == "invalid request": # windows desktop uTorrent client
+ ver = Version.detect_from_settings(self.do_action("getsettings"))
+ else:
+ raise e
+ if ver.product == "server":
+ return uTorrentLinuxServer(self, ver)
+ elif ver.product == "desktop":
+ if ver.major == 3:
+ return uTorrentFalcon(self, ver)
+ else:
+ return uTorrent(self, ver)
+ else:
+ raise uTorrentError("Unsupported WebUI API")
+class uTorrent(object):
+ _url = ""
+ _connection = None
+ _version = None
+ _TorrentClass = Torrent
+ _JobInfoClass = JobInfo
+ _FileClass = File
+ _pathmodule = ntpath
+ _list_cache_id = 0
+ _torrent_cache = None
+ _rssfeed_cache = None
+ _rssfilter_cache = None
+ api_version = 1 # http://user.utorrent.com/community/developers/webapi
+ @property
+ def TorrentClass(self):
+ return self._TorrentClass
+ @property
+ def JobInfoClass(self):
+ return self._JobInfoClass
+ @property
+ def pathmodule(self):
+ return self._pathmodule
+ def __init__(self, connection, version=None):
+ self._connection = connection
+ self._connection._utorrent = self
+ self._version = version
+ @staticmethod
+ def _setting_val(value_type, value):
+ # Falcon incorrectly sends type 0 and empty string for some fields (e.g. boss_pw and boss_key_salt)
+ if value_type == 0 and value != u'': # int
+ return int(value)
+ elif value_type == 1 and value != u'': # bool
+ return value == "true"
+ else:
+ return value
+ @staticmethod
+ def human_size(size, suffixes=("B", "kiB", "MiB", "GiB", "TiB")):
+ for s in suffixes:
+ if size < 1024:
+ if s == suffixes[0]:
+ return "{}{}".format(round(size, 0), s)
+ else:
+ return "{:.2f}{}".format(round(size, 2), s)
+ if s != suffixes[-1]:
+ size /= 1024.
+ return "{:.2f}{}".format(round(size, 2), suffixes[-1])
+ @staticmethod
+ def human_time_delta(seconds, max_elems=2):
+ if seconds == -1:
+ return "inf"
+ out = []
+ reducer = ((60 * 60 * 24 * 7, "w"), (60 * 60 * 24, "d"), (60 * 60, "h"), (60, "m"), (1, "s"))
+ for d, c in reducer:
+ v = int(seconds / d)
+ seconds -= d * v
+ if v or len(out) > 0:
+ out.append("{}{}".format(v, c))
+ if len(out) == max_elems:
+ break
+ if len(out) == 0:
+ out.append("0{}".format(reducer[-1][1]))
+ return " ".join(out)
+ @staticmethod
+ def is_hash(torrent_hash):
+ return re.match("[0-9A-F]{40}$", torrent_hash, re.IGNORECASE)
+ @staticmethod
+ def get_info_hash(torrent_data):
+ return sha1(bencode(bdecode(torrent_data)["info"])).hexdigest().upper()
+ @classmethod
+ def check_hash(cls, torrent_hash):
+ if not cls.is_hash(torrent_hash):
+ raise uTorrentError("Incorrect hash: {}".format(torrent_hash))
+ @classmethod
+ def parse_hash_prop(cls, hash_prop):
+ if isinstance(hash_prop, (File, Torrent, JobInfo)):
+ hash_prop = hash_prop.hash
+ try:
+ parent_hash, prop = hash_prop.split(".", 1)
+ except ValueError:
+ parent_hash, prop = hash_prop, None
+ parent_hash = parent_hash.upper()
+ cls.check_hash(parent_hash)
+ return parent_hash, prop
+ def resolve_torrent_hashes(self, hashes, torrent_list=None):
+ out = []
+ if torrent_list == None:
+ torrent_list = self.torrent_list()
+ for h in hashes:
+ if h in torrent_list:
+ out.append(torrent_list[h].name)
+ return out
+ def resolve_feed_ids(self, ids, rss_list=None):
+ out = []
+ if rss_list == None:
+ rss_list = utorrent.rss_list()
+ for feed_id in ids:
+ if int(feed_id) in rss_list:
+ out.append(rss_list[int(feed_id)].url)
+ return out
+ def resolve_filter_ids(self, ids, filter_list=None):
+ out = []
+ if filter_list == None:
+ filter_list = utorrent.rssfilter_list()
+ for filter_id in ids:
+ if int(filter_id) in filter_list:
+ out.append(filter_list[int(filter_id)].name)
+ return out
+ def parse_file_list_structure(self, file_list):
+ out = OrderedDict()
+ for file in file_list:
+ parts = file.name.split(self.pathmodule.sep)
+ cur_out = out
+ for i, part in enumerate(parts):
+ is_last = i == len(parts) - 1
+ if not part in cur_out:
+ if not is_last:
+ cur_out[part] = OrderedDict()
+ if is_last:
+ cur_out[part] = file
+ else:
+ cur_out = cur_out[part]
+ return out
+ def _create_torrent_upload(self, torrent_data, torrent_filename):
+ out = "\r\n".join((
+ "--{{BOUNDARY}}",
+ u'Content-Disposition: form-data; name="torrent_file"; filename="{}"'.format(url_quote(torrent_filename)),
+ "Content-Type: application/x-bittorrent",
+ "",
+ torrent_data.decode("latin1"),
+ "--{{BOUNDARY}}",
+ "",
+ ))
+ return out
+ def _get_hashes(self, torrents):
+ if not is_list_type(torrents):
+ torrents = (torrents,)
+ out = []
+ for t in torrents:
+ if isinstance(t, self._TorrentClass):
+ hsh = t.hash
+ elif isinstance(t, (unicode, str)):
+ hsh = t
+ else:
+ raise uTorrentError("Hash designation only supported via Torrent class or string")
+ self.check_hash(hsh)
+ out.append(hsh)
+ return out
+ def _handle_download_dir(self, download_dir):
+ out = None
+ if download_dir:
+ out = self.settings_get()["dir_active_download"]
+ if not self._pathmodule.isabs(download_dir):
+ download_dir = out + self._pathmodule.sep + download_dir
+ self.settings_set({ "dir_active_download" : download_dir })
+ return out
+ def _handle_prev_dir(self, prev_dir):
+ if prev_dir:
+ self.settings_set({ "dir_active_download" : prev_dir })
+ def do_action(self, action, params=None, params_str=None, data=None, retry=True, save_buffer=None, progress_cb=None):
+ return self._connection.do_action(action=action, params=params, params_str=params_str, data=data, retry=retry, save_buffer=save_buffer, progress_cb=progress_cb)
+ def version(self):
+ if not self._version:
+ self._version = Version(self.do_action("start"))
+ return self._version
+ def _fetch_torrent_list(self):
+ if self._list_cache_id:
+ out = self.do_action("list", { "cid" : self._list_cache_id })
+ # torrents
+ for t in out["torrentm"]:
+ del self._torrent_cache[t]
+ for t in out["torrentp"]:
+ self._torrent_cache[t[0]] = t
+ # feeds
+ for r in out["rssfeedm"]:
+ del self._rssfeed_cache[r]
+ for r in out["rssfeedp"]:
+ self._rssfeed_cache[r[0]] = r
+ # filters
+ for f in out["rssfilterm"]:
+ del self._rssfilter_cache[f]
+ for f in out["rssfilterp"]:
+ self._rssfilter_cache[f[0]] = f
+ else:
+ out = self.do_action("list")
+ if "torrents" in out:
+ self._torrent_cache = dict((hsh, torrent) for hsh, torrent in [ (t[0], t) for t in out["torrents"] ])
+ if "rssfeeds" in out:
+ self._rssfeed_cache = dict((feed_id, feed) for feed_id, feed in [ (r[0], r) for r in out["rssfeeds"] ])
+ if "rssfilters" in out:
+ self._rssfilter_cache = dict((filter_id, filter_props) for filter_id, filter_props in [ (f[0], f) for f in out["rssfilters"] ])
+ self._list_cache_id = out["torrentc"]
+ return out
+ def torrent_list(self, labels=None, rss_feeds=None, rss_filters=None):
+ res = self._fetch_torrent_list()
+ out = dict((h, self._TorrentClass(self, t)) for h, t in self._torrent_cache.items())
+ if labels != None:
+ labels.extend([ Label(i) for i in res["label"] ])
+ if rss_feeds != None:
+ for feed_id, feed in self._rssfeed_cache.items():
+ rss_feeds[feed_id] = RssFeed(feed)
+ if rss_filters != None:
+ for filter_id, filter_props in self._rssfilter_cache.items():
+ rss_filters[filter_id] = RssFilter(filter_props)
+ return out
+ def torrent_info(self, torrents):
+ res = self.do_action("getprops", { "hash" : self._get_hashes(torrents) })
+ if not "props" in res:
+ return {}
+ return dict((hsh, info) for hsh, info in [ (i["hash"], self._JobInfoClass(self, jobinfo=i)) for i in res["props"] ])
+ def torrent_add_url(self, url, download_dir=None):
+ prev_dir = self._handle_download_dir(download_dir)
+ res = self.do_action("add-url", { "s" : url });
+ self._handle_prev_dir(prev_dir)
+ if "error" in res:
+ raise uTorrentError(res["error"])
+ if url[0:7] == "magnet:":
+ m = re.search("urn:btih:([0-9A-F]{40})", url, re.IGNORECASE)
+ if m:
+ return m.group(1).upper()
+ return None
+ def torrent_add_data(self, torrent_data, download_dir=None, filename="default.torrent"):
+ prev_dir = self._handle_download_dir(download_dir)
+ res = self.do_action("add-file", data=self._create_torrent_upload(torrent_data, filename));
+ self._handle_prev_dir(prev_dir)
+ if "error" in res:
+ raise uTorrentError(res["error"])
+ return self.get_info_hash(torrent_data)
+ def torrent_add_file(self, filename, download_dir=None):
+ f = open(filename, "rb")
+ torrent_data = f.read()
+ f.close()
+ return self.torrent_add_data(torrent_data, download_dir, os.path.basename(filename))
+ """
+ [
+ { "hash" : [
+ { "prop_name" : "prop_value" },
+ ...
