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shader-web-background API

Table of Contents

ℹ️ The detailed API is defined in src/main/js/shader-web-background-api.js as Closure Compiler externs.


Shading starts with the shaderWebBackground.shade(config) call which requires providing a Config object and returns a Context object.

The processing of configuration and shader compilation will start immediately, however the animation frames will be requested only when the page is loaded.

This function might throw shaderWebBackground.Errors of type:


An object with the following attributes:

attribute (* - required) type (=: optional argument) description
canvas HTMLCanvasElement canvas to render to
onInit function(Context=) called before first run
onResize function(number, number, Context=) called when the canvas is resized
onBeforeFrame function(Context=) called before each frame
shaders * Object of Shaders definition of shaders (rendering pipeline)
onAfterFrame function(Context) called when the frame is complete
onError function(Error, HTMLCanvasElement) called when shading cannot be started

Only shaders attribute is required. The order of attributes is arbitrary, but in this table they are sorted by a convenient order of their "lifecycle" in the rendering of each frame.

Config: canvas

If canvas attribute is not specified, the default one will be created, with fixed position expending over the whole viewport and located behind other DOM elements (z-index: -9999).

Config: onInit

The onInit function is called when the shader is loaded for the first time, before any rendering starts. The Context is passed as an argument.

Config: onResize

The onResize function is called with width, height and Context parameters when the browser window is resized.

ℹ️ Note: onResize will be also called before the first frame just after Config: onInit.

Config: onBeforeFrame

The onBeforeFrame function is called with the Context before rendering each frame.

Config: shaders

The shaders is the only required attribute of the Config object. It's an object where each attribute represents one shader definition, therefore multiple shaders can be defined in sequence. All together they will establish a rendering pipeline where the output of each shader can be wired as an input of another.


  shaders: {
    BufferA: {
      uniforms: {
        iChannel0: (gl, loc, ctx) => ctx.texture(loc, ctx.buffers.BufferA)  // previous frame of self
    BufferB: {
      uniforms: {
        iChannel0: (gl, loc, ctx) => ctx.texture(loc, ctx.buffers.BufferA), // the latest output of BufferA
        iChannel1: (gl, loc, ctx) => ctx.texture(loc, ctx.buffers.BufferB)  // previous frame of self
    Image: {
      uniforms: {
        iChannel0: (gl, loc, ctx) => ctx.texture(loc, ctx.buffers.BufferA), // the latest output
        iChannel1: (gl, loc, ctx) => ctx.texture(loc, ctx.buffers.BufferB)  // the latest output

ℹ️ Note: shader names are arbitrary. The last shader will render to screen, the previous ones (if more than one) to offscreen buffers. See Shader: uniforms


An object with the following attributes:

attribute (* - required) type description
texture function(WebGLRenderingContext, Context) texture initializer
uniforms * Object of Uniform setters uniform setters
Shader: texture

Optional texture initializer called with WebGLRenderingContext and Context arguments. Here is the default initializer:

(gl, ctx) => {
  ctx.initHalfFloatRGBATexture(ctx.width, ctx.height);
  gl.texParameteri(gl.TEXTURE_2D, gl.TEXTURE_MIN_FILTER, gl.LINEAR);
  gl.texParameteri(gl.TEXTURE_2D, gl.TEXTURE_MAG_FILTER, gl.LINEAR);
  gl.texParameteri(gl.TEXTURE_2D, gl.TEXTURE_WRAP_S, gl.CLAMP_TO_EDGE);
  gl.texParameteri(gl.TEXTURE_2D, gl.TEXTURE_WRAP_T, gl.CLAMP_TO_EDGE);

⚠️ Note: certain combinations of texture parameters might be not supported on some platforms. In particular repeated textures are not rendered on some iOS devices unless their size is a power of 2. Here is a recommended workaround:

vec4 repeatedTexture(in sampler2D sampler, in vec2 uv) {
  return texture2D(sampler, mod(uv, 1.));
// or
#define repeatedTexture(sampler, uv) texture2D(sampler, mod(uv, 1.))

See WebGLTexture, Context: initHalfFloatRGBATexture

Shader: uniforms

An object where an attribute name should match a shader uniform name, and an attribute value represents a uniform setter function.

Uniform setter

A function called with WebGLRenderingContext, WebGLUniformLocation of the uniform it belongs to and Context. It is intended to use all the provided arguments to effectively set uniform value.

Example 1 - setting floating-point value kept in JavaScript time variable:

(gl, loc) => gl.uniform1f(loc, time)

ℹ️ Note: the last argument of type Context is often not used and can be omitted in declaration, like in the example above.

Example 2 - setting resolution:

(gl, loc, ctx) => gl.uniform2f(loc, ctx.width, ctx.height)

See WebGLRenderingContext.uniform specification for details.

