Demo portal
const MetaHash = require ( 'metahash-js' ) ;
< script src ="dist/metahash.js "> </ script >
const Wallet = MetaHash . Wallet ;
const wallet = new Wallet ( ) ;
console . log ( wallet . publicKey ) ;
console . log ( wallet . privateKey ) ;
console . log ( wallet . address ) ;
Restore wallet from private key
const Wallet = MetaHash . Wallet ;
const wallet = Wallet . fromPrivateKey ( '08d6d3c75c2cfd52ca94fd7db4d4fc9c3b47dc8f948e71a96566a698501e9831' ) ;
console . log ( wallet . publicKey ) ;
console . log ( wallet . privateKey ) ;
console . log ( wallet . address ) ;
const Wallet = MetaHash . Wallet ;
const wallet = Wallet . fromPEM ( `-----BEGIN EC PRIVATE KEY-----
-----END EC PRIVATE KEY-----` ) ;
console . log ( wallet . publicKey ) ;
console . log ( wallet . privateKey ) ;
console . log ( wallet . address ) ;
Restore wallet from encrypted PEM
const Wallet = MetaHash . Wallet ;
const wallet = Wallet . fromEncryptedPEM ( `-----BEGIN EC PRIVATE KEY-----
Proc-Type: 4,ENCRYPTED
DEK-Info: AES-128-CBC,5ABA37C774A68C6A679058396588A42F
-----END EC PRIVATE KEY-----` , 'Test1' ) ;
console . log ( wallet . publicKey ) ;
console . log ( wallet . privateKey ) ;
console . log ( wallet . address ) ;
const Wallet = MetaHash . Wallet ;
const wallet = new Wallet ( ) ;
const encryptedPEM = wallet . toPEM ( ) ;
console . log ( encryptedPEM ) ;
Save wallet to encrypted PEM
const Wallet = MetaHash . Wallet ;
const wallet = new Wallet ( ) ;
const encryptedPEM = wallet . toEncryptedPEM ( 'Test1' ) ;
console . log ( encryptedPEM ) ;
Create and send transaction
const Wallet = MetaHash . Wallet ;
const API = MetaHash . API ;
const wallet = Wallet . fromPrivateKey ( '08d6d3c75c2cfd52ca94fd7db4d4fc9c3b47dc8f948e71a96566a698501e9831' ) ;
const api = new API ( ) ;
api . getNonce ( { address : wallet . address } ) . then ( ( nonce ) => {
const to = '0x009806da73b1589f38630649bdee48467946d118059efd6aab' ;
const value = 0 ;
const fee = 0 ;
const data = '' ;
const tx = wallet . createTx ( { to, value, fee, nonce, data} ) ;
api . sendTx ( tx ) . then ( ( result ) => {
console . log ( result ) ;
} ) ;
} ) ;
const Wallet = MetaHash . Wallet ;
const API = MetaHash . API ;
// Static method
API . getNodes ( 'main' ) . then ( ( nodes ) => {
console . log ( nodes ) ;
} ) ;
const wallet = Wallet . fromPrivateKey ( '08d6d3c75c2cfd52ca94fd7db4d4fc9c3b47dc8f948e71a96566a698501e9831' ) ;
const api = new API ( ) ;
api . fetchBalance ( { address : wallet . address } ) . then ( ( result ) => {
console . log ( result ) ;
} ) ;
api . fetchHistory ( { address : wallet . address } ) . then ( ( result ) => {
console . log ( result ) ;
} ) ;
api . getTx ( { hash : '7f75fdfba4bc2fe674b37d4730533edf9cb047f1f93b4f6687f4cab819eb88b6' } ) . then ( ( result ) => {
console . log ( result ) ;
} ) ;
Create and send transaction
const Wallet = MetaHash . Wallet ;
const API = MetaHash . API ;
const wallet = Wallet . fromPrivateKey ( '08d6d3c75c2cfd52ca94fd7db4d4fc9c3b47dc8f948e71a96566a698501e9831' ) ;
const api = new API ( ) ;
const nonce = await api . getNonce ( { address : wallet . address } ) ;
const to = '0x009806da73b1589f38630649bdee48467946d118059efd6aab' ;
const value = 0 ;
const fee = 0 ;
const data = '' ;
const tx = wallet . createTx ( { to, value, fee, nonce, data} ) ;
const result = await api . sendTx ( tx ) ;
console . log ( result ) ;
const Wallet = MetaHash . Wallet ;
const API = MetaHash . API ;
// Static method
const nodes = await API . getNodes ( 'main' ) ;
console . log ( nodes ) ;
const wallet = Wallet . fromPrivateKey ( '08d6d3c75c2cfd52ca94fd7db4d4fc9c3b47dc8f948e71a96566a698501e9831' ) ;
const api = new API ( ) ;
const balanceResult = await api . fetchBalance ( { address : wallet . address } ) ;
console . log ( balanceResult ) ;
const historyResult = await api . fetchHistory ( { address : wallet . address } ) ;
console . log ( historyResult ) ;
const txResult = await api . getTx ( { hash : '7f75fdfba4bc2fe674b37d4730533edf9cb047f1f93b4f6687f4cab819eb88b6' } ) ;
console . log ( txResult ) ;