1.5.0 12/05/2024
- Updates Rails to version
- Update to Bootstrap 5.
- Added drb gem.
- Bundle Update.
1.4.0 7/29/2024
- Updates Ruby to version 3.3.3.
- Updates Rails to version
- Updates the deploy script to update ruby.
- Updates Github Actions.
- Bundle Update.
- Security updates to Nokogiri.
- Improves notes field with simple format.
- Moves javascript into asset pipeline.
- Adds Road Map feature.
- Adds Decommissioned as a feature.
- Bug Fixes
- Fixes null value in export function.
- Fixes sensitive information field.
- Fixes problem of deleting a record with a change request associated.
- Fixes problem with multi_value fields.
1.3.0 4/9/2024
- Updates Ruby to version 3.3.0
- Updates Rails to version
- Bug Fixes
- Changes notes field to text.
- Removes old server name.
1.2.0 8/18/2023
- Updates Ruby to version 3.2.2
- Updates Rails to version
- Updates Change Management and Upgrade Tab.
- Improves UX responsiveness for Change Request.
- Adds more required fields to ChangeRequest.
- Adds ChangeRequest Model.
- Use puma as a service
- Adds server and certificate fields to SoftwareRecords.
- Updates front and file_uploads controller to solve security vulnerabilities.
- Adds Maintentance Log and Priority list
- add local option to auth type
- Configure Github Actions and Coveralls
- Add Admin Roles to Software Records
- Updates linters and security gems
- Bug Fixes
- Fixes edit_path on upgrade history.
- Fixes rubocop errors in delete spec.
- Fixes role access for manager and owner.
- Fixes SoftwareRecords typos and test.
- Fixes grey menu
- Fixes some accessiblity issues.
- Fixes password update.
- Fix Software Graph
- Update Secret Key call.
1.1.0 6/19/2021
- Cleaned up Status Field
- Removed status field from software records table
- Rubcop corrections
- Import Data script updated
- Dashboard edits
- Improved Coveralls Coverage
- Added Hosting Environment field
- Modified start up scripts for QA and Prod
- Bundle Update
- Setup tabs for software record
- Expanded db seeds
- Added Change Management fields
- Added Server Environment tab and fields
- Created yes/no toggle helper
- Added Authentication type field
- Added new field to import / export script
- Bug Fixes
- Fixes blind sql injection
- Updates chartkick gem
1.0.1 10/1/2020
- Prevent overwriting of data on import
- Left justify text on all index and dashboard
- Simplified buttons
- Updated login page description
- Modified http in url labels and fields
- Changed catalog display of url when empty
- Changed labels on product owner
- Fix footer accessibility issue
- Encrypted the sensitive information field
- Updated bottom graph to show total records
- Bug Fixes
- Fixed support contract check box
- Fixed problems with multi-valued field
- Fixed navigation after editing record
1.0.0 7/17/2020
- Configured authentication
- Configured test environment
- Setup Bootstrap CSS
- Configured user abilities
- Dashboard and Catalog interfaces
- Configured User Management
- Menuing and Navigation
- Search
- Visualizations
- Data Export
- Data Import
- Modelling for Software Records
- Modelling for Software Types
- Modelling for Software Vendors
- Secure Fields