Example 3 - setting other shader's output as input texture:

(gl, loc, ctx) => ctx.texture(loc, ctx.buffers.BufferA)

See Context: buffers

Example 4 - setting texture:

(gl, loc, ctx) => gl.texture(loc, webCamTexture)

Where webCamTexture is an instance of WebGLTexture.

Config: onAfterFrame

The onAfterFrame function is called after processing all the shaders.

Config: onError

The onError function is called in case of any Error which occurs while handling the shadeWebBackground.shade(config) call. It be called with the Error and the canvas as arguments.


An object with the following attributes:

attribute type description
gl WebGLRenderingContext handle for WebGL calls
canvas HTMLCanvasElement the canvas being shaded
width number device pixel width
height number device pixel height
cssPixelRatio number device pixel / CSS pixel
cssWidth number width in CSS pixels
cssHeight number height in CSS pixels
isOverShader function(number, number): boolean checks if mouse is over shader
toShaderX function(number): number CSS x coordinate to shader x .
toShaderY function(number): number CSS y coordinate to shader y
buffers Object buffers of offscreen shaders
texture function(WebGLUniformLocation, (WebGLTexture|Buffer)) binds texture as a uniform
initHalfFloatRGBATexture function(number, number) init floating-point RGBA texture

ℹ️ Note: this object is passed as an argument to many functions and it is also returned by the shaderWebBackground.shade(config) call.

Context: gl

The WebGLRenderingContext.

Context: canvas

The HTML canvas element associated with this context.

Context: width

The "pixel" width of the canvas, might differ from the cssWidth.

Typically used together with the height attribute.

Context: height

The "pixel" height of the canvas, might differ from the cssHeight.

Example usage:

  shaders: {
    image: {
      uniforms: {
        iResolution: (gl, loc, ctx) => gl.uniform2f(loc, ctx.width, ctx.height)        

Context: cssPixelRatio

The ratio of "CSS pixels" comparing to real "pixels", might be necessary for some calculations, for example simulation of background scrolling, possibly with parallax scrolling:

  onBeforeFrame: (ctx) => {
    ctx.iVerticalShift = window.scrollY * ctx.cssPixelRatio;
  shaders {
    scrollableBackground: {
      uniforms: {
        iVerticalShift: (gl, loc, ctx) => gl.uniform1f(loc, ctx.iVerticalShift)

Context: cssWidth

The width of the canvas as reported by the browser, might differ from the pixel width.

Context: cssHeight

The height of the canvas as reported by the browser, might differ from the pixel height.

Context: isOverShader

A helper function to tell if provided coordinates are within the rectangle of shader canvas. Not very useful for full screen shaders, but might be handy for smaller canvases.

Context: toShaderX

Translates horizontal CSS coordinate (e.g. mouse pointer position) to corresponding pixel coordinate of this shader.

See Context: toShaderY

Context: toShaderY

Translates vertical CSS coordinate (e.g. mouse pointer position) to corresponding pixel coordinate of this shader.

⚠️ Note: shader rectangle coordinate (0, 0) is located in the bottom-left corner, so the Y-axis is reversed. Actual coordinate passed to the shader in gl_FragCoord is actually in the middle of the pixel, therefore in case of a background shader covering the whole browser window the bottom-left corner pixel will receive values (.5, .5). The getCoordinate[X|Y] functions account for this as well.

See Context: toShaderX

Context: buffers

An object representing offscreen buffers of all the shaders except for the last one in the rendering pipeline. The attribute names match the shader names, except for the last shader which is rendering to screen not to a buffer.

Buffer object

It's a placeholder object referencing the offscreen double buffer of a shader.

See Shader uniforms section to check how it is being used.

Context: texture

A function to bind uniforms of type sampler2D.

Context: initHalfFloatRGBATexture

A function to initialize a texture where each pixel RGBA values have floating-point precision. It takes width and height as parameters.

Example usage:

  shaders: {
    feedback: {
      texture: (gl, ctx) => {
        ctx.initHalfFloatRGBATexture(ctx.width, ctx.height);
        // standard WebGL texture parameters
        gl.texParameteri(gl.TEXTURE_2D, gl.TEXTURE_MIN_FILTER, gl.NEAREST);
        gl.texParameteri(gl.TEXTURE_2D, gl.TEXTURE_MAG_FILTER, gl.NEAREST);
        gl.texParameteri(gl.TEXTURE_2D, gl.TEXTURE_WRAP_S, gl.REPEAT);
        gl.texParameteri(gl.TEXTURE_2D, gl.TEXTURE_WRAP_T, gl.REPEAT);        


A base class to indicate problems with the the shaderWebBackground.shade(config) call.

See Config: onError and README: Handling errors.


Extends shaderWebBackground.Error to indicate misconfiguration of the shaderWebBackground.shade(config) call.

See Config: onError and README: Handling errors.


Extends shaderWebBackground.Error to indicate that the shaderWebBackground.shade(config) call cannot be satisfied due to lack of WebGL capabilities of the browser (might be a hardware limitation).

See Config: onError and README: Handling errors.