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Developer Guide


  1. GSON Library for JSON parsing
  2. Retrofit Library for HTTP requests
  3. AB-3 Developer Guide
  4. for creating diagrams

Setting up

Setting up the project in your computer

First, fork this repo, and clone the fork into your computer. If you plan to use Intellij IDEA (highly recommended):

  1. Configure the JDK: Follow the guide [se-edu/guides] IDEA: Configuring the JDK to ensure Intellij is configured to use JDK 11.
  2. Import the project as a Gradle project: Follow the guide [se-edu/guides] IDEA: Importing a Gradle project to import the project into IDEA.
    Note: Importing a Gradle project is slightly different from importing a normal Java project.
  3. Verify the setup:
    1. Run the com.moneymoover.MoneyMoover and try a few commands.
    2. Run the tests using ./gradlew check to ensure they all pass.

Before writing code

  1. Configure the coding style If using IDEA, you can use the following steps to import the code style settings.
    1. Go to File → Settings → Editor → Code Style
    2. Click the Gear Icon next to the Scheme box and then click Import Scheme → IntelliJ IDEA code style XML.
    3. Select the DefaultCodeStyle.xml file in the root of the project directory.
  2. Set up CI This project comes with a GitHub Actions config files (in .github/workflows folder). When GitHub detects those files, it will run the CI for your project automatically at each push to the master branch or to any PR. No set up required.
  3. Learn the design When you are ready to start coding, we recommend that you get some sense of the overall design by reading about MoneyMoover’s architecture.




The diagram above provides a high-level overview of how the project is structured. The main components are:

  1. The Main class which initialises all the other components at startup, and connects them with each other
  2. The UI component which is responsible for all user input and output
  3. The Parser component which parses user input and creates the relevant Command objects
  4. The Command component which executes the logic
  5. The Accounts component which manages the user's accounts
  6. The Forex (Foreign Exchange) component which handles exchange-rate related logic
  7. The Transactions component which manages the user's transactions
  8. The Storage component which handles the saving and loading of data to disk

General Sequence

The following is a high-level sequence of a single create-account SGD command, which demonstrates how the components interact with each other:


UI component

The API of this component is specified in the

UI Class Diagram

The UI class deals with the user interaction with the application, which includes the printing and the logic to read in inputs. We will pass in the instance of UI into the execute method of the Command class. The main features includes:

  • Printing text such as new line, spacer, farewell message, greeting message.

  • Empowers the developers to print customised message in printf and printMessage method.

  • Reads in the user input as String.

Parser component

Parser Class Diagram

The Parser Component

  • Parses the user input and creates the relevant Command object
  • Makes use of the CommandType enum to determine the type of command to create

Accounts Component

Here is a class diagram of the Accounts component


The Accounts Component

  • Stores the AccountList which contains all the user's accounts
  • AccountList handles all logic dealing with accounts
  • Account stores both its currency type and its balance
  • There can be only one Currency per Account
  • There can be only one Account of each Currency

Forex component

Here is a class diagram of the Forex component ForexClassDiagram

The Forex Component

  • Stores the exchange rates of 1 SGD to all supported currencies in a hash map
  • Each Forex object represents the relationship between two currencies
  • convert can be called on a Forex object to convert an amount using the relationship
  • Each Forex object has an initial and target Currency
  • There is only one instance of the exchangeRates hash map.

The Currency Enum

  • Keeps all currency types supported by the exchange
  • Exchange rates were manually pulled from
  • Each Forex instance must have two Currency associated with it

Open Exchange Rates API

When MoneyMoover starts, the Forex class calls its static method initializeRates(). This method calls the constructor of the ExchangeRates class, then sleeps for 5 seconds, then retrieves the HashMap that ExchangeRates has created from the method fetchExchangeRates within its constructor. Forex copies the HashMap and uses it for the rest of the user session.

fetchExchangeRates retrieves a Retrofit instance from the ExchangeRatesApiClient class, and uses it to create an instance of the ExchangeRatesApi, an interface that defines the methods for retrieving the exchange rates data from Open Exchange Rates API.

fetchExchangeRates then makes a call to getLatestExchangeRates to retrieve the exchange rates using the ExchangeRatesApi instance, and a base currency of USD, and our API token from Open Exchange Rates.

getLatestExchangeRates returns a Call object, and we enqueue a Callback object to get the onResponse() and onFailure() methods that will be called depending on the outcome of the Call. If the call is successful, onResponse() returns an ExchangeRatesResponse object containing the HashMap of ISO currency tags as Strings for keys, and doubles for rates. This data is then extracted using saveMap, which filters out the rates for our supported currencies and performs type conversion. The savedMap attribute of ExchangeRates is set to this filtered map, which is then passed to Forex via getExchangeRates.

