The application was developed for the Orange Pi 3 LTS microcontroller and designed to be compatible with other Orange Pi products, requiring only minor modifications. With appropriate customizations, the application can also be ported to the Raspberry Pi platform. The application's functionality includes LED control, integration with the HC-SR04 motion sensor, DHT22 temperature and humidity sensor, and Servo360 control. The GPIO pin control layer is implemented in C, while the main application code, written in Python, calls these functions. Servo360 is controlled by Arduino Uno, code in repository, communication via UART.
To ensure you have Git installed on your system, run the following command then install wiringOP lib for GPIO's pins control
mkdir home/orangepi/Desktop/tuya
cd home/orangepi/Desktop/tuya
sudo apt-get install -y git
git clone
cd wiringOP
./build clean
Create a bash script to manipulate GPIO pins by Python. Begin by creating a new script file:
sudo nano /usr/local/bin/
Paste the following script into the editor. This script will control the state of a specified GPIO pin:
# First argument is the pin number
# Second argument is the state (0 or 1)
# Validate input
if [ -z "$PIN_NUMBER" ] || [ -z "$DESIRED_STATE" ]; then
echo "Usage: $0 <pin_number> <state (0 or 1)>"
exit 1
if [ "$DESIRED_STATE" != "0" ] && [ "$DESIRED_STATE" != "1" ]; then
echo "Error: State must be 0 or 1."
exit 2
# Set pin as output
gpio mode "$PIN_NUMBER" out
# Set the desired state for the pin
Make the script executable:
sudo chmod +x /usr/local/bin/
Clone the Tuya SDK for Python and install it:
git clone
python3 -m pip install ./tuyaos-link-sdk-python
Install necessary libraries:
pip install pyserial
pip install paho-mqtt==1.5.1
In the case of Oranga Pi 3 LTS, communication with Arduino via UART from USB can be blocked by the brltty library, it can be removed
sudo apt-get remove brltty
Copy files from the repository to a directory home/orangepi/Desktop/tuya/tuyaos-link-sdk-python/examples. Ensure you include the following files:
Compile the C programs for sensors reading:
gcc -o hc_sensor hc_sensor.c -lwiringPi
gcc -o dht22 dht22.c -lwiringPi
Make the compiled programs executable:
sudo chmod +x hc_sensor
sudo chmod +x dht22
Configuring Sudo Permissions Use
sudo visudo
to add permissions for running the sensor programs without requiring a password, add on the end of file:
orangepi ALL=(ALL) NOPASSWD: /home/orangepi/Desktop/tuya/tuyaos-link-sdk-python/examples/hc_sensor
orangepi ALL=(ALL) NOPASSWD: /home/orangepi/Desktop/tuya/tuyaos-link-sdk-python/examples/dht22
Create an application through the Tuya Developer Portal. If unfamiliar with this process, refer to the provided "link" for a step-by-step guide.
After obtaining your product ID, fill it in the
script. Then, run the script to control your device:
python3 ./
Follow these instructions meticulously to ensure a smooth setup for your project.