This is my very first Python project. So be patient with my code please. Purpose is to create a wall clock using a 64x64 LED panel with a Raspberry Pi. First idea was to use a RasPi Zero W but it seems it is not fast enough, so currently I am using a RasPi3.
- Raspberry PI. My original idea was to use a Zero W, but the display was flickering with it so I used a 3 I had laying around
- Adafruit RGB bonnet:
- 64x64 RGB LED panel. Ordered here:
- 5V 4A power supply.
- 3D printed case for wall mount or desk stand. See directory 3d-files
- Raspi RGB LED Matrix:
- I am also using the fonts coming with this library
- Some Python3 libraries:
- Astral
- Pillow
- Paho Mqtt client
I decied to create widget modules for each item I want to display. Feel free to add, fork etc. Also all modules are written for my use case. And some of them have the config right in the code (no passworrds though).
Displays todays date
Displays hours and minutes of the local time
A LED bar growing to the right, one LED per second
A temperature received my MQTT messages. Displays for me the temperature in my garden. Color of temperature changes.