If onFailure() is called, it means an unexpected error was encountered, such as losing Internet connection.

Below is a UML Diagram of the classes and their respective methods. APIClassDiagram

Transactions Component

Here is a class diagram of the Transactions component TransactionsClassDiagram

The Transactions component

  • A Transaction is recorded upon every command that changes the balance of an account
  • Certain commands allow the provision of a description parameter to associate a custom description to a transaction
  • Transactions are only accessed through the TransactionManager
  • Transactions associated to an account are deleted if and only if the account is deleted

Storage Component

The following is a class diagram of the Storage component StoreClassDiagram

  • The Storage component is responsible for saving and loading data from disk.
  • It stores the account and transaction data in JSON format using the Gson library.
  • The Storage component makes use of dependency injection with the StoreInterface so that a stub (TestStore) can be injected when running automated tests. This prevents the automated tests from modifying the actual data stored on disk or having to consider potential side effects from previous tests.


Create/Delete account feature

This feature is facilitated by AccountList Class within the Accounts Component. The method called from AccountList is the addAccount method which creates a new Account object.The deleteAccount method called from AccountList delete the specified Account object.

The current implementation initialises the Account with 0 balance. Only currency account which 0 balance can be deleted.

Given below is an example of the usage of this feature and the mechanism at each step

Step 1: The user launches the application for the first time and AccountList is created with no Account


Step 2: The user passes in the command create-account <CURRENCY>, where CURRENCY is a valid string representing one of the elements of the Currency enum


Step 3: The user passes in the command create-account <CURRENCY>, where CURRENCY is also valid but different to that in step 1.


Step 4: The user passes the command delete-account CURRENCY, for example delete-account SGD.


The following sequence diagram shows how the Create Account operation works


The following sequence diagram shows how the Delete Account operation works

Add/Withdraw money feature

The add money(deposit) and withdraw money feature is facilitated by AddCommand and WithdrawCommand which both extends the Command class. With the provided input from user (CURRENCY and AMOUNT), AddCommand and WithdrawCommand update the balance of respective currency account accordingly.

Step 1. The newly created SGD account has an initial balance of 0


Step 2. The user passes command add CURRENCY AMOUNT (eg. add SGD 100), where CURRENCY must be one of the available currency and AMOUNT must be positive numbers.


Step 3. The user passes command withdraw (eg. withdraw SGD 25), where AMOUNT must be smaller than the currency account balance.


The following sequence diagram shows how the add money operation works.

The following sequence diagram shows how the money withdrawal operation works.

View balance feature

The view balance feature is facilitated using Account instances stored within the AccountList object. The main functionality is to view the balance of a specific currency if the currency is specified, else view all the currencies in the account.


Show-rate feature

The exchange feature is facilitated using two Forex instances to represent the exchange rates between two currencies. The current implementation reads manual exchange rates from an online source. Future implementation will use an API to maintain up-to-date exchange rates.

Exchange rate source:

The show-rate command executes as follows

  • The initial and target currency are parsed from the input
  • If the user included an amount, the amount is also parsed
  • A Forex object showing the rate from the initial to the target currency is made
  • A Forex object showing the rate from the target to the initial currency is made
  • The Ui prints the exchanged amount if an amount was provided by the user for both rates
  • The Ui will print the unit rate both ways if no amount was provided

The following sequence diagram shows how the Show Rate command works


Money exchange feature

The exchange feature is facilitated using Account instances stored within an AccountList object. The main functionality is facilitated by the convert function within the Forex component. The current implementation reads manual exchange rates from an online source. Future implementation will use an API to maintain up-to-date exchange rates. An exchange call will produce two transaction activity. A debit transaction will reflect on initial account and credit transaction will reflect on target account

Exchange rate source:

This command is executed under the assumption that an Account for both the initial and target currencies exist. To avoid redundancy, please see the create-account feature in the developer guide for more specific steps on how Accounts are created.

