Contains all the Features implemented present in the Windows NotePad, along with some extra Features.
Project Demo: NotePad --RightText--
** Version - 1.0 **
Contains a JTextArea to write text,
A MenuBar at the top which displays all the features present,
and a status bar at the bottom displaying the line and column number.
Can Open and Save files,
Open a new file and save the file with a different name/location using Save As
Create a New File
All similar NotePad Keyboard shortcuts are added as well, such as Undo, Redo, Cut, Copy, Paste, SelectAll etc.
Contains features such as Print File with Page Setup,
Find and Replace words,
Choose a custom font, select a custom color,
Count the number words and characters, Goto Line and Wrap Text
Prompts the user to Save File if the Previous File was edited and not Saved, when exiting or opening a New File
Add JavaFX in your IDE Eclipse, NetBeans or IntelliJ
JFontChooser implemented via an Open Source Project
Future Release:
A new Menu for Advanced Features.
Advanced features will include code editor for Java, C++, Python, JavaScript. A ToolBar below the MenuBar, for actions on the code written.
A Sticky Notes Feature, to save limited text notes.
About and Help Dialogs updated.