This is a simple and fast file format. That allows setting up of network applications with initial configuration values. These are usually standard, property and value pairs. Containing possible also SQL database structures statements with basic data. It is designed to accommodate a parser to read and provide for CNF property tags. These can be of three types, using all a textual similar presentation. In general are recognised as constants, anons or sqlites.
Operating system environmental settings or variables are considered only as the last resort to provide for a value. This is however to be avoided as it hides the attention and expectation for a setting.
With this type of an application configuration system. Global settings can also be individual scripted with an meaningful description. Which is pretty much welcomed and encouraged.
Text that isn't CNF tagged is ignored in the file and can be used as comments.
CNF tag begins with an << or <<< and ends with an >>> or >>.
If instruction is contained the tag begins with << and ends with a >>.
Multi line values are tag ended on a separate line with an >>>.
CNF tag value can post processed by placing macros making it a template.
Standard markup of a macro is to enclose the property name or number with a triple dollar signifier $$${macro}$$$.
- Presedence of resloving the property name/value is by first passed macros, then config anons and finally the looking up constances.
- Nested macros resolving from linked in other properties is currently not supported.
CNF instructions and constants are uppercase.
- Example 1 format with instruction:
autonoumus const, with inner properties. - Example 2 format with instruction:
<<{$sig}{NAME}<CONST {multi line value}>>>
A single const property with a multi line value. - Example 3 format with instruction:
<<CONST<{$sig}{NAME}\n {multi line value}>>>
A single const property with a multi line value. - Example 4 format with instruction:
A anon. - Example 5 format with instruction:
- Example 1 format with instruction:
CNF instructions are all uppercase and unique, to the processor.
A CNF constant in its property name is prefixed with an '$' signifier.
Constants are usually scripted at the beginning of the file, or parsed first in a separate file.
The instruction processor can use them if signifier $ surrounds the constant name. Therefore, replacing it with the constants value if further found in the file.
<<<CONST $APP_PATH=~/MyApplication>>>
Property names, Constant, Anon refer to the programmatically assinged variable name.
CNF Constant values are store specific.
Constants can't be changed for the life of the application or service issued.
Storage of CNF constants declared can be preceded to the file based one.
i.e. If stored in a database or on a network node. After the file declaration fact.
Missing file based storage settings can be next queried from the environmental one.
- This is to be avoided if possible.
File storage encountered constants override system environmental ones.
- i.e. System administrator has set them.
Database storage encountered constants override file set ones.
- i.e. User of application has set them.
CNF Constant values can be changed in the script file.
- If not present in script file, then an application setting must procede with its default.
- CNF Constants can be declared only once during initial parsing of script files.
- Rule of thumb is that Constants are synchonized with an applications release version.
- Static constants, are script or code only assigned values.
- CNF Anons can overide in contrast previously assigned value.
A CNF Anon is similar to constants but a more simpler property and value only pair.
- Anons are so called because they are unknown or unexpected by the configuration framework, store to object intermidiate.
- Constants that turn up in the anon list, are a good indicator that they are not handled from script. Forgotten become anons.
- Anons similar to constants, once in the database, overtake the scripted or application default settings value.
- Static anons, are those that are set in the database, and/or are not merged with application defaults.
- Anons hashed are programatically accessed separately to constants.
- It is fine to have several different applications, to share same storage, even if they have different implementation.
- Contants will be specific to application, while anons can change in different purpose script files.
Anon is not instruction processed. Hence anonymous in nature for its value.
Anon has no signifier, and doesn't need to have an application default.
Anon value is global to the application and its value can be modified.
<<USE_SWITCH<true>>> <<DIALOG_TITLE_EN<MyApplication Title>>>
- Anon value can be scripted to contain template like but numbered parameters.
- When querying for an anon value, replacement parameter array can be passed.
- Numbering is from $$$1$$$..$$$(n...)$$$ to be part of its value. Strategically placed.
# Perl language my $url = $cnf->anon('GET_SUB_URL',('tech','main.cgi')); # $url now should be: eval ($url =~ m/https:\.*/) or warn "Failed to obtain expected URL when querying anon -> GET_SUB_URL"
Sorry help is currently.
