desktop app exploration :: electron + next.js + now
The primary goal for zanuka-desktop is to explore the Electron + Next.js stack combo.
- bring this idea back into 2024 context
- build out the renderer for the Electron app
- routing and prefetching of pre-defined pages
- live-reloading all BrowserWindow instances > pointing to Next.js pages
- styling components and pages using styled-jsx
- transpiling, bundling and minifying
- code splitting
- next
- react
- react-dom
- electron
- installs prebuilt Electron binaries (dev)
- electron-next:
- handle the flow required for building the renderer code
- file:// protocol will work with Next.js bundle (generated by next export)
- static assets will be loaded in the renderer process
- electron-builder
- package and build app for distribution
- build version management
- electron-is-dev:
- essential for debugging during development
- checks to see if Electron is running in dev mode
I'll be using Now Desktop and the Now CLI to deploy.