Slides that are used in the courses of AUCC.
In the chronological order;
- 01aucc.pdf: Starting course and community guidelines.
- 02web-security.pdf: First web security and general web application structure.
- 03sqli.pdf: SQL injection vulnerability, ways to exercise and prevent.
- 04xss.pdf: XSS vulnerabilities and exploiting them.
- 05xss-prevention.pdf: (contr. Additional material about XSS prevention/protection.
- auccBaharDonemi.pdf: Spring meetup. Last semester of community and future plans.
- 06git.pdf: Git usage
- 07hack_kulturu.pdf: This slide contains; Culture of real hack and first hackers, ethical laws, Open Source and Free Software.
- 10pentest.pdf: Weekend camp for Penetration Test (contains OSINT & Network)
- 11aucc_ctf.pdf: Weekend camp for the definitions of CTF (Capture The Flag)
- 12aucc_hardening.pdf: linux system hardening slide
- 13bash_scripting.pdf: Bash Scripting large-scale slide