- RCUK [[Common Principles on Data Policy|http://www.rcuk.ac.uk/research/Pages/DataPolicy.aspx]]. RCUK represents the UK's seven research councils. An [[overview of funders' policies|http://www.dcc.ac.uk/resources/policy-and-legal/funders-data-policies]] can be found on the DCC's website.
- EPSRC [[Policy Framework on Research Data|http://www.epsrc.ac.uk/about/standards/researchdata/Pages/policyframework.aspx]] and Expectations
- [[Jisc|http://www.jisc.ac.uk]] (formerly Joint Information Systems Committee) provides guidance in post-16 education w.r.t. ICT. Interests include e-learning, e-research and e-resources. [[Manageing Research Data Programme 2011-2013|http://www.jisc.ac.uk/whatwedo/programmes/di_researchmanagement/managingresearchdata.aspx]]
- [[Research Data Alliance|https://rd-alliance.org/]]: worldwide data management initiative that will formulate positions on policy and agree technical solutions for data sharing. Not a standards body, but body for developing best practise. Incorporates several working groups:
- [[Data citation|https://www.rd-alliance.org/working-groups/data-citation-wg.html]]
- [[Metadata Standards Directory|https://www.rd-alliance.org/working-groups/metadata-standards-directory-working-group.html]]
- others
- [[Digital Curation Centre|http://www.dcc.ac.uk/]], a Jisc-funded body for...
- [[EDINA|http://edina.ac.uk/]], [[Mimas|http://mimas.ac.uk]] and the [[UK Data Archive|http://www.data-archive.ac.uk]] are data centres that provide data applications to higher education in the UK. EDINA serves geospatial data, multimedia, bibliographic data, eBooks and repositories.
- [[CODATA|http://www.codata.org]] - the committee on data for science and technology
- [[CILIP|http://www.cilip.org.uk/]] - Chartered Institute of Library and Information Professionals
- [[Open Knowledge Foundation|http://okfn.org]]
- [[N8|http://www.n8research.org.uk/]]: eight most research-intensive unis in the North of England (Durham, Lancaster, Leeds, Liverpool, Manchester, Newcastle, Sheffield and York) <<<<<<< HEAD
- The Consortium for Advancing Standards in Reserach Administration, [[CASRAI|http://casrai.org/]], have proposed open schemas for describing both research activity profiles and research personnel.
- The National Information Standards Organisation, [[NISO|http://www.niso.org/]].
- DataCite - see [[Citing data]]
- [[Digital Preservation Commission|http://www.dpconline.org/]] - an international coalition designed to address goals of preserving digital materials comprising the cultural heritage of the United Kingdom and Ireland. It is a not-for-profit membership organisation which supports its members through advocacy, knowledge exchange, workforce development, assurance and partnership and its vision is to make ‘our digital memory available tomorrow’.
- [[Open Planets Foundation|http://www.openplanetsfoundation.org/]] - an international membership organisation which addresses core digital preservation challenges by engaging with its members and the community to develop practical and sustainable tools and services to ensure long-term access to digital content.
- [[Software Carpentry]] - INFO NEEDED
- [[Software Sustainability Institute|http://www.software.ac.uk/]]: doing a lot of work around reproducible research.
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