The exchange command executes as follows:

  • Initial and target currencies are parsed from the user input
  • A Forex object is created using the parsed currencies (see Forex component for more information)
  • The amount to be exchanged is parsed from the user input
  • The Accounts for both currencies are retrieved
  • The converted value is calculated using the Forex object
  • The value of the initial Account is updated
  • The value of the target Account is updated
  • The new balances are printed

The following sequence diagram shows how the Exchange command works


Show transactions feature

The show transactions feature is facilitated by TransactionCommand, extending from the Command class. Since any one user might have many transactions, flags are used to specify search parameters for the command.

The Transaction command executes as follows:

  • The command is parsed to determine if there are additional search parameters
  • Interaction with the TransactionManager to retrieve relevant accounts
  • The relevant transactions are printed

The following sequence diagram shows how the Transaction command works


Appendix - Requirements

Product scope

Target user profile

  • Students who are planning to travel overseas
  • People who need to exchange money for travel
  • People who are comfortable using a CLI

Value proposition

MoneyMoover is a CLI application for managing and transferring international currencies, optimized for use via a Command Line Interface (CLI) while still having the features of other money management applications.

User Stories

Version As a ... I want to ... So that I can ...
v1.0 new user see usage instructions refer to them when I forget how to use the application
v1.0 student planning to travel know the currency exchange rates better plan out my budget
v1.0 user create accounts for different currencies
v1.0 user top up my account have sufficient balance in the app
v1.0 user withdraw money from my accounts I can spend it as cash
v1.0 user delete accounts I am no longer using
v1.0 student planning to travel quickly exchange my money for local currency spend in different currencies
v2.0 user view my previously saved accounts avoid having to key in the same information every time
v2.0 user add descriptions to my transactions categorise and track my spending and deposits
v2.0 user view my previous transactions in reverse chronological order view my most recent transactions more easily
v2.0 user jump to a specific date view transactions on that date
v2.0 user view transactions with a specific description view how much I spend on specific categories or items

Non-Functional Requirements

  1. Should work on any mainstream OS as long as it has Java 11 or above installed.
  2. Should be able to hold up to 100 transactions without sluggishness in performance.
  3. A user that is able to type quickly should be able to accomplish most of the tasks faster than using a GUI equivalent with a mouse.


  • Mainstream OS: Windows, Linux, Unix, OS-X

Appendix - Instructions for Manual Testing

Given below are some instructions for testing the app manually. Note that they are meant to provide a starting point and are not an exhaustive list of test cases.

Initial Launch

  1. Download the jar file and copy it into an empty folder
  2. Go to that directory in the command line and run java -jar FILENAME.jar.
  3. The app should automatically create a data folder and the necessary files for the app to run.
  4. An internet connection is required to retrieve live exchange rates. If there is no internet, fallback values will be used instead.

Help Command

  1. You can view the list of available commands by using the help command

Creating an account

  1. Before doing any other commands, you should create an account using the create-account command.
  2. Example: create-account SGD

Creating transactions

  1. You can now begin to add or withdraw money from your account. Use the add and withdraw commands to do this.
  2. You can then view the balances of your accounts using balance, or view past transactions using trans.

Viewing exchange rates

  1. You can view the exchange rates between different currencies using the show-rate command.

Exchanging money between different currencies

  1. You can exchange money between different currencies using the exchange command if you have accounts in both currencies. The transactions should be reflected in the trans command.

Deleting accounts

  1. Before deleting an account, you must first make sure the balance is 0. This can be done either by exchanging to another currency or withdrawing all the money.
  2. You can then delete an account using the delete-account command.

Appendix - Instructions for updating the API Key

  • The API Key for retrieving exchange rates is stored in the src/main/java/com/moneymoover/api/ file as the APP_ID property.
  • If you wish to use your own API Key, you will need to go to and sign up for a free account, then replace the APP_ID in the file with your new key.