+ ]
+ },
+ ...
+ ]
+ """
+ def torrent_set_props(self, props):
+ args = []
+ for arg in props:
+ for hsh, t_prop in arg.items():
+ for name, value in t_prop.items():
+ args.append("hash={}&s={}&v={}".format(url_quote(hsh), url_quote(name), url_quote(unicode(value))))
+ self.do_action("setprops", params_str="&".join(args))
+ def torrent_start(self, torrents, force=False):
+ if force:
+ self.do_action("forcestart", { "hash" : self._get_hashes(torrents) })
+ else:
+ self.do_action("start", { "hash" : self._get_hashes(torrents) })
+ def torrent_forcestart(self, torrents):
+ return self.torrent_start(torrents, True)
+ def torrent_stop(self, torrents):
+ self.do_action("stop", { "hash" : self._get_hashes(torrents) })
+ def torrent_pause(self, torrents):
+ self.do_action("pause", { "hash" : self._get_hashes(torrents) })
+ def torrent_resume(self, torrents):
+ self.do_action("unpause", { "hash" : self._get_hashes(torrents) })
+ def torrent_recheck(self, torrents):
+ self.do_action("recheck", { "hash" : self._get_hashes(torrents) })
+ def torrent_remove(self, torrents, with_data=False):
+ if with_data:
+ self.do_action("removedata", { "hash" : self._get_hashes(torrents) })
+ else:
+ self.do_action("remove", { "hash" : self._get_hashes(torrents) })
+ def torrent_remove_with_data(self, torrents):
+ return self.torrent_remove(torrents, True)
+ def torrent_get_magnet(self, torrents, self_tracker=False):
+ out = {}
+ tors = self.torrent_list()
+ for t in torrents:
+ t = t.upper()
+ utorrent.check_hash(t)
+ if t in tors:
+ if self_tracker:
+ trackers = [ self._connection.request_obj.get_full_url() + "announce"]
+ else:
+ trackers = self.torrent_info(t)[t].trackers
+ trackers = "&".join([ "" ] + [ "tr=" + url_quote(t) for t in trackers ])
+ out[t] = "magnet:?xt=urn:btih:{}&dn={}{}".format(url_quote(t.lower()), url_quote(tors[t].name), trackers)
+ return out
+ def file_list(self, torrents):
+ res = self.do_action("getfiles", { "hash" : self._get_hashes(torrents) })
+ out = {}
+ if "files" in res:
+ fi = iter(res["files"]);
+ for hsh in fi:
+ out[hsh] = [ self._FileClass(self, hsh, i, f) for i, f in enumerate(fi.next()) ]
+ return out
+ def file_set_priority(self, files):
+ args = []
+ filecount_cache = {}
+ for hsh, prio in files.items():
+ parent_hash, index = self.parse_hash_prop(hsh)
+ if not isinstance(prio, Priority):
+ prio = Priority(prio)
+ if index == None:
+ if not parent_hash in filecount_cache:
+ filecount_cache[parent_hash] = len(self.file_list(parent_hash)[parent_hash])
+ for i in xrange(filecount_cache[parent_hash]):
+ args.append("hash={}&p={}&f={}".format(url_quote(parent_hash), url_quote(unicode(prio.value)), url_quote(unicode(i))))
+ else:
+ args.append("hash={}&p={}&f={}".format(url_quote(parent_hash), url_quote(unicode(prio.value)), url_quote(unicode(index))))
+ self.do_action("setprio", params_str="&".join(args))
+ def settings_get(self):
+ res = self.do_action("getsettings")
+ out = {}
+ for name, type, value in res["settings"]:
+ out[name] = self._setting_val(type, value)
+ return out
+ def settings_set(self, settings):
+ args = []
+ for k, v in settings.items():
+ if isinstance(v, bool):
+ v = int(v)
+ args.append("s={}&v={}".format(url_quote(k), url_quote(unicode(v))))
+ self.do_action("setsetting", params_str="&".join(args))
+ def rss_list(self):
+ rss_feeds = {}
+ self.torrent_list(rss_feeds=rss_feeds)
+ return rss_feeds
+ def rssfilter_list(self):
+ rss_filters = {}
+ self.torrent_list(rss_filters=rss_filters)
+ return rss_filters
+class uTorrentFalcon(uTorrent):
+ _TorrentClass = Torrent_API2
+ _JobInfoClass = JobInfo
+ _FileClass = File_API2
+ api_version = 1.9
+ # no description yet, what I found out:
+ # * no support for getversion
+ def torrent_remove(self, torrents, with_data=False, with_torrent=False):
+ if with_data:
+ if with_torrent:
+ self.do_action("removedatatorrent", { "hash" : self._get_hashes(torrents) })
+ else:
+ self.do_action("removedata", { "hash" : self._get_hashes(torrents) })
+ else:
+ if with_torrent:
+ self.do_action("removetorrent", { "hash" : self._get_hashes(torrents) })
+ else:
+ self.do_action("remove", { "hash" : self._get_hashes(torrents) })
+ def torrent_remove_with_torrent(self, torrents):
+ return self.torrent_remove(torrents, False, True)
+ def torrent_remove_with_data_torrent(self, torrents):
+ return self.torrent_remove(torrents, True, True)
+ def file_get(self, file_hash, buffer, progress_cb=None):
+ parent_hash, index = self.parse_hash_prop(file_hash)
+ self.do_action("proxy", { "id" : parent_hash, "file" : index }, save_buffer=buffer, progress_cb=progress_cb)
+ def settings_get(self, extended_attributes=False):
+ res = self.do_action("getsettings")
+ out = {}
+ for name, type, value, attrs in res["settings"]:
+ out[name] = self._setting_val(type, value)
+ return out
+ def rss_add(self, url):
+ return self.rss_update(-1, { "url" : url })
+ def rss_update(self, feed_id, params):
+ params["feed-id"] = feed_id
+ res = self.do_action("rss-update", params)
+ if "rss_ident" in res:
+ return int(res["rss_ident"])
+ return feed_id
+ def rss_remove(self, feed_id):
+ self.do_action("rss-remove", { "feed-id" : feed_id })
+ def rssfilter_add(self, feed_id= -1):
+ return self.rssfilter_update(-1, { "feed-id" : feed_id })
+ def rssfilter_update(self, filter_id, params):
+ params["filter-id"] = filter_id
+ res = self.do_action("filter-update", params)
+ if "filter_ident" in res:
+ return int(res["filter_ident"])
+ return filter_id
+ def rssfilter_remove(self, filter_id):
+ self.do_action("filter-remove", { "filter-id" : filter_id })
+ def xfer_history_get(self):
+ return self.do_action("getxferhist")["transfer_history"]
+ def xfer_history_reset(self):
+ self.do_action("resetxferhist")
-class uTorrentLinuxServer( uTorrentFalcon ):
+class uTorrentLinuxServer(uTorrentFalcon):
- _pathmodule = posixpath
+ _pathmodule = posixpath
- api_version = 2 # http://download.utorrent.com/linux/utorrent-server-3.0-21886.tar.gz:bittorrent-server-v3_0/docs/uTorrent_Server.html
+ api_version = 2 # http://download.utorrent.com/linux/utorrent-server-3.0-21886.tar.gz:bittorrent-server-v3_0/docs/uTorrent_Server.html
- def version( self ):
- if not self._version:
- self._version = Version( self.do_action( "getversion" ) )
- return self._version
+ def version(self):
+ if not self._version:
+ self._version = Version(self.do_action("getversion"))
+ return self._version
if __name__ == "__main__":
- import optparse, sys
- level1 = " "
- level2 = level1 * 2
- level3 = level1 * 3
- print_orig = print
- def print( *objs, sep = " ", end = "\n", file = sys.stdout ):
- global print_orig
- print_orig( *map( lambda x: str( x ).encode( sys.stdout.encoding, "replace" ).decode( sys.stdout.encoding ), objs ), sep = sep, end = end, file = file )
- def get_config_dir():
- config_home = os.getenv( "XDG_CONFIG_HOME" )
- if config_home == None:
- config_home = os.path.expanduser( "~" ) + os.path.sep + ".config"
- return config_home + os.path.sep + "utorrentctl" + os.path.sep
- def get_cache_dir():
- config_home = os.getenv( "XDG_CACHE_HOME" )
- if config_home == None:
- config_home = os.path.expanduser( "~" ) + os.path.sep + ".cache"
- return config_home + os.path.sep + "utorrentctl" + os.path.sep
- def dump_writer( obj, props, level1 = level2, level2 = level3 ):
- for name in sorted( props ):
- print( level1 + name, end = "" )
- try:
- value = getattr( obj, name )
- if is_list_type( value ):
- print( ":" )
- for item in value:
- if opts.verbose and hasattr( item, "verbose_str" ):
- item_str = item.verbose_str()
- else:
- item_str = str( item )
- print( level2 + item_str )
- else:
- if hasattr( obj, name + "_h" ):
- print( " = {} ({})".format( value, getattr( obj, name + "_h" ) ) )
- else:
- print( " = {}".format( value ) )
- except AttributeError:
- print()
- def filetree_writer( tree, cur_level = 0 ):
- for name, leaf in tree.items():
- if isinstance( leaf, dict ):
- print( level1 * cur_level + "+ " + name )
- filetree_writer( leaf, cur_level + 1 )
- else:
- print( level1 * cur_level + ( leaf.verbose_str() if opts.verbose else str( leaf ) ) )
- try:
- sys.path.append( get_config_dir() )
- from config import utorrentcfg
- except ImportError:
- utorrentcfg = { "host" : None, "login" : None, "password" : None }
- if not "api" in utorrentcfg:
- utorrentcfg["api"] = None
