The technical goal of the Fundamentals module is for Fellows to be able to:
- Develop their JavaScript skills to write a console program.
- Learn the fundamentals of HTML and CSS.
- Learn the fundamentals of DOM manipulation with Vanilla JavaScript.
- Learn how to use an API.
- Build a front-end web application.
lesson |
Collaborative Programming |
Node Projects & organization |
npm & Node |
Test with Jest |
JSON and Persisting data |
Error Handling |
Bonus: Readline |
Command-line Inventory Application Project |
Intro to HTML |
Intro to Forms |
Intro to CSS |
CSS Selectors |
CSS Box Model |
CSS Grid |
CSS Media Queries |
Intro to DOM |
Events |
Forms with Events |
Inventory Web Application |
Application Planning |
User Experience and Design |
Request/Response with API Calls with Postman |
Design Assets |
Portfolio Project |