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File metadata and controls

104 lines (72 loc) · 2.47 KB

Gigacounts blockchain


The App requires:

  • Node.js v16+ to run (^16.14.2).

  • Yarn.js v1+ to run (^1.22.19).

  • hardhat

  • You could check the version of packages (node, yarn) with these commands:

node -v
yarn -v

Install the dependencies

- yarn install # with yarn
- npm i OR npm i --legacy-peer-deps # with NPM

If you have some trouble with dependencies, try this:

set http_proxy=
set https_proxy=
npm config rm https-proxy
npm config rm proxy
npm config set registry ""
yarn cache clean
yarn config delete proxy
yarn --network-timeout 100000

Create a .env file running the command in terminal

touch .env

Environment variables

The environment variables below needs to be set in the .env file when the project is running locally.

INFURA_ID={your infura project id}
ALCHEMY_ID={your infura api key}
PUBLIC_ADDRESS={your wallet address}
PRIVATE_KEY={your private key to deploy SCs}

Note: You can find more info about the other required .env variables inside the example_env file.


# Run testnet
yarn hardhat node

# Compile
npx hardhat compile

# Test
npx hardhat test

# Deploy to local
npx hardhat run scripts/deploy.ts --network localhost

# Deploy to Mumnbai 
npx hardhat run scripts/deploy.ts --network mumbai

# Solidity Security and Style guides validations with solhint []
npm install -g solhint
solhint 'contracts/**/*.sol'

# Solidity Static Analysis []
slither .


When deploying the handler contract:

  • Update the handler contract address in settings table in database.
  • Update the ABI code of the handler to both the frontend and backend.
  • Add the user scheduler's wallet as an owner.
  • Add the user admin's wallet as an owner.
  • Call the 'addSupportedToken' function with the address of the GIGA ERC20 Token.
  • Increase the allowance in the ERC20 Token contract for the handler's address.

Development Smart Contracts Addresses

  • Gigacounts Token Address: 0x5c9b946cCc153db707C4D72C15338122FBf830bf
  • Handler Token Address: 0x75F3DdDC86905c2e202DD2c9260B341D0be5aa9C

TODO (Improvements)

  • Separate data logic into two smart contracts.
  • Maintain history of smart contract implementations (logic and data) to have the physical contract + SC relationship (due to changes in the ABI).