- if not "default_torrent_format" in utorrentcfg:
- utorrentcfg["default_torrent_format"] = None
- parser = optparse.OptionParser()
- parser.add_option( "-H", "--host", dest = "host", help = "host of uTorrent (hostname:port)" )
- parser.add_option( "-U", "--user", dest = "user", help = "WebUI login" )
- parser.add_option( "-P", "--password", dest = "password", help = "WebUI password" )
- parser.add_option( "--api", dest = "api", help = "Disable autodetection of server version and force specific API: linux, desktop (2.x), falcon (3.x)" )
- parser.add_option( "-n", "--nv", "--no-verbose", action = "store_false", dest = "verbose", default = True, help = "show shortened info in most cases (quicker, saves network traffic)" )
- parser.add_option( "--server-version", action = "store_const", dest = "action", const = "server_version", help = "print uTorrent server version" )
- parser.add_option( "-l", "--list-torrents", action = "store_const", dest = "action", const = "torrent_list", help = "list all torrents" )
- parser.add_option( "-c", "--active", action = "store_true", dest = "active", default = False, help = "when listing torrents display only active ones (speed > 0)" )
- parser.add_option( "-f", "--format", default = utorrentcfg["default_torrent_format"], dest = "format", help = "display torrent list in specific format, e.g. '{hash} {name} {ratio}', use --dump to view full list of available fields + peer_info (display seeds or peers depending on progress)" )
- parser.add_option( "--label", dest = "label", help = "when listing torrents display only ones with specified label" )
- parser.add_option( "-s", "--sort", default = "name", dest = "sort_field", help = "sort torrents, use --dump to view full list of available fields" )
- parser.add_option( "--desc", action = "store_true", dest = "sort_desc", default = False, help = "sort torrents in descending order" )
- parser.add_option( "-a", "--add-file", action = "store_const", dest = "action", const = "add_file", help = "add torrents specified by local file names, with force flag will force-start torrent after adding (filename filename ...)" )
- parser.add_option( "-u", "--add-url", action = "store_const", dest = "action", const = "add_url", help = "add torrents specified by urls, with force flag will force-start torrent after adding magnet url (url url ...)" )
- parser.add_option( "--dir", dest = "download_dir", help = "directory to download added torrent, absolute or relative to current download dir (only for --add)" )
- parser.add_option( "--settings", action = "store_const", dest = "action", const = "settings_get", help = "show current server settings, optionally you can use specific setting keys (name name ...)" )
- parser.add_option( "--set", action = "store_const", dest = "action", const = "settings_set", help = "assign settings value (key1=value1 key2=value2 ...)" )
- parser.add_option( "--start", action = "store_const", dest = "action", const = "torrent_start", help = "start torrents (hash hash ...)" )
- parser.add_option( "--stop", action = "store_const", dest = "action", const = "torrent_stop", help = "stop torrents (hash hash ...)" )
- parser.add_option( "--pause", action = "store_const", dest = "action", const = "torrent_pause", help = "pause torrents (hash hash ...)" )
- parser.add_option( "--resume", action = "store_const", dest = "action", const = "torrent_resume", help = "resume torrents (hash hash ...)" )
- parser.add_option( "--recheck", action = "store_const", dest = "action", const = "torrent_recheck", help = "recheck torrents, torrent will be stopped and restarted if needed (hash hash ...)" )
- parser.add_option( "--remove", action = "store_const", dest = "action", const = "torrent_remove", help = "remove torrents (hash hash ...)" )
- parser.add_option( "--all", action = "store_true", dest = "all", default = False, help = "applies action to all torrents/rss feeds (for start, stop, pause, resume, recheck, rss-update)" )
- parser.add_option( "-F", "--force", action = "store_true", dest = "force", default = False, help = "forces current command (for start, recheck (with all), remove, add-file, add-url, download)" )
- parser.add_option( "--data", action = "store_true", dest = "with_data", default = False, help = "when removing torrent also remove its data (for remove, also enabled by --force)" )
- parser.add_option( "--torrent", action = "store_true", dest = "with_torrent", default = False, help = "when removing torrent also remove its torrent file (for remove with uTorrent server, also enabled by --force)" )
- parser.add_option( "-i", "--info", action = "store_const", dest = "action", const = "torrent_info", help = "show info and file/trackers list for the specified torrents (hash hash ...)" )
- parser.add_option( "--dump", action = "store_const", dest = "action", const = "torrent_dump", help = "show full torrent info in key=value view (hash hash ...)" )
- parser.add_option( "--stats", action = "store_const", dest = "action", const = "stats", help = "display server download/upload statistics (uTorrent server only)" )
- parser.add_option( "--reset-stats", action = "store_const", dest = "action", const = "reset_stats", help = "reset server download/upload statistics (uTorrent server only)" )
- parser.add_option( "--download", action = "store_const", dest = "action", const = "download", help = "downloads specified file, with force flag will overwrite all existing files (hash.file_index)" )
- parser.add_option( "--prio", action = "store_const", dest = "action", const = "set_file_priority", help = "sets specified file priority, if you omit file_index then priority will be set for all files (hash[.file_index][=prio] hash[.file_index][=prio] ...) prio=0..3, if not specified then 2 is by default" )
- parser.add_option( "--set-props", action = "store_const", dest = "action", const = "set_props", help = "change properties of torrent, e.g. label; use --dump to view them (hash.prop=value hash.prop=value ...)" )
- parser.add_option( "--rss-list", action = "store_const", dest = "action", const = "rss_list", help = "list all rss feeds and filters" )
- parser.add_option( "--rss-add", action = "store_const", dest = "action", const = "rss_add", help = "add rss feeds specified by urls (feed_url feed_url ...)" )
- parser.add_option( "--rss-update", action = "store_const", dest = "action", const = "rss_update", help = "forces update of the specified rss feeds (feed_id feed_id ...)" )
- parser.add_option( "--rss-remove", action = "store_const", dest = "action", const = "rss_remove", help = "removes rss feeds specified by ids (feed_id feed_id ...)" )
- parser.add_option( "--rss-dump", action = "store_const", dest = "action", const = "rss_dump", help = "show full rss feed info in key=value view (feed_id feed_id ...)" )
- parser.add_option( "--rss-set-props", action = "store_const", dest = "action", const = "rss_set_props", help = "change properties of rss feed; use --rss-dump to view them (feed_id.prop=value feed_id.prop=value ...)" )
- parser.add_option( "--rssfilter-add", action = "store_const", dest = "action", const = "rssfilter_add", help = "add filters for specified rss feeds (feed_id feed_id ...)" )
- parser.add_option( "--rssfilter-remove", action = "store_const", dest = "action", const = "rssfilter_remove", help = "removes rss filter specified by ids (filter_id filter_id ...)" )
- parser.add_option( "--rssfilter-dump", action = "store_const", dest = "action", const = "rssfilter_dump", help = "show full rss filter info in key=value view (filter_id filter_id ...)" )
- parser.add_option( "--rssfilter-set-props", action = "store_const", dest = "action", const = "rssfilter_set_props", help = "change properties of rss filter; use --rssfilter-dump to view them (filter_id.prop=value filter_id.prop=value ...)" )
- parser.add_option( "--magnet", action = "store_const", dest = "action", const = "get_magnet", help = "generate magnet link for the specified torrents (hash hash ...)" )
- opts, args = parser.parse_args()
- try:
- if opts.host == None: # we didn't supply host in command line => load auth data from config
- opts.host = utorrentcfg["host"]
- if opts.user == None:
- opts.user = utorrentcfg["login"]
- if opts.password == None:
- opts.password = utorrentcfg["password"]
- if opts.api == None:
- opts.api = utorrentcfg["api"]
- if opts.action != None:
