Lets create a sine vs cosine plot:
import math._
import scalatikz.pgf.plots.Figure
import scalatikz.pgf.plots.enums.LegendPos.SOUTH_WEST
import scalatikz.pgf.enums.LineStyle.DASHED
val domain = BigDecimal(-2 * Pi) to BigDecimal(2 * Pi) by 0.1
.plot(domain -> sin _)
.plot(lineStyle = DASHED)(domain -> cos _)
.havingLegends("$\\sin(x)$", "$\\cos(x)$")
.havingTitle("$\\sin(x)$ vs $\\cos(x)$")
Lets create a plot of Gaussian distributions:
import math._
import scalatikz.pgf.plots.Figure
import scalatikz.pgf.enums.Color.{ BLACK, BLUE, GREEN, RED, YELLOW }
import scalatikz.pgf.plots.enums.FontSize.FOOTNOTE
import scalatikz.pgf.plots.enums.LegendPos.NORTH_EAST
def gaussian(mean: Double, variance: Double)(x: Double): Double =
1 / sqrt(2 * Pi * variance) * exp( -pow(x - mean, 2) / (2 * variance))
val x = BigDecimal(-5) to BigDecimal(5) by 0.1
.plot(lineColor = BLUE, smooth = true)(x -> gaussian(0, 0.2) _)
.plot(lineColor = RED)(x -> gaussian(0, 1) _)
.plot(lineColor = YELLOW!70!BLACK)(x -> gaussian(0, 5) _)
.plot(lineColor = GREEN)(x -> gaussian(-2, 0.5) _)
.havingXLimits(-5, 5)
.havingTitle("Normal Distribution")
"$\\mu=0\\, \\sigma=0.2$",
"$\\mu=0\\, \\sigma=1$",
"$\\mu=0\\, \\sigma=5$",
"$\\mu=-2\\, \\sigma=0.5$"
Lets plot an area:
import math._
import scalatikz.pgf.plots.Figure
import scalatikz.pgf.enums.LineSize.VERY_THIN
val xx = BigDecimal(0) to BigDecimal(1) by 0.01
.area(lineSize = VERY_THIN, opacity = 0.2) {
xx -> ((x: Double) => sin(4 * Pi * x) * exp(-5 * x))
Lets plot a line and then plot a scatter of points along the line:
import math._
import scala.util.Random
import scalatikz.pgf.plots.Figure
import scalatikz.pgf.enums.Color.{ BLACK, RED }
import scalatikz.pgf.enums.LineStyle.DASHED
val xs = BigDecimal(0) to BigDecimal(2) * Pi by 0.1
.plot(lineColor = BLACK, lineStyle = DASHED)(xs -> sin _)
.scatter(markFillColor = RED, markSize = 1.5) {
xs -> ((x: Double) => sin(x) + 0.1 * Random.nextGaussian)
Lets plot a set of sinus functions and add some dark background to make the plot fancy:
import math._
import scalatikz.pgf.plots.Figure
import scalatikz.pgf.enums.Color.BLACK
import scalatikz.pgf.plots.enums.Mark.DOT
val xxs = BigDecimal(0) to BigDecimal(6) by 0.1
val figure = Figure("dark").havingBackgroundColor(BLACK!50)
(1 to 6).foldLeft(figure) { case (fig, s) =>
fig.plot(marker = DOT, markSize = 1.5)(xxs -> ((x: Double) => sin(x + s)))
Lets plot a stem function and a line passing through the stems:
import math._
import scala.util.Random
import scalatikz.pgf.plots.Figure
import scalatikz.pgf.enums.Color.{ BLACK, BLUE, GREEN }
import scalatikz.pgf.enums.LineStyle.DASHED
import scalatikz.pgf.plots.enums.Mark.CIRCLE
val randomPoints = (1 to 20).map(_ => Random.nextDouble)
.stem(lineColor = BLUE!50!BLACK, marker = CIRCLE)(randomPoints)
.plot(lineColor = GREEN!50!BLACK, lineStyle = DASHED, smooth = true)(randomPoints)
Lets plot a line having random error bars:
import math._
import scala.util.Random
import scalatikz.pgf.plots.Figure
import scalatikz.pgf.plots.enums.AxisLinePos.{ BOTTOM, LEFT }
import scalatikz.pgf.enums.Color.{ BLACK, BLUE }
.errorBar(BLUE!50!BLACK) {
(BigDecimal(0) to BigDecimal(1) by 0.1) -> ((x: Double) => x / 2)
} {
(1 to (BigDecimal(0) to BigDecimal(1) by 0.1).length).map(_ => 0.0 -> scala.util.Random.nextDouble)
.havingTitle("Error bar")
.havingXLimits(-0.1, 1.1)
Lets create a bar plot for the function y = x^2
import math._
import scala.util.Random
import scalatikz.pgf.plots.Figure
import scalatikz.pgf.enums.Color.{ WHITE, BLUE }
.bar(barColor = BLUE!80!WHITE)((-20 to 20).map(x => (x, x * x)))
Lets create a mesh plot for the function y = x + sin(x)
import math._
import scalatikz.pgf.plots.Figure
import scalatikz.pgf.plots.enums.ColorMap
val xc = BigDecimal(0) to BigDecimal(2) * Pi by 0.1
.mesh(xc -> ((x: Double) => x + math.sin(x)))
Lets create a random scatter mesh:
import scala.util.Random
import scalatikz.pgf.plots.Figure
import scalatikz.pgf.plots.enums.ColorMap
.scatterMesh((0 to 100) -> ((x: Double) => x + Random.nextInt(10)))
Next, lets plot an array of plots:
import math._
import scalatikz.pgf.plots.Figure
import scalatikz.pgf.enums.Color.{ BLACK, BLUE, GREEN, YELLOW }
Figure("array", 2, 2)
.subFigure(0, 0) { x =>
x.plot((BigDecimal(0.01) to BigDecimal(10) by 0.1) -> log _)
.subFigure(0, 1) { x =>
x.plot(GREEN!40!BLACK)((BigDecimal(-5) to BigDecimal(5) by 0.1) -> ((x: Double) => pow(x, 2)))
.subFigure(1, 0) { x =>
x.plot(YELLOW!BLACK)((BigDecimal(0) to BigDecimal(1) by 0.1) -> ((x: Double) => x))
.subFigure(1, 1) { x =>
x.plot(BLUE)((BigDecimal(-5) to BigDecimal(5) by 0.1) -> ((x: Double) => pow(x, 3)))
Finally, lets plot a figure having two ordinates:
import scalatikz.pgf.plots.Figure
import scalatikz.pgf.enums.Color.{ RED, BLUE }
.plot(lineColor = RED)((-5 to 5) -> ((x: Double) => 3 * x))
.secondaryAxis { x => x
.scatter(markStrokeColor = BLUE, markFillColor = BLUE)((-5 to 5) -> ((x: Double) => x * x))