- Reflecting On Incremental Folds
- Elgot (Co)Algebras
- Generatingfunctorology
- Dynamorphisms as Chronomorphisms
- Unnatural Transformations
- Generalized Hylomorphisms
- Rotten Bananas
- Higher-Order Abstract Syntax à la Carte
- Catamorphisms
- Hylomorphism(その2)
- Recursion schemeとHaskell
- Compositional data types
- passy/awesome-recursion-schemes
- Recursion Schemes
- Hylomorphisms in Haskell
- More Hylomorphisms in Haskell
- (Cata|Ana|Hylo|Para)morphisms
- Dynamorphism 〜 Haskellでも動的計画法がしたい! 〜
- You Can’t Make an Algebra without Breaking a Few Eggs
- Understanding Algebras
- Constructions on Typeclasses, Part 1: F-Algebras
- Type-level Fix and generic folds
- Don't fear the cat-amorphism (nor the hylomorphism)
- Grokking recursion-scheme: Part 1
- Grokking recursion-schemes: Part 2
- Fixpoints and Iso-recursive Types
- Functors and Recursion
- Origami
- Catamorphisms in 15 Minutes!
- A non-recursive sorting algorithm
- PHOAS For Free
- Moore for Less
- Algebras and Coalgebras
- Feval: F-Algebras for expression evaluation
- Recursion Schemes: A Field Guide (Redux)
- Rotating Squares
- Promorphisms, Pre and Post
- Recursive Stochastic Processes
- Time Traveling Recursion Schemes
- Monadic Recursion Schemes
- Sorting Slower with Style
- Yo Dawg We Heard You Like Derivatives
- A Tour of Some Useful Recursive Types
- Sorting with Style
- Practical Recursion Schemes
- Guide to morphism
- Bananas, Lenses, Envelopes, and Barbed Wire
- Recursion Schemes (wiki)
- Understanding F-Algebras
- Zygohistomorphic prepromorphisms
- An Introduction to Recursion Schemes
- Recursion Schemes, Part II: A Mob of Morphisms
- Recursion Schemes, Part III: Folds in Context
- Recursion Schemes, Part IV: Time is of the Essence
- Hylomorphisms and treesort
- Anamorphisms in JavaScript
- Bananas, Lenses, Envelopes and Barbed Wire A Translation Guide
- Пределы выразительности свёрток
- Why Recursive Data Structures?
- F-algebras
- CheatSheet
- F-algebra(wiki)
- Anamorphism Example
- Least fixed point
- data Mu f = In (f (Mu f))
- Fixed point (mathematics)
- Fixed point
- Fixed-point combinator
- Initial algebra
- Категориальные типы
- Структурная рекурсия
- A Classy Approach to Recursion
- Fixing GADTs
- Reasoning about Stream Processing with Effects
- Mutual Recursion in Final Encoding
- Recursion Schemes
- What's in a Fold: The Basic Catamorphism in recursion-schemes
- Introduction to Recursion Schemes with Matryoshka
- Encoding for least fixpoint
- A non-recursive sorting algorithm
- Type-level Fix and generic folds
- Recursion Schemes and Functors
- Fun With PolyKinds: Polykinded Folds
- Про F-Алгебры
- слово о трансдюсерах
- Mixing Supercompilers and Recursion Using Elgot Algebras
- Computing Catalan Numbers Using Dynamorphisms
- Review: Bananas, Lenses, Envelopes and Barbed Wire
- Metamorphisms
- recursion
- Programming with bananas and barbed wire. Part 1
- Category Theory Helpline
- willtim/recursion-schemes
- sellout/recursion-scheme-talk
- Going bananas with recursion schemes for fixed point data types
- Deriving Modular Recursion Schemes from Tree Automata
- F-Algebras or: How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Type System
- Recursion Schemes - Why, How and More
- Peeling The Banana: Recursion schemes from first principles
- A talk given at FP-Syd about F-algebras with respect to Haskell
- Recursion Schemes
- Programming with algebras - Bartosz Milewski
- Peeling the Banana: Recursion Schemes from First Principles - Zainab Ali
- scala.bythebay.io: Greg Pfeil, This programmer modeled his code after wooden nesting dolls
- Recursion: Where Functional Programming Hits Bottom - Greg Pfeil
- Going bananas with recursion schemes for fixed point data types - Paweł Szulc (Lambda Days 2017)
- Jean Remi Desjardins: A Gentle Introduction to Recursion Schemes - λC 2016
- Unifying Structured Recursion Schemes
- Introduction to Recursion Schemes – Ratan Sebastian
- Dániel Berényi: Selected use cases of structured recursion schemes
- Pawel Szulc - Going bananas with recursion schemes for fixed point data types
- ScalaMatsuri day2 A-3 Recursion schemes in Scala - Paweł Szulc
- Efficient Nanopass Compilers using Cats and Matryoshka - Greg Pfeil
- jkoppel/compstrat
- matt-noonan/fixie
- kosmikus/multirec
- fixplate
- matt-noonan/functor-friends
- patrickt/recschemes - Example code for my blog series on recursion schemes
- isovector/lets-recurse
- JD95/recursion-scheme-examples
- compdata
- vmchale/recursion_schemes
- sellout/Iaia
- sellout/yaya
- mmisamore/lfp-recursion-schemes
- oisdk/recursion-schemes-extras
- romac/lfc-haskell
- DrBoolean/excursion
- kosmikus/bc7d29cdbdcdae699eab
- Feval - Evaluation using F-algebras
- The pointless-haskell package
- The data-fix package
- The recursion-schemes package
- RamdaJS reduceBy() in Haskell using recursion-schemes
- purescript-matryoshka - Generalized folds, unfolds, and traversals for fixed point data structures
- gpif-datakinds - Generic Programming with Indexed Functors using DataKinds -- (co)recursion schemes for "free"!
- fixalgs - Fixed points and F-(co)algebras
- algebraic-classes - Conversions between algebraic classes and F-algebras
- Algebra - Study and implementations of F-Algebras and Bird-Meertens formalism
- Examples of histomorphisms in Haskell
- histoexample - quick example of how to use a histomorphism to solve a dynamic programming problem
- Coalgebra - Some simple things to help me with my homework and to play around with Haskell
- Generalized recursion schemes and traversals for Scala
- A couple of quick questions about recursion-schemes
- recur v1.0 :provide recursion scheme combinators for Scala
- Recursion.hs
- chronomorphisms
- katalyst - Kotlin recursion schemes with Kategory