- utorrent = uTorrentConnection( opts.host, opts.user, opts.password ).utorrent( opts.api )
- if opts.action == "server_version":
- print( utorrent.version().verbose_str() if opts.verbose else utorrent.version() )
- elif opts.action == "torrent_list":
- total_ul, total_dl, count, total_size = 0, 0, 0, 0
- opts.sort_field = opts.sort_field.lower()
- if not opts.sort_field in utorrent.TorrentClass.get_public_attrs() + utorrent.TorrentClass.get_readonly_attrs():
- opts.sort_field = "name"
- for h, t in sorted( utorrent.torrent_list().items(), key = lambda x: getattr( x[1], opts.sort_field ), reverse = opts.sort_desc ):
- if not opts.active or opts.active and ( t.ul_speed > 0 or t.dl_speed > 0 ): # handle --active
- if opts.label == None or opts.label == t.label: # handle --label
- count += 1
- total_size += t.progress / 100 * t.size
- if opts.verbose:
- print( t.verbose_str( opts.format ) )
- total_ul += t.ul_speed
- total_dl += t.dl_speed
- else:
- print( t )
- if opts.verbose:
- print( "Total speed: D:{}/s U:{}/s count: {} size: {}".format(
- uTorrent.human_size( total_dl ), uTorrent.human_size( total_ul ),
- count, uTorrent.human_size( total_size )
- ) )
- elif opts.action == "add_file":
- for i in args:
- print( "Submitting {}...".format( i ) )
- hsh = utorrent.torrent_add_file( i, opts.download_dir )
- print( level1 + "Info hash = {}".format( hsh ) )
- if opts.force:
- print( level1 + "Forcing start..." )
- utorrent.torrent_start( hsh, True )
- elif opts.action == "add_url":
- for i in args:
- print( "Submitting {}...".format( i ) )
- hsh = utorrent.torrent_add_url( i, opts.download_dir )
- if hsh != None:
- print( level1 + "Info hash = {}".format( hsh ) )
- if opts.force:
- print( level1 + "Forcing start..." )
- utorrent.torrent_start( hsh, True )
- elif opts.action == "settings_get":
- for i in sorted( utorrent.settings_get().items() ):
- if len( args ) == 0 or i[0] in args:
- print( "{} = {}".format( *i ) )
- elif opts.action == "settings_set":
- utorrent.settings_set( { k : v for k, v in [ i.split( "=" ) for i in args] } )
- elif opts.action == "torrent_start":
- torr_list = None
- if opts.all:
- torr_list = utorrent.torrent_list()
- args = torr_list.keys()
- print( "Starting all torrents..." )
- else:
- if opts.verbose:
- torrs = utorrent.resolve_torrent_hashes( args, torr_list )
- else:
- torrs = args
- print( "Starting " + ", ".join( torrs ) + "..." )
- utorrent.torrent_start( args, opts.force )
- elif opts.action == "torrent_stop":
- torr_list = None
- if opts.all:
- torr_list = utorrent.torrent_list()
- args = torr_list.keys()
- print( "Stopping all torrents..." )
- else:
- if opts.verbose:
- torrs = utorrent.resolve_torrent_hashes( args, torr_list )
- else:
- torrs = args
- print( "Stopping " + ", ".join( torrs ) + "..." )
- utorrent.torrent_stop( args )
- elif opts.action == "torrent_resume":
- torr_list = None
- if opts.all:
- torr_list = utorrent.torrent_list()
- args = torr_list.keys()
- print( "Resuming all torrents..." )
- else:
- if opts.verbose:
- torrs = utorrent.resolve_torrent_hashes( args, torr_list )
- else:
- torrs = args
- print( "Resuming " + ", ".join( torrs ) + "..." )
- utorrent.torrent_resume( args )
- elif opts.action == "torrent_pause":
- torr_list = None
- if opts.all:
- torr_list = utorrent.torrent_list()
- args = torr_list.keys()
- print( "Pausing all torrents..." )
- else:
- if opts.verbose:
- torrs = utorrent.resolve_torrent_hashes( args, torr_list )
- else:
- torrs = args
- print( "Pausing " + ", ".join( torrs ) + "..." )
- utorrent.torrent_pause( args )
- elif opts.action == "torrent_recheck":
- torr_list = utorrent.torrent_list()
- if opts.all:
- if opts.force:
- args = torr_list.keys()
- print( "Rechecking all torrents..." )
- else:
- raise uTorrentError( "Refusing to recheck all torrents! Please specify --force to override" )
- else:
- if opts.verbose:
- torrs = utorrent.resolve_torrent_hashes( args, torr_list )
- else:
- torrs = args
- print( "Rechecking " + ", ".join( torrs ) + "..." )
- for hsh in args:
- if hsh in torr_list:
- torr = torr_list[hsh]
- torr.stop()
- torr.recheck()
- if ( torr.status.started and not torr.status.paused ) or torr.status.error:
- torr.start( not( torr.status.queued or torr.status.error ) )
- elif opts.action == "torrent_remove":
- if opts.verbose:
- torrs = utorrent.resolve_torrent_hashes( args )
- else:
- torrs = args
- print( "Removing " + ", ".join( torrs ) + "..." )
- if utorrent.api_version == uTorrentLinuxServer.api_version:
- utorrent.torrent_remove( args, opts.with_data or opts.force, opts.with_torrent or opts.force )
- else:
- utorrent.torrent_remove( args, opts.with_data or opts.force )
- elif opts.action == "torrent_info":
- tors = utorrent.torrent_list()
- files = utorrent.file_list( args )
- infos = utorrent.torrent_info( args )
- for hsh, fls in files.items():
- print( tors[hsh].verbose_str( opts.format ) if opts.verbose else tors[hsh] )
- print( level1 + ( infos[hsh].verbose_str() if opts.verbose else str( infos[hsh] ) ) )
- print( level1 + "Files ({}):".format( len( fls ) ) )
- for f in fls:
- print( level2 + ( f.verbose_str() if opts.verbose else str( f ) ) )
- print( level1 + "Trackers:" )
- for tr in infos[hsh].trackers:
- print( level2 + tr )
- elif opts.action == "torrent_dump":
- tors = utorrent.torrent_list()
- infos = utorrent.torrent_info( args )
- for hsh, info in infos.items():
- print( tors[hsh].verbose_str( opts.format ) if opts.verbose else tors[hsh] )
- print( level1 + "Properties:" )
- dump_writer( tors[hsh], tors[hsh].get_public_attrs() )
- dump_writer( info, info.get_public_attrs() )
- print( level1 + "Read-only:" )
- dump_writer( tors[hsh], tors[hsh].get_readonly_attrs() )
- elif opts.action == "stats":
- res = utorrent.xfer_history_get()
- excl_local = utorrent.settings_get()["net.limit_excludeslocal"]
- torrents = utorrent.torrent_list()
- today_start = datetime.datetime.now().replace( hour = 0, minute = 0, second = 0, microsecond = 0 )
- period = len( res["daily_download"] )
- period_start = today_start - datetime.timedelta( days = period - 1 )
- down_total_local = sum( res["daily_local_download"] )
- down_total = sum( res["daily_download"] ) - ( down_total_local if excl_local else 0 )
- up_total_local = sum( res["daily_local_upload"] )
- up_total = sum( res["daily_upload"] ) - ( down_total_local if excl_local else 0 )
- period_added_torrents = { k : v for k, v in torrents.items() if v.added_on >= period_start }
- period_completed_torrents = { k : v for k, v in torrents.items() if v.completed_on >= period_start }
- print( "Last {} days:".format( period ) )
- print( level1 + "Downloaded: {} (+{} local)".format( uTorrent.human_size( down_total ), uTorrent.human_size( down_total_local ) ) )
- print( level1 + " Uploaded: {} (+{} local)".format( uTorrent.human_size( up_total ), uTorrent.human_size( up_total_local ) ) )
- print( level1 + " Total: {} (+{} local)".format( uTorrent.human_size( down_total + up_total ), uTorrent.human_size( down_total_local + up_total_local ) ) )
- print( level1 + "Ratio: {:.2f}".format( up_total / down_total ) )
- print( level1 + "Added torrents: {}".format( len( period_added_torrents ) ) )
- print( level1 + "Completed torrents: {}".format( len( period_completed_torrents ) ) )
- down_day_local = res["daily_local_download"][0]
- down_day = res["daily_download"][0] - ( down_day_local if excl_local else 0 )
- up_day_local = res["daily_local_upload"][0]
- up_day = res["daily_upload"][0] - ( up_day_local if excl_local else 0 )
- today_added_torrents = { k : v for k, v in torrents.items() if v.added_on >= today_start }
- today_completed_torrents = { k : v for k, v in torrents.items() if v.completed_on >= today_start }
- print( "Today:" )
- print( level1 + "Downloaded: {} (+{} local)".format( uTorrent.human_size( down_day ), uTorrent.human_size( down_day_local ) ) )
- print( level1 + " Uploaded: {} (+{} local)".format( uTorrent.human_size( up_day ), uTorrent.human_size( up_day_local ) ) )
- print( level1 + " Total: {} (+{} local)".format( uTorrent.human_size( down_day + up_day ), uTorrent.human_size( down_day_local + up_day_local ) ) )
- print( level1 + "Ratio: {:.2f}".format( up_day / down_day ) )
- print( level1 + "Added torrents: {}".format( len( today_added_torrents ) ) )
- print( level1 + "Completed torrents: {}".format( len( today_completed_torrents ) ) )
