An event config can have a fair few possible properties, but a small handful of them cover most use cases. This page exists to document each property and what it can be used for.
- Identifiers
- Basic configuration (covers 95% of use cases)
- Further configuration (to cover 99% of use cases)
- filter
- actor
- id
- name
- first
- firstPerInstance
- index
- minimum
- range
- rangePerActor
- stack
- query
- actor
- target
- showTarget
- includePetTargets
- source
- showSource
- title
- filter
- Rare configuration
- timestamp
- timestamps
- titles
- collapsed
- icon
- style
- Required
A 2-character string that must be unique within the event config group (boss / specialization).
Should be URL friendly (convention is for upper case letters and digits).
- Required
A friendly name for the event. This is used in the left-hand filter menu.
If multiple event configs have the same name and tags, their events will be combined into the same "row" in the left-hand filter menu (so they are filtered on/off at the same time). This is mostly just used for stacking tank debuffs as the "debuff" and "debuffstack" events usually want to be combined.
- Required
These tags help to organise the filters in the left-hand filter menu. The first tag will be the main heading. for that filter group, and the second tag will be the subheading.
For bosses, the first tag is typically "boss" / "player" / "raid" / "spawn", and the second tag is typically "ability" / "buff" / "debuff" / "damage" / "interrupt".
- Default: false
This property determines whether, on initial page load, the event is shown (true) or filtered (false).
Be careful not to have too many events defaulting to be shown, as the timeline can easily get cluttered with lots of frequent events that the user isn't necessarily concerned about.
- Default: [3, 4, 5]
difficulties determines which raid difficulties the event config will be loaded for:
- Normal
- Heroic
- Mythic
This is useful for when a mechanic significantly differs from heroic to mythic, and you want to load different versions of the event config for each difficulty.
- Required
eventType mostly determines what the event title says. For example, an ability event typically reads "X cast Y on Z", but a debuff event might read "X applied Y to Z".
Valid values:
- ability
- debuff*
- debuffstack*
- removedebuff*
- damage
- interrupt
- phase
- spawn
- title
*debuff / debuffstack / removedebuff events can also be used for buffs.
- Default: depends on the source/target of the event and the eventType
friendly determines which side of the timeline the event title will appear. Events on the left should be events that the raid had some control over, and should have a friendly value of true. Events on the right should be events that the raid didn't have much control over, and should have a friendly value of false.
friendly also determines the phrasing of the event title. For example, a friendly debuff event might read "X gains Y from Z", and an unfriendly debuff event might read "Z applied Y to X".
If the default value of friendly is not correct, then simply override it by setting this property.
The filter determines which Warcraft Logs events are used to create Wipefest events. Most of the time, one Warcraft Logs event will become one Wipefest event, but there are also filter properties that will allow you to collapse several Warcraft Logs events into a single Wipefest event.
- Required (Unless filter.types is specified)
filter.type refers to the Warcraft Logs type of the event. These types are listed under Built-in Identifiers on this page, but the main ones you will need to use are:
- begincast
- cast
- damage
- absorbed
- applybuff
- applydebuff
- applybuffstack
- applydebuffstack
- removebuff
- removedebuff
- interrupt
- Required (Unless filter.type is specified)
You can specify that you want to filter to multiple Warcraft Logs types using the filter.types array instead of filter.type.
For example, a Wipefest damage eventType will often filter to both damage and absorb Warcraft Logs types, so as to include events where a player was hit but absorbed all of the damage:
"id": "AI",
"name": "Alone in the Darkness",
"tags": [ "player", "damage" ],
"show": true,
"eventType": "damage",
"friendly": true,
"showSource": false,
"filter": {
"types": [ "damage", "absorb" ],
"ability": {
"id": 243963
As well as the type of the Warcraft Logs event, Wipefest needs to know what ability to filter to.
- Required (Unless filter.ability.ids is specified) is the numeric World of Warcraft spell ID for that ability. This is the same ID that is used in Weak Auras, Warcraft Logs, WoWDB, Wowhead etc.
- Required (Unless is specified)
To filter to multiple abilities, specify their ids in the filter.ability.ids array, instead of using