Post-PED fixes
What's Changed
- Fix typo in DeveloperGuide by @Bawfen in #118
- Fix the exit command not immediately terminating the program by @Arif-Khalid in #178
- Wrong withdraw comannd exception desc by @Gan868611 in #182
- 170-pe-dtester-a-cannot-tackle-extra-spaces by @woowenjun99 in #186
- Show rate ped by @jacob-stein1 in #184
- Arif khalid fix pe dry run issues by @Arif-Khalid in #188
- Exchange cmd ped by @jacob-stein1 in #185
- Arif Khalid PPP by @Arif-Khalid in #190
- Limit description 100char by @Gan868611 in #183
- Update ug PED by @Gan868611 in #177
- Arif khalid fix error in ug by @Arif-Khalid in #194
- Jacob stein ppp by @jacob-stein1 in #192
- 187 bug withdraw and add commands follows different behaviour when no amount is provided 1 by @woowenjun99 in #193
- Ppp ben by @Bawfen in #197
- 153 ped by @woowenjun99 in #198
- Wen jun ppp by @woowenjun99 in #199
- Implement validator by @jacob-stein1 in #200
- 147 currency uppercase by @Bawfen in #202
- Update ug ped by @Gan868611 in #201
- Gan zhen yang ppp by @Gan868611 in #203
- 119 program crashes if the json files are corrupted by @Bawfen in #195
- Add section on currency and date related inputs to the UG by @Bawfen in #205
- Update dg by @Gan868611 in #204
- Remove files in wrong directory by @Bawfen in #210
- Remove exchange between same currency by @jacob-stein1 in #214
- Add in the message for balances by @woowenjun99 in #213
- Fix dg by @Bawfen in #215
- Minimum exchange target by @jacob-stein1 in #217
- Manual testing instructions by @Bawfen in #216
- Arif khalid standardise documentation in UG by @Arif-Khalid in #226
- Update wen ppp by @woowenjun99 in #228
- Update the UI aspect of the class diagram by @woowenjun99 in #229
- Update the parser for the dg by @woowenjun99 in #230
- Update the account list dg by @woowenjun99 in #231
- Update the Forex component by @woowenjun99 in #233
- Update dg by @Gan868611 in #227
- Arif khalid dg show rate and balance command by @Arif-Khalid in #236
- Add storage to dg by @Bawfen in #234
- Update the ppp by @woowenjun99 in #237
Full Changelog: v2.0...v2.1