Lets create a simple chart:
import scalatikz.pgf.charts.Chart
Chart.pie("simple_pie", "A" -> 10, "B" -> 20, "C" -> 30, "D" -> 40)
Lets see the default color wheel:
import scalatikz.pgf.charts.Chart
Chart.pie("color_wheel")(List(1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10))
Lets create a pie having only grayscale colors:
import scalatikz.pgf.charts.Chart
import scalatikz.pgf.enums.Color.BLACK
Chart.pie("grayscale_pie", "A" -> 10, "B" -> 20, "C" -> 30, "D" -> 40)
.havingColors(BLACK!10, BLACK!20, BLACK!30, BLACK!40)
Lets create a pie having legends:
import scalatikz.pgf.charts.Chart
import scalatikz.pgf.charts.enums.TextLocation
Chart.pie("legends_pie", Map("First" -> 10, "Second" -> 20, "Third" -> 30, "Forth" -> 40))
Finally, lets create a random bit string and a cloud chart showing 0 and 1 frequencies.
import scalatikz.pgf.charts.Chart
import scalatikz.pgf.charts.enums.TextLocation
import scalatikz.pgf.enums.Color
import scala.util.Random
val randomBitString = (1 to 100) map (_ => Random.nextInt(2))
.havingColors(Color.GRAY, Color.LIGHT_GRAY)