Related Papers of adversarial machine learning in deep hashing based retrieval.
- Adversarial Examples for Hamming Space Search (TCYB 2020)
This paper provided the first adversarial attack method (non-targeted attack) in deep hashing based retrieval. - Targeted Attack for Deep Hashing Based Retrieval (ECCV 2020)
This paper proposed the first targeted attack method for deep hashing based retrieval. - Prototype-Supervised Adversarial Network for Targeted Attack of Deep Hashing (CVPR 2021)
The authors proposed a novel prototype-supervised adversarial network (ProS-GAN), which formulates a flexible generative architecture for efficient and effective targeted hashing attack. - Targeted Attack of Deep Hashing Via Prototype-Supervised Adversarial Networks (TMM 2022)
This is the extension work of ProS-GAN. - You See What I Want You To See: Exploring Targeted Black-Box Transferability Attack for Hash-Based Image Retrieval Systems (CVPR 2021)
This paper started from an adversarial standpoint to explore and enhance the capacity of targeted black-box transferability attack for deep hashing. - Precise Target-Oriented Attack against Deep Hashing-based Retrieval (MM 2023)
The authors proposed a novel Precise Target-Oriented Attack dubbed PTA to enhance the precision of targeted attacks with a single target label. - Targeted Transferable Attack against Deep Hashing Retrieval (MMAsia 2023)
This paper focused on targeted black-box attack based on transferability and proposed a novel Targeted Transferable Attack method against deep hashing with Generative Adversarial Network (TTAGAN). - Exploring Targeted Universal Adversarial Attack for Deep Hashing (ICASSP 2024)
This paper took the first attempt on the more efficient and malicious targeted universal adversarial attack (TUAA) for deep hashing.
- Targeted Attack and Defense for Deep Hashing (SIGIR 2021)
This paper presented the first adversarial training algorithm to improve the adversarial robustness of deep hashing networks. - CgAT: Center-Guided Adversarial Training for Deep Hashing-Based Retrieval (WWW 2023)
The authors presented a min-max based Center-guided Adversarial Training, namely CgAT, to improve the robustness of deep hashing networks through worst adversarial examples. - Semantic-Aware Adversarial Training for Reliable Deep Hashing Retrieval (TIFS 2023)
The authors explored Semantic-Aware Adversarial Training (SAAT) for improving the adversarial robustness of deep hashing models.