- elif opts.action == "reset_stats":
- res = utorrent.xfer_history_reset()
- elif opts.action == "download":
- if utorrent.api_version < uTorrentFalcon.api_version:
- raise uTorrentError( "Downloading files only supported for uTorrent 3.x and uTorrent Server" )
- for filespec in args:
- parent_hash, indices = uTorrent.parse_hash_prop( filespec )
- files = utorrent.file_list( parent_hash )
- if len( files ) == 0:
- print( "Specified torrent or file does not exist" )
- sys.exit( 1 )
- make_tree = False # single file download => place it in the current directory
- torrents = None
- if indices == None:
- indices = [ i for i, f in enumerate( files[parent_hash] ) if f.progress == 100 and f.priority.value > 0 ]
- if len( files[parent_hash] ) > 1:
- make_tree = True # whole torrent download => keep directory tree
- torrents = utorrent.torrent_list()
- else:
- indices = ( int( indices ), )
- def progress( loaded, total ):
- global bar_width, increm, start_time
- progr = round( loaded / increm )
- delta = datetime.datetime.now() - start_time
- delta = delta.seconds + delta.microseconds / 1000000
- if opts.verbose:
- print( "[{}{}] {} {}/s eta: {}{}".format(
- "*" * progr, "_" * ( bar_width - progr ),
- uTorrent.human_size( total ),
- uTorrent.human_size( loaded / delta ),
- uTorrent.human_time_delta( ( total - loaded ) / ( loaded / delta ) ),
- " " * 25
- ), sep = "", end = ""
- )
- print( "\b" * ( bar_width + 70 ), end = "" )
- sys.stdout.flush()
- for index in indices:
- if make_tree:
- filename = torrents[parent_hash].name + os.path.sep + os.path.normpath( files[parent_hash][index].name )
- else:
- filename = utorrent.pathmodule.basename( files[parent_hash][index].name )
- if os.path.exists( filename ) and os.path.getsize( filename ) > 0 and not opts.force:
- print( "Skipping {}, already exists, specify --force to overwrite...".format( filename ) )
- else:
- try:
- directory = os.path.dirname( filename )
- if directory != "":
- os.makedirs( directory )
- except OSError as e:
- if( e.args[0] != 17 ): # "File exists" => dir exists, by design, ignore
- raise e
- print( "Downloading {}...".format( filename ) )
- file = open( filename, "wb" )
- bar_width = 50
- increm = files[parent_hash][index].size / bar_width
- start_time = datetime.datetime.now()
- utorrent.file_get( "{}.{}".format( parent_hash, index ), buffer = file, progress_cb = progress )
- if opts.verbose:
- print( "" )
- elif opts.action == "set_file_priority":
- prios = {}
- for i in args:
- parts = i.split( "=" )
- if len( parts ) == 2:
- prios[parts[0]] = parts[1]
- else:
- prios[parts[0]] = "2"
- utorrent.file_set_priority( prios )
- elif opts.action == "set_props":
- props = []
- for a in args:
- hsh, value = a.split( "=", 1 )
- hsh, name = hsh.split( ".", 1 )
- props.append( { hsh : { name : value } } )
- utorrent.torrent_set_props( props )
- elif opts.action == "rss_list":
- rssfeeds = {}
- rssfilters = {}
- utorrent.torrent_list( None, rssfeeds, rssfilters )
- feed_id_index = {}
- for filter_id, filter_props in rssfilters.items():
- if not filter_props.feed_id in feed_id_index:
- feed_id_index[filter_props.feed_id] = []
- feed_id_index[filter_props.feed_id].append( filter_props )
- print( "Feeds:" )
- for feed_id, feed in rssfeeds.items():
- print( level1 + ( feed.verbose_str() if opts.verbose else str( feed ) ) )
- if feed_id in feed_id_index:
- print( level1 + "Filters:" )
- for filter_props in feed_id_index[feed_id]:
- print( level2 + ( filter_props.verbose_str() if opts.verbose else str( filter_props ) ) )
- if -1 in feed_id_index and len( feed_id_index[-1] ) > 0:
- print( "Global filters:" )
- for filter_props in feed_id_index[-1]:
- print( level1 + ( filter_props.verbose_str() if opts.verbose else str( filter_props ) ) )
- elif opts.action == "rss_add":
- for url in args:
- print( "Adding {}...".format( url ) )
- feed_id = utorrent.rss_add( url )
- if feed_id != -1:
- print( level1 + "Feed id = {} (add a filter to it to make it download something)".format( feed_id ) )
- else:
- print( level1 + "Failed to add feed" )
- elif opts.action == "rss_update":
- feed_list = None
- if opts.all:
- feed_list = utorrent.rss_list()
- args = list( map( str, feed_list.keys() ) )
- print( "Updating all rss feeds..." )
- else:
- if opts.verbose:
- feeds = utorrent.resolve_feed_ids( args, feed_list )
- else:
- feeds = args
- print( "Updating " + ", ".join( feeds ) + "..." )
- for feed_id in args:
- utorrent.rss_update( feed_id, { "update" : 1 } )
- elif opts.action == "rss_remove":
- if opts.verbose:
- feeds = utorrent.resolve_feed_ids( args )
- else:
- feeds = args
- print( "Removing " + ", ".join( feeds ) + "..." )
- for feed_id in args:
- utorrent.rss_remove( feed_id )
- elif opts.action == "rss_dump":
- feeds = utorrent.rss_list()
- for feed_id, feed in { i : f for i, f in feeds.items() if str( i ) in args }.items():
- print( feed.url )
- print( level1 + "Properties:" )
- dump_writer( feed, feed.get_public_attrs() )
- print( level1 + "Read-only:" )
- dump_writer( feed, feed.get_readonly_attrs() )
- print( level1 + "Write-only:" )
- dump_writer( feed, feed.get_writeonly_attrs() )
- elif opts.action == "rss_set_props":
- for a in args:
- feed_id, value = a.split( "=", 1 )
- feed_id, name = feed_id.split( ".", 1 )
- if name in RssFeed.get_public_attrs() or name in RssFeed.get_writeonly_attrs():
- utorrent.rss_update( feed_id, { name : value } )
- elif opts.action == "rssfilter_add":
- for feed_id in args:
- print( "Adding filter for feed {}...".format( feed_id ) )
- filter_id = utorrent.rssfilter_add( feed_id )
- if filter_id != -1:
- print( level1 + "Filter id = {}".format( filter_id ) )
- else:
- print( level1 + "Failed to add filter" )
- elif opts.action == "rssfilter_remove":
- if opts.verbose:
- feeds = utorrent.resolve_filter_ids( args )
- else:
- feeds = args
- print( "Removing " + ", ".join( feeds ) + "..." )
- for filter_id in args:
- utorrent.rssfilter_remove( filter_id )
- elif opts.action == "rssfilter_dump":
- filters = utorrent.rssfilter_list()
- for filter_id, filter_props in { i : f for i, f in filters.items() if str( i ) in args }.items():
- print( filter_props.name )
- print( level1 + "Properties:" )
- dump_writer( filter_props, filter_props.get_public_attrs() )
- print( level1 + "Read-only:" )
- dump_writer( filter_props, filter_props.get_readonly_attrs() )
- print( level1 + "Write-only:" )
- dump_writer( filter_props, filter_props.get_writeonly_attrs() )
- elif opts.action == "rssfilter_set_props":
- for a in args:
- filter_id, value = a.split( "=", 1 )
- filter_id, name = filter_id.split( ".", 1 )
- if name in RssFilter.get_public_attrs() or RssFilter.get_writeonly_attrs():
- utorrent.rssfilter_update( filter_id, { name.replace( "_", "-" ) : value } )
- elif opts.action == "get_magnet":
- if opts.verbose:
- tors = utorrent.torrent_list()
- for hsh, lnk in utorrent.torrent_get_magnet( args ).items():
- print( tors[hsh] if opts.verbose else hsh )
- print( level1 + lnk )
- else:
- parser.print_help()
- except uTorrentError as e:
- print( e )
- sys.exit( 1 )
+ import optparse, sys
+ level1 = " "
+ level2 = level1 * 2
+ level3 = level1 * 3
+ def fancy_print(*objs, **_3to2kwargs):
+ if 'file' in _3to2kwargs: file = _3to2kwargs['file']; del _3to2kwargs['file']
+ else: file = sys.stdout
+ if 'end' in _3to2kwargs: end = _3to2kwargs['end']; del _3to2kwargs['end']
+ else: end = "\n"
+ if 'sep' in _3to2kwargs: sep = _3to2kwargs['sep']; del _3to2kwargs['sep']
+ else: sep = " "
+ print(*imap(lambda x: str(x), objs), sep=sep, end=end, file=file)
+ def get_config_dir():
+ config_home = os.getenv("XDG_CONFIG_HOME")
+ if config_home == None:
+ config_home = os.path.expanduser("~") + os.path.sep + ".config"
+ return config_home + os.path.sep + "utorrentctl" + os.path.sep
+ def get_cache_dir():
+ config_home = os.getenv("XDG_CACHE_HOME")
+ if config_home == None:
+ config_home = os.path.expanduser("~") + os.path.sep + ".cache"
+ return config_home + os.path.sep + "utorrentctl" + os.path.sep
+ def dump_writer(obj, props, level1=level2, level2=level3):
+ for name in sorted(props):
+ fancy_print(level1 + name, end="")
+ try:
+ value = getattr(obj, name)
+ if is_list_type(value):
+ fancy_print(":")
+ for item in value:
+ if opts.verbose and hasattr(item, "verbose_str"):
+ item_str = item.verbose_str()
