An example project to utilize whatsapp service with features:
- Manage sender
- Manage receiver
- Send message to person / group with log message
- Install project dependencies
composer install
- Copy environment file then adjust the value with local machine configuration
cp .env.example .env
- Generate encryption key
php artisan key:generate
- Run migrations and seeders
php artisan migrate --seed
Adjust the whatsapp service url on environment file
Clear config in order to reflect changes from .env to the configuration file
php artisan config:clear
- Serve the application with artisan CLI then open the app on the browser on
php artisan serve
- If you want to use laravel sail, turn off any service/web server that used port 80 on your local machine
start your docker service then you can update the
file contents
serve with sail artisan CLI then open the app on the browser on http://localhost
./vendor/bin/sail up -d
run migration with command
./vendor/bin/sail artisan migrate