Genes or gene ontology terms with significant changes along each principal component of the latent spaces
plot_lord_bce_pca_sampling.ipynb - identify differentially expressed genes or peaks along each principal component of the shared or modality-specific latent spaces plot_lord_bce_pca_sampling_withAnnotations_curve.ipynb - plot differentially expressed genes or peaks along each principal component of the shared or modality-specific latent spaces plot_lord_bce_pca_sampling_withAnnotations.ipynb - plot the enriched gene ontology terms of the genes or peaks represented by the shared or modality-specific latent spaces
train_cnnvae_splitChannels_conditional_lord_randNoise_bce.ipynb - BCE loss used for reconstruction
train_cnnvae_splitChannels_conditional_lord_randNoise.ipynb - MSE loss used for reconstruction
train_cnnvae_splitChannels_conditional_lord_randNoise_reverse_bce.ipynb - inference step for the model trained with BCE loss
train_cnnvae_splitChannels_conditional_lord_randNoise_reverse.ipynb - inference step for the model trained with MSE loss
train_cnnvae_splitChannels_conditional_lord_randNoise_fullyJoint.ipynb - step 1, latent optimization
train_cnnvae_splitChannels_conditional_lord_randNoise_reverse_fullyJoint.ipynb - step 2, inference
train_cnnvae_splitChannels_conditional_lord_randNoise_correctBCE_noSharedRecon.ipynb - step 1, latent optimization (without decoders mapping from the shared latent space to reconstruction) train_cnnvae_splitChannels_conditional_lord_randNoise_reverse_correctBCEvalLoss_noSharedRecon.ipynb - step 2, inference
Phenotype classification using real images, reconstructed images from full latent space, reconstructed images from shared latent space, or protein images predicted from chromatin
plot_Clf_conditions_sampling.ipynb - plot results
train_clf_conditions_c2c_fullrecon_sampling.ipynb - train classifiers using reconstructed chromatin images from the full latent space
train_clf_conditions_c2c_sharedrecon_sampling.ipynb - train classifiers using reconstructed chromatin images from the shared latent space
train_Clf_conditions_c2p_sampling.ipynb - train classifiers using protein images predicted from chromatin
train_clf_conditions_originalImg_chromatin_sampling.ipynb - train classifiers using the original chromatin images
train_clf_conditions_originalImg_sampling.ipynb - train classifiers using the original protein images
train_Clf_conditions_p2p_fullrecon_sampling.ipynb - train classifiers using reconstructed protein images from the full latent space
train_Clf_conditions_p2p_sharedRecon_sampling.ipynb - train classifiers using reconstructed protein images from the shared latent space
getNMCO_allFeatures.ipynb - preprocess
getNMCOgroups.ipymb - group chromatin features by correlation and selecting one representative feature for each group
getNMCOgroups_protein.ipymb - group protein features by correlation and selecting one representative feature for each group
plot_nmco_centerPCs_percentiles_chromatin_allfeatures_sampling_groupNMCOde.ipynb - identify chromatin features with significant changes along PCs of the latent spaces
plot_nmco_centerPCs_percentiles_chromatin_allfeatures_sampling_groupNMCO.ipynb - plot the significant chromatin features
plot_nmco_centerPCs_percentiles_protein_allfeatures_sampling.ipynb - identify protein features with significant changes along PCs of the latent spaces
plot_nmco_centerPCs_percentiles_protein_allfeatures_sampling_groupNMCO.ipynb - plot the significant protein features
train_clf_conditions_nmco_sampling.ipynb - train phenotype classifier using all represeentative morphological features
train_clf_conditions_nmco_sampling_featureAblation.ipynb - train phenotype classifier with feature ablation
plot_clf_conditions_nmco_sampling.ipynb - plot results
train_pred_chromatinImg2proteinFeatures.ipynb - train regression models compareImg2Features.ipynb - plot results
benchmarking_inpainting.ipynb - compare to the previous image inpainting method for protein image prediction:
./citeseq directory
./hpa contains all three notebooks for the three models trained using each pair of chromain, ER, and microtubule markers.