You can use the Kafka extension with a custom container. If you don't know about the custom container, you can refer to Create a function on Linux using a custom container.
This sample is for java. However, you can pick any languages. You can follow the step of the Create a function on Linux using a custom container with additional steps only for the Kafka extensions.
- Install the Kafka extension
For the 1. and 2., the step is included on the Dockerfile.
Refer to the Dockerfile. The Dockerfile
execute these steps.
NOTE: You need to use azure-functions-java-library
1.4.0+ and azure-functions-maven-plugin
- mvn clean package
- Install Kafka Extension
- LD_LIBRARY_PATH as an environment variables
$ docker build --tag {YOUR_DOCKERHUB_NAME}/azurefunctionsimage:v1.0.0 .
This sample is configured for Connecting to Confluent Cloud in Azure. If you want to get simple configuration, refer to the Java sample or Connecting to Confluent Cloud in Azure
If you want to run locally, you need to pass the credentials for the Confluent Cloud. In this sample, I use an Azure Storage Account. Please refer to Create an Azure Storage account.
You can see the log with sending the Kafka event. For the Confluence Cloud, you can use ccloud utility. Otherwise, you can use kafkacat to send the event.
$ docker run -p 8080:80 -it -e "BrokerList={YOUR_CONFLUENT_CLOUD_NAME}" -e ConfluentCloudUsername={YOUR_CONFLUENT_CLOUD_USERNAME} -e ConfluentCloudPassword={YOUR_CONFLUENT_CLOUD_PASSWORD} -e AzureWebJobsStorage="{YOUR_STORAGE_ACCOUNT_CONNECTION_STRING}" -e FUNCTIONS_WORKER_RUNTIME=java tsuyoshiushio/azurefunctionsimage:v1.0.0
$ docker login
$ docker push docker push tsuyoshiushio/azurefunctionsimage:v1.0.0
Create a Linux based Premium Function. Follow the step of Create supporting Azure resources for your function and Create and configure a function app on Azure with the image.
These steps create a Premium Function App and set the container image on the Function APp.
Configure the Kafka credentials to the function app.
$ az functionapp config appsettings set --name <app_name> --resource-group <source_group_name> --settings "BrokerList={YOUR_CONFLUENT_CLOUD_NAME} ConfluentCloudUsername={YOUR_CONFLUENT_CLOUD_USERNAME} ConfluentCloudPassword={YOUR_CONFLUENT_CLOUD_PASSWORD}
NOTE: You don't need LD_LIBRARY_PATH
for this scenario. It is already configured on the Dockerfile