- Readme.md updates
- Readme.md updates
- Merge in upstream/main commits, aka GitHub Theme
- New App Icon.
- Nüshu Light/Dark: Fix Word selection colors
- Nüshu Dark: Fix contributes.
- Nüshu Light/Dark: peekView workbench border updates
- Nüshu Light/Dark: peekView workbench updates
- Nüshu Light/Dark: Explicitly set peekViewResult text color
- Nüshu Light/Dark: Use slightly transparent text for begin/end text strings, so the content that matters pops a bit
- Nüshu Light/Dark: Set unset specific borders explicitly
- Nüshu Light/Dark: Use slightly transparent borders in standard cases
- Nüshu Light/Dark: Fix active tab borders
- Nüshu Light/Dark: Set specific UI colors explicitly, based on what they were falling back to in their respective GitHub Default Dark/Light themes
- Nüshu Light/Dark: Add proper file status foreground to filenames in lists and tabs
- Updated Readme.md
- Nüshu Light/Dark: Use flagHex to write hex values and enforce single color conversions
- Nüshu Light/Dark: Adjustments to gray borders
- Nüshu Light/Dark: Use Chroma JS to calc Nüshu color palette
- Nüshu Light/Dark: Match hue of Foreground to Background
- Nüshu Light/Dark: Use secondary, tertiary, and quaternary shades in lieu of grays
- Nüshu Light/Dark: Use gray instead of green for parameters
- Nüshu Light/Dark: Use green with comments
- Nüshu Light: Fix some backgrounds used
- Set 6 inconsistently used shades of gray to secondary Nüshu color
- Set "editorHoverWidget.border"
- Don't use GitHub Theme foreground, revert to foreground found in Primer primitives
- Nüshu Light/Dark: Use LCH to calculate background css hex codes
- Nüshu Light: Use a lighter green (same as GitHub Light Default)
- Nüshu Light/Dark: Use a custom color with borders (17 instances in each theme)
- Nüshu Light: Use darker purple with
- Nüshu Light and Dark Themes added
- Original Nüshu Theme renamed to Nüshu Classic
- Merge upstream/master
- Use a blue badge and background for consistency
- Decrease contrast of focus borders
- Increase contrast of input background
- Increase contrast of list.focusBackground
- Changes targeting YAML scopes.
- Use different color for variable.other.normal scope (target variables in Shell scripts)
- Use a separate color for css id selectors
- Use a separate color for pseudo class/element scopes
- Use a separate color for constant.language scope
- Add opacity to list and badge backgrounds
- New preview image added to README.md
- Updated badge background and foreground from bluish to yellow/brownish
- #005cc5 --> #735C0F
- #dbedff --> #FFFBDD
- Defined palette for statusBar.debuggingForeground and statusBar.noFolderForeground to prevent purple status bar from displaying
- Selection background colors updated from blue-ish to yellow/brown-ish
- #e8eaed --> #E7E1D0 (10% darker than PPC background color)
- #0366d6 --> #DBAB09 (yellow 700)
- Updated terminal white & black colors
- Preview added to README.md
- #e36209 --> #044289 (Use blue foreground over orange)
- #22863a --> #d15704 (Use orange foreground over green)
- Icon updated
- README.md updated
- Project renamed
- Fix package version
- README.md updated
- Icon added
- Don't use bold fonts
- First release
- #f9826c --> #B08800 (Use yellow/brown foreground over rose)
- #d73a49 --> #735C0F (Syntax doesn't need to be dangerous)
- Custom font styles added for Bold and Italic font variations
- Custom Terminal colors added using Primer palette selections
- #f6f8fa --> #EFEBE0 (5% darker than PPC background color)
- #fafbfc --> #F3F0E8 (2.5% darker than PPC background color)
- #fff --> #F8F6F1 (Pen Paper Coffee background color)
- Fix invalid scope #2
- Update README
- Change tabs
- Add icon
- Initial release