The agent status page, datadog-agent status
or Status
-> General
on the gui display information about the running services.
List of running check instances.
Total Runs: 4
Metric Samples: Last Run: 6, Total: 24
Events: Last Run: 0, Total: 0
Service Checks: Last Run: 0, Total: 0
Average Execution Time : 6ms
- Total Runs: total number of times this instance has run
- Metric Samples: Number of fetched metrics
- Events: Number of triggered events
- Service Checks: Number of service checks reported (OK|WARNING|ERROR)
- Last Run: during the last check run
- Total: since the agent has started
List of checks that were not loaded successfully
Core Check Loader:
Could not configure check APM Agent: APM agent disabled through main configuration file
JMX Check Loader:
check is not a jmx check, or unable to determine if it's so
Python Check Loader:
No module named apm
List of loaded and failed JMX-based checks
CheckRunsV1: 3
IntakeV1: 2
TimeseriesV1: 3
Errors: 1
- CheckRunsV1: Number of sent service check payloads
- IntakeV1: Number of sent event payloads
- TimeseriesV1: Number of sent metrics payloads
- Errors: Number of errors during payload sending
The forwarder uses a number of workers to send the payloads to the backend.
If you see a warning like this the forwarder dropped transactions, there is probably an issue with your network
, this means that all the workers were busy. You should review your network performance, and tune the forwarder_num_workers
and forwarder_timeout options
Checks Metric Sample: 145
Event: 1
Events Flushed: 1
Number Of Flushes: 3
Series Flushed: 80
Service Check: 26
Service Checks Flushed: 24
Flush: the aggregator stores metrics, events, etc sent to it in a queue. The queue is emptied once per flush interval and the data is sent to the forwarder
- Checks Metric Sample: Total number of metrics sent from the checks to the aggregator
- Dogstatsd Metric Sample: Total number of metrics sent from the dogstatsd server to the aggregator
- Event: Total number of events sent to the aggregator
- Service Check: Total number of service checks sent to the agrregator
Event Packets: 12
Event Parse Errors: 0
Metric Packets: 433
Metric Parse Errors: 0
Service Check Packets: 3
Service Check Parse Errors: 0
Number of packets received by the DogStatsD server for each type of data (metrics, events and service checks) and associated errors