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External Learning Resources
This document serves as a compilation of external learning resources on the topics of AI & ML (Primarily technical learning resources, with emphasis on free/open source tools and content)
Resources for increasing fluency and understanding of AI applications and impact, no programming or math needed.
- You look like a thing and I love you : How Artificial Intelligence Works and Why It’s Making the World a Weirder Place (Accessible Introduction to AI) - Also available digitally and physically at PCC and the Multnomah County library.
AI for Everyone - 6hr overview course with no technical prerequisites
- Lectures are broken up into a lot of short clips,could be useful for illustrative purposes.
(ranging from beginner to advanced; prerequisites noted)
There are many free and accessible AI courses, tools and libraries that allow you to leverage AI models & technology with or without getting into the nitty gritty of the math and model development. Many of these resources assume minimal programming knowledge and high-school level maths. Unlike the previous resources, these delve into technical topics and may include problem-solving activities. Some of these learning resources have more advanced prerequisites (which will be noted - see AI prerequisites section for where to gain these skills).
- Make your own Neural Network (Friendly, step-by-step technical introduction to neural networks & python)
- http://neuralnetworksanddeeplearning.com/ (free digital only text - intros NNs & Python)
- The Hundred-Page Machine Learning Book - Compact overview of Supervised/Unsupervised Learning with code tutorials (Presumes math/programming knowledge - good compact reference)
Deep Learning (Comprehensive Technical Textbook style text with math focus)
- Deep Learning Textbook Resource Page (Includes Digital Version of Text , tutorials, & lecture videos, discussion group, etc)
Andrew Ng’s Machine Learning Specialization (3 Course Series, ~33hrs each)
- Assumes highschool math (Algebra concepts, etc.) No higher level math and only basic coding experience required (See Ada’s 1-week Python Course)
MIT’s Intro Deep Learning
- Introduction to deep learning methods with applications to computer vision, natural language processing, biology, and more
- Jumps straight into applications, best to orient to theory elsewhere, but is more technically accessible than courses below
- Prerequisites: very elementary knowledge of linear algebra and calculus. How to multiply matrices, take derivatives and apply the chain rule. Familiarity in Python is a big plus as well. The course will be fairly beginner friendly, even if you don’t know all the prereqs, you can learn as you go.
- Time Commitment: (Originally presented as a 2-week bootcamp, ~30-40hrs)
Harvard’s CS50 Introduction to Artificial Intelligence with Python
- Introduces both concepts and foundational AI algorithms through project-based learning.
- Prerequisites: CS50P (good Python intro course) or prior python programming experience
- Time Commitment: 70 -200 hours
Google’s Machine Learning Crash Course
- Introduces practical application of ML to problem solving with Tensorflow API
- Prerequisites: Intro to Machine Learning Problem Framing (1hr), Basic Python, NumPy & Pandas knowledge (python libraries)
- Time Commitment: 15hrs
- MIT’s Deep Learning for Art, Aesthetics, & Creativity
- Machine Learning Bootcamp - 4 month cohort model or self-paced option, all resources free. Assumes no math exerience, but some programming experience (~1yr recommended). Based off of this book: Machine Learning Bootcamp
- 60 Days of Data Science and Machine Learning with Project Series - Medium post series, covers basics of python as well (prereq for following)
- 60 Days of Deep Learning with Projects Series - Medium Post Series (Uses Jupyter Notebooks + Google Colab) - Must Pay for Medium membership
UPenn’s Intro to Artificial Intelligence for CIS Majors
- Prerequisites: CIS 121, Data Structures & Algorithms, Programming Experience
- Required Text: Artificial Intelligence: A Modern Approach by Russel and Norvig
- Standard 1 Semester 4 Credit Course
Intro to Deep Learning NYU - Graduate level Deep Learning course. Focus on Energy-Based-Models.
- Prequisites: presuming prior statistical or ML knowledge, linear algebra, etc.
- Time Committment: 5hrs/wk, 14wks of material (60hrs)
- Under CCA License (we can share/remix with attribution)
- Machine Learning for Artists (ITP tutorials, example projects, etc. using ML5.js and Python)
DeepMind educational Github (Co-lab notebook based tutorials on a range of topics)
- Also includes CCA licensed teaching resources for Introduction to Machine Learning
- Some Python experience helpful
Kaggle: Data Science oriented machine learning tutorials and challenges (introduces python, data science libraries, ml libraries, geospatial analysis etc. and provides a wide range of audio, textual, visual data sets for testing and validation).
- Highly interactive (uses Jupyter notebooks for IDE learning)
- Each tutorial takes approximately 4 hrs to complete (some stack)
- Gets you started, but not that detailed - recommend additional learning elsewhere
- good source of data sets
- https://github.com/josephmisiti/awesome-machine-learning (Meta list of ML learning resources, models, libraries, etc.)
https://github.com/openhackathons-org/gpubootcamp (Series of Jupyter Notebook tutorials designed to prepare students for participation in AI/GPU hackathons - topics included intro to AI model training, physics informed AI, etc. )
- Best for folks with a math/science background who want to learn to utilize ML & GPU acceleration.
Tutorials and trainings that address a specific application or set of applications - may require the use of specific hardware or paid software.
- Tiny Machine Learning Open Education Initiative (Repo of Courses and Instructional Support Materials)
- Edge Impulse University Program - Online IDE & educational resources (including free hardware if requested) for building and deploying microcontroller based machine learning.
NVIDIA Deep Learning Institute - Range of Online Courses around various ML tools & hardware (Free and Paid content, Certifications Available)
- Self-guided learning and live trainings available (certificate courses average 8hrs each)
- Most trainings expect some familiarity with a base programming language (Python, C++, etc.) Look for “Beginner” courses for the lowest technical barrier.
- Range from 10 minute tutorials to 8 hour courses. Learn through implementation.
- 100 Lectures on Machine Learning from Mark Schmidt at UBC
- Google's Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path - collection of courses, skill badges, etc. required for certification
- Machine Learning Interview Guide - perspective/study plan for Machine Learning focused technical interviews
Tools used in conjunction with AI, interesting theories or related domains of study/etc
- Creative coding for interactive art (ITP) - range of notes and resources, some of which touch on machine learning