Handle installations of cpan modules via puppet. The force parameter will allow stubborn modules to be installed unattended.
include cpan
cpan { "Clone::Closure":
ensure => present,
require => Class['::cpan'],
force => true,
To avoid conflicts with inhouse package management, use:
class {'cpan':
manage_package => false,
To control target installation path, use:
class {'cpan':
installdirs => 'vendor'
Any of site
(default), perl
and vendor
are accepted.
To further control the location of installed modules, you can use local::lib:
cpan { 'Foo::Bar':
ensure => present,
local_lib => '/opt',
This will install the module into /opt
. Of course you need to adjust @INC
of your code in order to use that
new location, e.g. by using perl -Mlocal::lib=/opt myapp.pl
You can also define the default value of local_lib
for all cpan
Cpan { local_lib => '/opt' }