diff --git a/index.bs b/index.bs index 3c38194f..d1fbf3f0 100644 --- a/index.bs +++ b/index.bs @@ -14613,13 +14613,19 @@ The {{DOMException}} type is an [=interface type=] defined by the following IDL fragment:
+dictionary DOMExceptionOptions {
+  any cause;
+  DOMString name = "Error";
 interface DOMException { // but see below note about ECMAScript binding
-  constructor(optional DOMString message = "", optional DOMString name = "Error");
+  constructor(optional DOMString message = "", optional (DOMExceptionOptions or DOMString) options = {});
   readonly attribute DOMString name;
   readonly attribute DOMString message;
   readonly attribute unsigned short code;
+  readonly attribute any cause;
   const unsigned short INDEX_SIZE_ERR = 1;
   const unsigned short DOMSTRING_SIZE_ERR = 2;
@@ -14655,12 +14661,18 @@ requirements beyond the normal ones for [=interface types=].
 Each {{DOMException}} object has an associated name and
 message, both [=strings=].
+Each {{DOMException}} object has an associated cause, which
+is a JavaScript value. It is undefined unless specified otherwise.
-new DOMException(|message|, |name|)
+new DOMException(|message|, |options|)
 constructor steps are:
-1. Set [=this=]'s [=DOMException/name=] to |name|.
-1. Set [=this=]'s [=DOMException/message=] to |message|.
+1.  Set [=this=]'s [=DOMException/message=] to |message|.
+1.  If |options| is a string, then set [=this=]'s [=DOMException/name=] to |options|.
+1.  Otherwise,
+    1.  Set [=this=]'s [=DOMException/name=] to |options|["{{DOMExceptionOptions/name}}"].
+    1.  If |options|["{{DOMExceptionOptions/cause}}"] [=map/exists=], then set [=this=]'s [=DOMException/cause=] to |options|["{{DOMExceptionOptions/cause}}"].
 The name getter steps are to return
 [=this=]'s [=DOMException/name=].
@@ -14668,6 +14680,9 @@ The name getter steps are t
 The message getter steps are to
 return [=this=]'s [=DOMException/message=].
+The cause getter steps are to
+return [=this=]'s [=DOMException/cause=].
 The code getter steps are to return the legacy
 code indicated in the DOMException names table for [=this=]'s
 [=DOMException/name=], or 0 if no such entry exists in the table.
@@ -14679,6 +14694,7 @@ Their [=serialization steps=], given value and serialized,
  1. Set serialized.\[[Name]] to value's [=DOMException/name=].
  2. Set serialized.\[[Message]] to value's [=DOMException/message=].
  3. +
  4. Set serialized.\[[Cause]] to the [=sub-serialization=] of value's [=DOMException/cause=].
  5. User agents should attach a serialized representation of any interesting accompanying data which are not yet specified, notably the stack property, to serialized.
  6. @@ -14689,6 +14705,7 @@ Their [=deserialization steps=], given value and serialized
  7. Set value's [=DOMException/name=] to serialized.\[[Name]].
  8. Set value's [=DOMException/message=] to serialized.\[[Message]].
  9. +
  10. Set value's [=DOMException/cause=] to the [=sub-deserialization=] of serialized.\[[Cause]].
  11. If any other data is attached to serialized, then deserialize and attach it to value.