+ else:
+ item_str = unicode(item)
+ fancy_print(level2 + item_str)
+ else:
+ if hasattr(obj, name + "_h"):
+ fancy_print(" = {} ({})".format(value, getattr(obj, name + "_h")))
+ else:
+ fancy_print(" = {}".format(value))
+ except AttributeError:
+ fancy_print
+ def filetree_writer(tree, cur_level=0):
+ for name, leaf in tree.items():
+ if isinstance(leaf, dict):
+ fancy_print(level1 * cur_level + "+ " + name)
+ filetree_writer(leaf, cur_level + 1)
+ else:
+ fancy_print(level1 * cur_level + (leaf.verbose_str() if opts.verbose else unicode(leaf)))
+ try:
+ sys.path.append(get_config_dir())
+ from config import utorrentcfg
+ except ImportError:
+ utorrentcfg = { "host" : None, "login" : None, "password" : None }
+ if not "api" in utorrentcfg:
+ utorrentcfg["api"] = None
+ if not "default_torrent_format" in utorrentcfg:
+ utorrentcfg["default_torrent_format"] = None
+ parser = optparse.OptionParser()
+ parser.add_option("-H", "--host", dest="host", help="host of uTorrent (hostname:port)")
+ parser.add_option("-U", "--user", dest="user", help="WebUI login")
+ parser.add_option("-P", "--password", dest="password", help="WebUI password")
+ parser.add_option("--api", dest="api", help="Disable autodetection of server version and force specific API: linux, desktop (2.x), falcon (3.x)")
+ parser.add_option("-n", "--nv", "--no-verbose", action="store_false", dest="verbose", default=True, help="show shortened info in most cases (quicker, saves network traffic)")
+ parser.add_option("--server-version", action="store_const", dest="action", const="server_version", help="print uTorrent server version")
+ parser.add_option("-l", "--list-torrents", action="store_const", dest="action", const="torrent_list", help="list all torrents")
+ parser.add_option("-c", "--active", action="store_true", dest="active", default=False, help="when listing torrents display only active ones (speed > 0)")
+ parser.add_option("-f", "--format", default=utorrentcfg["default_torrent_format"], dest="format", help="display torrent list in specific format, e.g. '{hash} {name} {ratio}', use --dump to view full list of available fields + peer_info (display seeds or peers depending on progress)")
+ parser.add_option("--label", dest="label", help="when listing torrents display only ones with specified label")
+ parser.add_option("-s", "--sort", default="name", dest="sort_field", help="sort torrents, use --dump to view full list of available fields")
+ parser.add_option("--desc", action="store_true", dest="sort_desc", default=False, help="sort torrents in descending order")
+ parser.add_option("-a", "--add-file", action="store_const", dest="action", const="add_file", help="add torrents specified by local file names, with force flag will force-start torrent after adding (filename filename ...)")
+ parser.add_option("-u", "--add-url", action="store_const", dest="action", const="add_url", help="add torrents specified by urls, with force flag will force-start torrent after adding magnet url (url url ...)")
+ parser.add_option("--dir", dest="download_dir", help="directory to download added torrent, absolute or relative to current download dir (only for --add)")
+ parser.add_option("--settings", action="store_const", dest="action", const="settings_get", help="show current server settings, optionally you can use specific setting keys (name name ...)")
+ parser.add_option("--set", action="store_const", dest="action", const="settings_set", help="assign settings value (key1=value1 key2=value2 ...)")
+ parser.add_option("--start", action="store_const", dest="action", const="torrent_start", help="start torrents (hash hash ...)")
+ parser.add_option("--stop", action="store_const", dest="action", const="torrent_stop", help="stop torrents (hash hash ...)")
+ parser.add_option("--pause", action="store_const", dest="action", const="torrent_pause", help="pause torrents (hash hash ...)")
+ parser.add_option("--resume", action="store_const", dest="action", const="torrent_resume", help="resume torrents (hash hash ...)")
+ parser.add_option("--recheck", action="store_const", dest="action", const="torrent_recheck", help="recheck torrents, torrent will be stopped and restarted if needed (hash hash ...)")
+ parser.add_option("--remove", action="store_const", dest="action", const="torrent_remove", help="remove torrents (hash hash ...)")
+ parser.add_option("--all", action="store_true", dest="all", default=False, help="applies action to all torrents/rss feeds (for start, stop, pause, resume, recheck, rss-update)")
+ parser.add_option("-F", "--force", action="store_true", dest="force", default=False, help="forces current command (for start, recheck (with all), remove, add-file, add-url, download)")
+ parser.add_option("--data", action="store_true", dest="with_data", default=False, help="when removing torrent also remove its data (for remove, also enabled by --force)")
+ parser.add_option("--torrent", action="store_true", dest="with_torrent", default=False, help="when removing torrent also remove its torrent file (for remove with uTorrent server, also enabled by --force)")
+ parser.add_option("-i", "--info", action="store_const", dest="action", const="torrent_info", help="show info and file/trackers list for the specified torrents (hash hash ...)")
+ parser.add_option("--dump", action="store_const", dest="action", const="torrent_dump", help="show full torrent info in key=value view (hash hash ...)")
+ parser.add_option("--stats", action="store_const", dest="action", const="stats", help="display server download/upload statistics (uTorrent server only)")
+ parser.add_option("--reset-stats", action="store_const", dest="action", const="reset_stats", help="reset server download/upload statistics (uTorrent server only)")
+ parser.add_option("--download", action="store_const", dest="action", const="download", help="downloads specified file, with force flag will overwrite all existing files (hash.file_index)")
+ parser.add_option("--prio", action="store_const", dest="action", const="set_file_priority", help="sets specified file priority, if you omit file_index then priority will be set for all files (hash[.file_index][=prio] hash[.file_index][=prio] ...) prio=0..3, if not specified then 2 is by default")
+ parser.add_option("--set-props", action="store_const", dest="action", const="set_props", help="change properties of torrent, e.g. label; use --dump to view them (hash.prop=value hash.prop=value ...)")
+ parser.add_option("--rss-list", action="store_const", dest="action", const="rss_list", help="list all rss feeds and filters")
+ parser.add_option("--rss-add", action="store_const", dest="action", const="rss_add", help="add rss feeds specified by urls (feed_url feed_url ...)")
+ parser.add_option("--rss-update", action="store_const", dest="action", const="rss_update", help="forces update of the specified rss feeds (feed_id feed_id ...)")
+ parser.add_option("--rss-remove", action="store_const", dest="action", const="rss_remove", help="removes rss feeds specified by ids (feed_id feed_id ...)")
+ parser.add_option("--rss-dump", action="store_const", dest="action", const="rss_dump", help="show full rss feed info in key=value view (feed_id feed_id ...)")
+ parser.add_option("--rss-set-props", action="store_const", dest="action", const="rss_set_props", help="change properties of rss feed; use --rss-dump to view them (feed_id.prop=value feed_id.prop=value ...)")
+ parser.add_option("--rssfilter-add", action="store_const", dest="action", const="rssfilter_add", help="add filters for specified rss feeds (feed_id feed_id ...)")
+ parser.add_option("--rssfilter-remove", action="store_const", dest="action", const="rssfilter_remove", help="removes rss filter specified by ids (filter_id filter_id ...)")
+ parser.add_option("--rssfilter-dump", action="store_const", dest="action", const="rssfilter_dump", help="show full rss filter info in key=value view (filter_id filter_id ...)")
+ parser.add_option("--rssfilter-set-props", action="store_const", dest="action", const="rssfilter_set_props", help="change properties of rss filter; use --rssfilter-dump to view them (filter_id.prop=value filter_id.prop=value ...)")
+ parser.add_option("--magnet", action="store_const", dest="action", const="get_magnet", help="generate magnet link for the specified torrents (hash hash ...)")
