The flowchart of BTO-RRT algorithm:
MATLAB >= 2019a
To run and see the effect of BTO-RRT algorithm immediately on 2d maps, you can run code/final_algorithm_2D/main_v4_core.m
You should be able to see the following:
You can change the following load settings
in the code line 2-7 and see more:
%% load settings
name = 'map7';
%name = 'BTO_example';
% type = '.jpg';
type = '.bmp';
%type= '.png';
To run and see the effect of BTO-RRT algorithm immediately on 3d point cloud maps, you can run code/pointcloud_3D/pointcloud_RRTV2m_1.m
You should see something similar to the following:
If you run code/pointcloud_3D/pointcloud_RRTV2m_2.m
, you should see two figures as follow:
To see the fig. 3 in the paper, please run code/Analysis/down_sample/test1.m
You should something similar to the fig.3:
To see fig. 4, please run code/Analysis/up_sample/test4_upsample.m
and by changing the code at line 22:
itermax = 100; % 10 or 1000
You should see the following figures with different itermax