Not available.
$SYS_1 = 10
$SYS_2 = 20
$SYS_3 = " Some Nice Text! "
(Note - this documentation section not complete, as of 2020-02-14)
CNF supports basic SQL Database structure statement generation. This is done via instruction based CNF tags. Named sqlites.
- Supported is table, view, index and data creation statements.
- Database statements are generic text, that is not further processed.
- There is limited database interaction, handling or processing to be provided.
- Mainly for storage transfer of CNF constants, from file to database.
- File changes precede database storage only in newly assigned constants.
- Database generated is expected to have a system SYS_CNF_CONFIG table, containing the constants unique name value pairs, with optional description for each.
- This is a reserved table and name.
- This table must contain a $RELEASE_VER constants record at least.
- SQLites have the following reserved instructions:
<<MyAliasTable<INDEX idx_alias on MyAliasTable (ALIAS); >>>
- SQL statements are actual full SQL placed in the tag body value.
- Data rows are ended with the ~ delimiter. In the tag body.
- Data columns are delimited with the invert quote ` (back tick) within a row.
- These should appear as last in the config file as they are translated into insert statements.
- First column is taken as the unique and record identity column (UID).
- Data is to be updated in storage if any column other than the UID, has its contents changed in the file.
- This behaviour can be controlled by disabling something like an auto file storage update. i.e. during application upgrades. To prevent user set settings to reset to factory defaults.
- The result would then be that database already stored data remains, and only new ones are added. This exercise is out of scope of this specification.
<<MyAliasTable<DATA 01`admin`[email protected]`Super User 02`chef`[email protected]`Bruno Allinoise 03`juicy`[email protected]`Samantha Fox >>
- Expects a file name assigned value, file containing actual further CNF DATA rows instructions, separately.
- The file is expected to be located next to the main config file.
- File is to be sequentially buffer read and processed instead as a whole in one go.
- The same principles apply in the file as to the DATA instruction CNF tag format, expected to be contained in it.
<<MyItemsTbl<FILE data_my_app.cnf>
- Migration are brute sql statements to be run based on currently installed previous version of the SQL database.
- Migration is to be run from version upwards as stated and in the previous database encountered.
- i.e. If encountered old v.1.5, it will be upgraded to v.1.6 first, then v.1.7...
- Migration is not run on newly created databases. These create the expected latest data structure.
- SQL Statements a separated by ';' terminator. To be executed one by one.
~/ file contents:
use lib "system/modules";
use lib $ENV{'PWD'}.'/perl_dev/WB_CNF/system/modules';
require CNFParser;
require Settings;
my @expected = ("$MY_APP_LIB_RELATIVE", "$MY_APP_DB_RELATIVE");
my $path = $ENV{'PWD'}."/perl_dev/WB_CNF/db/configuration.cnf";
# Loading twice config here with object constructor with and without path.
# To show dual purpose use.
my $cnf1 = CNFParser->new($path);
# Nothing parsed yet construct.
my $cnf2 = CNFParser->new();
# We relay that the OS environment has been set for CNF constant settings if missing
# in the configuration file. Adding after parse has no effect if found in file.
$cnf2 -> addENVList(@expected);
# Parse finally now. Parse can be called on multiple different files, if desired.
$cnf2 -> parse($path);
print "List of constants in file: $path\n";
foreach my $prp ($cnf->constants()){
print "$prp=", $cnf->constant($prp),"\n";
warn 'Missing $MY_APP_LIB_RELATIVE setting.';
$LIB_PATH = $cnf2->constant('$MY_APP_LIB_RELATIVE');
die 'Unable to get required $MY_APP_LIB_RELATIVE setting!' if(not $LIB_PATH)
print "Welcome to ", $cnf->constant('$APP_NAME'), " version ", $cnf->constant('$RELEASE_VER'), ".\n";
~//perl_dev/WB_CNF/db/configuration.cnf file contents:
# List command anon with the name of 'list'.
<<list>ls -lh dev|sort>
$APP_NAME="My Application Sample"
Document is from project ->
An open source application.
Moon Stage - v.1.1 2020