+ opts, args = parser.parse_args()
+ try:
+ if opts.host == None: # we didn't supply host in command line => load auth data from config
+ opts.host = utorrentcfg["host"]
+ if opts.user == None:
+ opts.user = utorrentcfg["login"]
+ if opts.password == None:
+ opts.password = utorrentcfg["password"]
+ if opts.api == None:
+ opts.api = utorrentcfg["api"]
+ if opts.action != None:
+ utorrent = uTorrentConnection(opts.host, opts.user, opts.password).utorrent(opts.api)
+ if opts.action == "server_version":
+ fancy_print(utorrent.version().verbose_str() if opts.verbose else utorrent.version())
+ elif opts.action == "torrent_list":
+ total_ul, total_dl, count, total_size = 0, 0, 0, 0
+ opts.sort_field = opts.sort_field.lower()
+ if not opts.sort_field in utorrent.TorrentClass.get_public_attrs() + utorrent.TorrentClass.get_readonly_attrs():
+ opts.sort_field = "name"
+ for h, t in sorted(utorrent.torrent_list().items(), key=lambda x: getattr(x[1], opts.sort_field), reverse=opts.sort_desc):
+ if not opts.active or opts.active and (t.ul_speed > 0 or t.dl_speed > 0): # handle --active
+ if opts.label == None or opts.label == t.label: # handle --label
+ count += 1
+ total_size += t.progress / 100 * t.size
+ if opts.verbose:
+ fancy_print(t.verbose_str(opts.format))
+ total_ul += t.ul_speed
+ total_dl += t.dl_speed
+ else:
+ fancy_print(t)
+ if opts.verbose:
+ fancy_print("Total speed: D:{}/s U:{}/s count: {} size: {}".format(
+ uTorrent.human_size(total_dl), uTorrent.human_size(total_ul),
+ count, uTorrent.human_size(total_size))
+ )
+ elif opts.action == "add_file":
+ for i in args:
+ fancy_print("Submitting {}...".format(i))
+ hsh = utorrent.torrent_add_file(i, opts.download_dir)
+ fancy_print(level1 + "Info hash = {}".format(hsh))
+ if opts.force:
+ fancy_print(level1 + "Forcing start...")
+ utorrent.torrent_start(hsh, True)
+ elif opts.action == "add_url":
+ for i in args:
+ fancy_print("Submitting {}...".format(i))
+ hsh = utorrent.torrent_add_url(i, opts.download_dir)
+ if hsh != None:
+ fancy_print(level1 + "Info hash = {}".format(hsh))
+ if opts.force:
+ fancy_print(level1 + "Forcing start...")
+ utorrent.torrent_start(hsh, True)
+ elif opts.action == "settings_get":
+ for i in sorted(utorrent.settings_get().items()):
+ if len(args) == 0 or i[0] in args:
+ fancy_print("{} = {}".format(*i))
+ elif opts.action == "settings_set":
+ utorrent.settings_set(dict((k, v) for k, v in [ i.split("=") for i in args]))
+ elif opts.action == "torrent_start":
+ torr_list = None
+ if opts.all:
+ torr_list = utorrent.torrent_list()
+ args = torr_list.keys()
+ fancy_print("Starting all torrents...")
+ else:
+ if opts.verbose:
+ torrs = utorrent.resolve_torrent_hashes(args, torr_list)
+ else:
+ torrs = args
+ fancy_print("Starting " + ", ".join(torrs) + "...")
+ utorrent.torrent_start(args, opts.force)
+ elif opts.action == "torrent_stop":
+ torr_list = None
+ if opts.all:
+ torr_list = utorrent.torrent_list()
+ args = torr_list.keys()
+ fancy_print("Stopping all torrents...")
+ else:
+ if opts.verbose:
+ torrs = utorrent.resolve_torrent_hashes(args, torr_list)
+ else:
+ torrs = args
+ fancy_print("Stopping " + ", ".join(torrs) + "...")
+ utorrent.torrent_stop(args)
+ elif opts.action == "torrent_resume":
+ torr_list = None
+ if opts.all:
+ torr_list = utorrent.torrent_list()
+ args = torr_list.keys()
+ fancy_print("Resuming all torrents...")
+ else:
+ if opts.verbose:
+ torrs = utorrent.resolve_torrent_hashes(args, torr_list)
+ else:
+ torrs = args
+ fancy_print("Resuming " + ", ".join(torrs) + "...")
+ utorrent.torrent_resume(args)
+ elif opts.action == "torrent_pause":
+ torr_list = None
+ if opts.all:
+ torr_list = utorrent.torrent_list()
+ args = torr_list.keys()
+ fancy_print("Pausing all torrents...")
+ else:
+ if opts.verbose:
+ torrs = utorrent.resolve_torrent_hashes(args, torr_list)
+ else:
+ torrs = args
+ fancy_print("Pausing " + ", ".join(torrs) + "...")
+ utorrent.torrent_pause(args)
+ elif opts.action == "torrent_recheck":
+ torr_list = utorrent.torrent_list()
+ if opts.all:
+ if opts.force:
+ args = torr_list.keys()
+ fancy_print("Rechecking all torrents...")
+ else:
+ raise uTorrentError("Refusing to recheck all torrents! Please specify --force to override")
+ else:
+ if opts.verbose:
+ torrs = utorrent.resolve_torrent_hashes(args, torr_list)
+ else:
+ torrs = args
+ fancy_print("Rechecking " + ", ".join(torrs) + "...")
+ for hsh in args:
+ if hsh in torr_list:
+ torr = torr_list[hsh]
+ torr.stop()
+ torr.recheck()
+ if (torr.status.started and not torr.status.paused) or torr.status.error:
+ torr.start(not(torr.status.queued or torr.status.error))
+ elif opts.action == "torrent_remove":
+ if opts.verbose:
+ torrs = utorrent.resolve_torrent_hashes(args)
+ else:
+ torrs = args
+ fancy_print("Removing " + ", ".join(torrs) + "...")
+ if utorrent.api_version == uTorrentLinuxServer.api_version:
+ utorrent.torrent_remove(args, opts.with_data or opts.force, opts.with_torrent or opts.force)
+ else:
+ utorrent.torrent_remove(args, opts.with_data or opts.force)
+ elif opts.action == "torrent_info":
+ tors = utorrent.torrent_list()
+ files = utorrent.file_list(args)
+ infos = utorrent.torrent_info(args)
+ for hsh, fls in files.items():
+ fancy_print(tors[hsh].verbose_str(opts.format) if opts.verbose else tors[hsh])
+ fancy_print(level1 + (infos[hsh].verbose_str() if opts.verbose else unicode(infos[hsh])))
+ fancy_print(level1 + "Files ({}):".format(len(fls)))
+ for f in fls:
+ fancy_print(level2 + (f.verbose_str() if opts.verbose else unicode(f)))
+ fancy_print(level1 + "Trackers:")
+ for tr in infos[hsh].trackers:
+ fancy_print(level2 + tr)
+ elif opts.action == "torrent_dump":
+ tors = utorrent.torrent_list()
+ infos = utorrent.torrent_info(args)
+ for hsh, info in infos.items():
+ fancy_print(tors[hsh].verbose_str(opts.format) if opts.verbose else tors[hsh])
+ fancy_print(level1 + "Properties:")
+ dump_writer(tors[hsh], tors[hsh].get_public_attrs())
+ dump_writer(info, info.get_public_attrs())
+ fancy_print(level1 + "Read-only:")
+ dump_writer(tors[hsh], tors[hsh].get_readonly_attrs())
+ elif opts.action == "stats":
+ res = utorrent.xfer_history_get()
+ excl_local = utorrent.settings_get()["net.limit_excludeslocal"]
+ torrents = utorrent.torrent_list()
+ today_start = datetime.datetime.now().replace(hour=0, minute=0, second=0, microsecond=0)
+ period = len(res["daily_download"])
+ period_start = today_start - datetime.timedelta(days=period - 1)
+ down_total_local = sum(res["daily_local_download"])
+ down_total = sum(res["daily_download"]) - (down_total_local if excl_local else 0)
+ up_total_local = sum(res["daily_local_upload"])
+ up_total = sum(res["daily_upload"]) - (down_total_local if excl_local else 0)
+ period_added_torrents = dict((k, v) for k, v in torrents.items() if v.added_on >= period_start)
+ period_completed_torrents = dict((k, v) for k, v in torrents.items() if v.completed_on >= period_start)
+ fancy_print("Last {} days:".format(period))
+ fancy_print(level1 + "Downloaded: {} (+{} local)".format(uTorrent.human_size(down_total), uTorrent.human_size(down_total_local)))
+ fancy_print(level1 + " Uploaded: {} (+{} local)".format(uTorrent.human_size(up_total), uTorrent.human_size(up_total_local)))
+ fancy_print(level1 + " Total: {} (+{} local)".format(uTorrent.human_size(down_total + up_total), uTorrent.human_size(down_total_local + up_total_local)))
+ fancy_print(level1 + "Ratio: {:.2f}".format(up_total / down_total))
+ fancy_print(level1 + "Added torrents: {}".format(len(period_added_torrents)))
+ fancy_print(level1 + "Completed torrents: {}".format(len(period_completed_torrents)))
+ down_day_local = res["daily_local_download"][0]
+ down_day = res["daily_download"][0] - (down_day_local if excl_local else 0)
+ up_day_local = res["daily_local_upload"][0]
+ up_day = res["daily_upload"][0] - (up_day_local if excl_local else 0)
