This program taps into the Twitter Streaming API and allows you to define keyword(s) to pull out tweets in near realtime. I build this to learn about the twitter API and work with SQLAlchemy. I am saving the extracted tweets into a Postgres database.
To use this program you need to install the requirements and setup a Twitter Developer Account along with a Twitter application. This will get you the four items (see below) you need to access the Twitter Streaming API.
NOTE: The main requirements are tweepy, sqlalchemy & psycopg2.
Final setup is to have a file /config/ with the following items.
DB_URL = 'postgres://xxxxxxxx'
TWITTER_APP_KEY = 'xxxxxxxx' TWITTER_APP_SECRET = 'xxxxxxxx' TWITTER_KEY = 'xxxxxxxx' TWITTER_SECRET = 'xxxxxxxx'
You then adjust the keyword(s) in the file /config/ and then run the As it's running it will be inserting records into the database you are pointing at via the DB_URL.
This is running on Python 3.5.2