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Below are some useful Docker Commands

1. Install Docker in Amazon Linux 2

sudo amazon-linux-extras install docker

2. Start Docker Service

sudo service docker start

3. Add ec2-user to the docker group so you can execute Docker commands without using sudo.

sudo usermod -a -G docker ec2-user

6. Docker Information

docker info [OPTIONS]

Example:  docker info
          docker -D info [ -D option causes all docker commands to output debug information.]
          docker info --format '{{json .}}'  [ --format : specify the output format ]          

For option list visit

5. Build Docker

docker build [option] PATH | URL | -

Example: docker build .
         docker build -f ctx/Dockerfile http://server/ctx.tar.gz
         docker build https://server/context.tar.gz
         docker build - < Dockerfile

For option list visit

6. Create Docker

docker create [options] IMAGE

Example: docker create --name container_name --expose port_number image_name
         docker create -it --storage-opt size=120G fedora /bin/bash
         docker create -v /data --name data ubuntu

For option list visit

7. Run Docker

docker run [options] IMAGE

Example: docker run -it debian:buster /bin/bash
         docker run -t -i --rm ubuntu bash
         docker run -p ubuntu bash

For option list visit

8. Execute Docker

docker exec [options] CONTAINER COMMAND

Example: docker exec app_web_1 tail logs/development.log
         docker exec -it ubuntu_bash bash
         docker exec -d ubuntu_bash touch /tmp/logFile

Note: If the container is paused, then the docker exec command will fail with an error.

For option list visit

9. Start Docker

docker start [options] CONTAINER

Example: docker start container_name

For option list visit

10. Stop Docker

docker stop [options] CONTAINER

Example: docker stop container_name
         docker stop --time 30 container_name [ --time/ -t : Seconds to wait for stop before killing it ]

11. Docker log


Example: docker logs -f --until=2s
         docker logs $ID
         docker logs $ID 2>&1 | less

For option list visit

12. List Docker Container

docker ps [OPTIONS]

Example: docker ps
         docker ps -a [ --all/-a : List all container ]
         docker ps -s [ --size/-s : List size of all container]
         docker ps -a --filter 'exited=0'
         docker ps --filter status=running
         docker ps --filter expose=8000-8080/tcp

For option list visit

13. List Docker Image

docker images [OPTIONS]

Example: docker images
         docker images -a
         docker images --no-trunc [ List the full length image IDs ]
         docker images --digests [ Images that use the v2 or later format ]
         docker images --filter "dangling=true" [ Show untag images list]

For option list visit

14. Remove Docker Container


Example: docker rm b750ce38469a
         docker rm --link /webapp/redis
         docker rm --force redis
         docker rm -v redis

For option list visit

15. Remove Docker Images

docker rmi [OPTIONS] IMAGE

Example: docker rmi bc435f29654a
         docker rmi -f cd184b17914f

For option list visit

16. Docker Cleanup

docker system prune [ Cleans up dangling images, containers, volumes, and networks that is not associated with a container ]
docker system prune -a [ Additionally remove any stopped containers and all unused images ]
docker system prune -a --volumes [ prune volumes also ]
docker rm $(docker ps -a -q) [ Remove all stopped containers ]
docker rmi $(docker images | grep "^<none>" | awk "{print $3}") [ Remove all untagged Images ]