- scene in unity using what we had learned
- 2 data sources that influence geometry (scale, height, stream)
- time label
- spreadsheet describes the data
- what's the source ( which website, which data set / spreadsheet, what API)
- what is the data (e.g. no2 = nitrogen dioxide, count = number of people on the bus stop)
- value range (0..1? 10-100? 1000s)
- time range (24h? 4 week? one week?)
- output format = ??? unity files > screenshot > video > ? (before 13th)
- what do we do with the point cloud???????????
- what date have you used and how much research have you done?
- how did you use the primitives to describe the data?
- visual quality = readability
- documentation
- how much have you challenged yourself
- deadline 20th
- data stream updates (radius, trasnparency)
- data label
- live data Air Quality
- adding point clouds again
- feedback
- assignment and evaluation criteria
Hackney - Old Street Air Quality http://aqicn.org/city/united-kingdom/hackney-old-street/
Air Quality API http://aqicn.org/api/
Requesting an API Token http://aqicn.org/data-platform/token/
API Test Page http://aqicn.org/json-api/demo/
Find station ID http://api.waqi.info/search/?keyword=Hackney&token=TOKEN
{"status":"ok","data":[{"uid":7946,"aqi":"37","time":{"tz":"+0000","stime":"2017-02-24 06:00:00","vtime":1487916000},"station":{"name":"Hackney - Old Street, United Kingdom","geo":[51.526454,-0.08491],"url":"united-kingdom/hackney-old-street"}}]}
Hackney Old Street ID = 7946
Get the data http://api.waqi.info/feed/@7946/?token=TOKEN
{"status":"ok","data":{"aqi":37,"idx":7946,"attributions":[{"url":"http://uk-air.defra.gov.uk/","name":"UK-AIR, air quality information resource - Defra, UK"},{"url":"http://londonair.org.uk/","name":"London Air Quality Network - Environmental Research Group, King's College London"}],"city":{"geo":[51.526454,-0.08491],"name":"Hackney - Old Street","url":"http://aqicn.org/city/united-kingdom/hackney-old-street/"},"dominentpol":"pm25","iaqi":{"co":{"v":0.1},"h":{"v":80},"no2":{"v":27.3},"o3":{"v":4.4},"p":{"v":1014},"pm10":{"v":12},"pm25":{"v":37},"so2":{"v":0.2},"t":{"v":2.55}},"time":{"s":"2017-02-24 06:00:00","tz":"+00:00","v":1487916000}}}
Format the data http://jsonformatter.org