The Resources below is an aggregation of your Module Calendars, Videos, External Resources and any tools that may come in handy for you as a programmer.
More Advanced Data Structure External Resources - post Demo Day Data Structure Resources you should look into.
Basic Data Structures - Videos around Data Structure Concepts such as Recursion, Bubble Sort etc.
Module Calendars - Contains class videos and links to the Github Repos for that class
Coding Style Guides - many jobs have guides that you must follow for both code and design
Cheatsheets - cheatsheet pdfs for various commands e.g. command line, VSCode, Git
Tools - developer tools for you to experiment with and leverage
Podcasts - stay up to date in tech with the latest tech podcasts
Newsletters - stay up to date in tech by reading the current
External Resources - curated resources the you posted in the 10.3 Slack Channel
Firebase Fullstack Authentication - use Firebase for your authentication
DEPLOY BACKEND TO - deploy your backend server to and connect it to your Netlify front end deployment.
DEPLOY FRONTEND TO NETLIFY - deploy your ReactJS application to the web using
DEPLOY PostgresQL Database using Postico and ElephantSQL - deploy your database using the app Postico and ElephantSQL
React Context - watch video demos and code along to learn how to create context instead of having to lift state and use prop drilling
useEffect Hook Videos - watch demos to see how we use useEffect to handle asynchronous side effects.
REACT Building Components - Move your code from App.jsx into components and avoid unnecessary re-rendering.
- Many-to-Many JOIN Github Repo - this repo explains and demonstrates how to create a many-to-many realationship in Express, Postgresql using a
lookup table
and the many-to-many relationship between songs and playlists. Code is included.
Front and Backend React & Express Authentication starters - just setup your db and add your code -
- Express, Postgresql, pg-promise Backend - this backend implements JWT, httpOnly cookies, and csrf protection for you out of the box.
- React Frontend - use a Protected Route to prevent logged out users from visiting secure routes.
Video Demos
Store Images and Create URLs - use Cloudinary to store images and create URLs that you can add to your JSON data
JSON Server - perfect tool to spin up a quick backend server with your own API data without creating a database or an ExpressJS backend
Tools & Assets Page - tons of assets and tools for you to use to develop your web applications
How to Create A Great file - use this guide to create a top notch readme file
UX Overview with Robin Yipp - video time stamps & tangible resources for the comprehensive overview of UX by Robin Yipp. Subjects include Visual Design, User Stories, Color Theory, Typography, Style Guides, UI Kits and more.
UX & UI Resources - plan the UX of your site by learning and adding personas, wireframs etc.
UX Tools - tools to build low and high fidelity wireframes, mind maps, workflow charts etc.
REACT Building Components - Move your code from App.jsx into components and avoid unnecessary re-rendering.
Transition Week, Intro to React - during your transition from Mod2 to Mod 3...code along with these videos to learn the very basics of React and how different it is from DOM Manipulation.
FETCH & POPULATE DOM WITH API INFO - FOR FRONT END PORTFOLIO PROJECT - use the fetch command to get information from a third party API and return that information to your HTML.
DOM MANIPULATION VIDEOS - Address Book - step by step videos to use HTML, CSS & JS DOM Manipulation to build an address book of contacts.
Command Line CRUD Videos - video walkthroughs of both the project as well as the lesson that the project is based on
Treasures & Trinkets Project Videos - videos that introduce you to the Treasures and Trinkets Project as well as show you how to read and test the data
Dinosaur Museum Project Videos - walk through of the data as well as the mya function and any other pertinent videos.
Jest Test Lab Demo - demo of how to approach the lab-test-with-jest lab.
Git & Github Essentials - Contains links to videos, step-by-step instructions for Git and Github commands
JavaScript Basic Videos - short videos on JavaScript Basics and other concepts
Non-JS Syntax Videos - videos for
,pull requests
,command line
etc. that are not JS -
Miscellaneous Videos - miscellaneous videos including 'Leveraging Your Learning with ChatGPT' and 'How To Google Like a Pro' newsletters