+ today_added_torrents = dict((k, v) for k, v in torrents.items() if v.added_on >= today_start)
+ today_completed_torrents = dict((k, v) for k, v in torrents.items() if v.completed_on >= today_start)
+ fancy_print("Today:")
+ fancy_print(level1 + "Downloaded: {} (+{} local)".format(uTorrent.human_size(down_day), uTorrent.human_size(down_day_local)))
+ fancy_print(level1 + " Uploaded: {} (+{} local)".format(uTorrent.human_size(up_day), uTorrent.human_size(up_day_local)))
+ fancy_print(level1 + " Total: {} (+{} local)".format(uTorrent.human_size(down_day + up_day), uTorrent.human_size(down_day_local + up_day_local)))
+ fancy_print(level1 + "Ratio: {:.2f}".format(up_day / down_day))
+ fancy_print(level1 + "Added torrents: {}".format(len(today_added_torrents)))
+ fancy_print(level1 + "Completed torrents: {}".format(len(today_completed_torrents)))
+ elif opts.action == "reset_stats":
+ res = utorrent.xfer_history_reset()
+ elif opts.action == "download":
+ if utorrent.api_version < uTorrentFalcon.api_version:
+ raise uTorrentError("Downloading files only supported for uTorrent 3.x and uTorrent Server")
+ for filespec in args:
+ parent_hash, indices = uTorrent.parse_hash_prop(filespec)
+ files = utorrent.file_list(parent_hash)
+ if len(files) == 0:
+ fancy_print("Specified torrent or file does not exist")
+ sys.exit(1)
+ make_tree = False # single file download => place it in the current directory
+ torrents = None
+ if indices == None:
+ indices = [ i for i, f in enumerate(files[parent_hash]) if f.progress == 100 and f.priority.value > 0 ]
+ if len(files[parent_hash]) > 1:
+ make_tree = True # whole torrent download => keep directory tree
+ torrents = utorrent.torrent_list()
+ else:
+ indices = (int(indices),)
+ def progress(loaded, total):
+ global bar_width, increm, start_time
+ progr = round(loaded / increm)
+ delta = datetime.datetime.now() - start_time
+ delta = delta.seconds + delta.microseconds / 1000000
+ if opts.verbose:
+ fancy_print("".join([ unicode("[{}{}] {} {}/s eta: {}{}".format(
+ "*" * progr, "_" * (bar_width - progr),
+ uTorrent.human_size(total),
+ uTorrent.human_size(loaded / delta),
+ uTorrent.human_time_delta((total - loaded) / (loaded / delta)),
+ " " * 25
+ ))]), end="")
+ fancy_print("\b" * (bar_width + 70), end="")
+ sys.stdout.flush()
+ for index in indices:
+ if make_tree:
+ filename = torrents[parent_hash].name + os.path.sep + os.path.normpath(files[parent_hash][index].name)
+ else:
+ filename = utorrent.pathmodule.basename(files[parent_hash][index].name)
+ if os.path.exists(filename) and os.path.getsize(filename) > 0 and not opts.force:
+ fancy_print("Skipping {}, already exists, specify --force to overwrite...".format(filename))
+ else:
+ try:
+ directory = os.path.dirname(filename)
+ if directory != "":
+ os.makedirs(directory)
+ except OSError, e:
+ if(e.args[0] != 17): # "File exists" => dir exists, by design, ignore
+ raise e
+ fancy_print("Downloading {}...".format(filename))
+ file = open(filename, "wb")
+ bar_width = 50
+ increm = files[parent_hash][index].size / bar_width
+ start_time = datetime.datetime.now()
+ utorrent.file_get("{}.{}".format(parent_hash, index), buffer=file, progress_cb=progress)
+ if opts.verbose:
+ fancy_print("")
+ elif opts.action == "set_file_priority":
+ prios = {}
+ for i in args:
+ parts = i.split("=")
+ if len(parts) == 2:
+ prios[parts[0]] = parts[1]
+ else:
+ prios[parts[0]] = "2"
+ utorrent.file_set_priority(prios)
+ elif opts.action == "set_props":
+ props = []
+ for a in args:
+ hsh, value = a.split("=", 1)
+ hsh, name = hsh.split(".", 1)
+ props.append({ hsh : { name : value } })
+ utorrent.torrent_set_props(props)
+ elif opts.action == "rss_list":
+ rssfeeds = {}
+ rssfilters = {}
+ utorrent.torrent_list(None, rssfeeds, rssfilters)
+ feed_id_index = {}
+ for filter_id, filter_props in rssfilters.items():
+ if not filter_props.feed_id in feed_id_index:
+ feed_id_index[filter_props.feed_id] = []
+ feed_id_index[filter_props.feed_id].append(filter_props)
+ fancy_print("Feeds:")
+ for feed_id, feed in rssfeeds.items():
+ fancy_print(level1 + (feed.verbose_str() if opts.verbose else unicode(feed)))
+ if feed_id in feed_id_index:
+ fancy_print(level1 + "Filters:")
+ for filter_props in feed_id_index[feed_id]:
+ fancy_print(level2 + (filter_props.verbose_str() if opts.verbose else unicode(filter_props)))
+ if -1 in feed_id_index and len(feed_id_index[-1]) > 0:
+ fancy_print("Global filters:")
+ for filter_props in feed_id_index[-1]:
+ fancy_print(level1 + (filter_props.verbose_str() if opts.verbose else unicode(filter_props)))
+ elif opts.action == "rss_add":
+ for url in args:
+ fancy_print("Adding {}...".format(url))
+ feed_id = utorrent.rss_add(url)
+ if feed_id != -1:
+ fancy_print(level1 + "Feed id = {} (add a filter to it to make it download something)".format(feed_id))
+ else:
+ fancy_print(level1 + "Failed to add feed")
+ elif opts.action == "rss_update":
+ feed_list = None
+ if opts.all:
+ feed_list = utorrent.rss_list()
+ args = list(imap(unicode, feed_list.keys()))
+ fancy_print("Updating all rss feeds...")
+ else:
+ if opts.verbose:
+ feeds = utorrent.resolve_feed_ids(args, feed_list)
+ else:
+ feeds = args
+ fancy_print("Updating " + ", ".join(feeds) + "...")
+ for feed_id in args:
+ utorrent.rss_update(feed_id, { "update" : 1 })
+ elif opts.action == "rss_remove":
+ if opts.verbose:
+ feeds = utorrent.resolve_feed_ids(args)
+ else:
+ feeds = args
+ fancy_print("Removing " + ", ".join(feeds) + "...")
+ for feed_id in args:
+ utorrent.rss_remove(feed_id)
+ elif opts.action == "rss_dump":
+ feeds = utorrent.rss_list()
+ for feed_id, feed in dict((i, f) for i, f in feeds.items() if unicode(i) in args).items():
+ fancy_print(feed.url)
+ fancy_print(level1 + "Properties:")
+ dump_writer(feed, feed.get_public_attrs())
+ fancy_print(level1 + "Read-only:")
+ dump_writer(feed, feed.get_readonly_attrs())
+ fancy_print(level1 + "Write-only:")
+ dump_writer(feed, feed.get_writeonly_attrs())
+ elif opts.action == "rss_set_props":
+ for a in args:
+ feed_id, value = a.split("=", 1)
+ feed_id, name = feed_id.split(".", 1)
+ if name in RssFeed.get_public_attrs() or name in RssFeed.get_writeonly_attrs():
+ utorrent.rss_update(feed_id, { name : value })
+ elif opts.action == "rssfilter_add":
+ for feed_id in args:
+ fancy_print("Adding filter for feed {}...".format(feed_id))
+ filter_id = utorrent.rssfilter_add(feed_id)
+ if filter_id != -1:
+ fancy_print(level1 + "Filter id = {}".format(filter_id))
+ else:
+ fancy_print(level1 + "Failed to add filter")
+ elif opts.action == "rssfilter_remove":
+ if opts.verbose:
+ feeds = utorrent.resolve_filter_ids(args)
+ else:
+ feeds = args
+ fancy_print("Removing " + ", ".join(feeds) + "...")
+ for filter_id in args:
+ utorrent.rssfilter_remove(filter_id)
+ elif opts.action == "rssfilter_dump":
+ filters = utorrent.rssfilter_list()
+ for filter_id, filter_props in dict((i, f) for i, f in filters.items() if unicode(i) in args).items():
+ fancy_print(filter_props.name)
+ fancy_print(level1 + "Properties:")
+ dump_writer(filter_props, filter_props.get_public_attrs())
+ fancy_print(level1 + "Read-only:")
+ dump_writer(filter_props, filter_props.get_readonly_attrs())
+ fancy_print(level1 + "Write-only:")
+ dump_writer(filter_props, filter_props.get_writeonly_attrs())
+ elif opts.action == "rssfilter_set_props":
+ for a in args:
+ filter_id, value = a.split("=", 1)
+ filter_id, name = filter_id.split(".", 1)
+ if name in RssFilter.get_public_attrs() or RssFilter.get_writeonly_attrs():
+ utorrent.rssfilter_update(filter_id, { name.replace("_", "-") : value })
+ elif opts.action == "get_magnet":
+ if opts.verbose:
+ tors = utorrent.torrent_list()
+ for hsh, lnk in utorrent.torrent_get_magnet(args).items():
+ fancy_print(tors[hsh] if opts.verbose else hsh)
+ fancy_print(level1 + lnk)
+ else:
+ parser.print_help()
+ except uTorrentError, e:
+ fancy_print(e)
+ sys.exit(1)