This repository contains the code and supplementary figures utilized in the paper: "Subword representations successfully decode brain responses to morphologically complex written words" by Tero Hakala, Tiina Lindh-Knuutila, Annika Hultén, Minna Lehtonen, and Riitta Salmelin Department of Neuroscience and Biomedical Engineering, Aalto University, Finland
This should work at least with the following version:
Python 3.10.13 sklearn.version '1.3.2' scipy.version '1.11.3'
Download megdata and word vectors from OSF into their respective folders. Folder structure has been created for your convenience. The project data is stored at (DOI 10.17605/OSF.IO/2CBZW).
To test whether everything works, you can try running the following command in the morppirepo/zeroshot directory.
python -d cosine --verbose --vocab ../vekt/trigrams/vocab.tsv --wordvec ../vekt/trigrams/vectors.tsv --morphemes ../vekt/trigrams/morppisanat_170_trigrams.txt --nosave 1 --output testrun_trigrams.txt ../megdata/megdata_filt40_check_noresamp_8.mat
This command should calculate the decoding accuracy for word vectors constructed from 3-gram segment vectors, using the MEG time window spanning 350-450ms, and store the resulting accuracy in the file: testrun_trigrams.txt
This accuracy should be around 0.6424.
Contents by directory:
zeroshot This code is for decoding word vectors from evoked brain activation. It serves as a frontend to the ridge-regression function in the scikit-learn library.
The script takes as input the complete word vectors and MEG data vectors.
Alternatively, instead of complete word vectors, it can take a list of segmented words and the individual segment vectors. It then constructs the word vectors by summing the corresponding segment vectors for each word.
The script can perform permutation shuffling either at the word level (shuffling word labels) or at the segment level (shuffling segment labels before constructing the word vectors, as described in the paper).
The MEG data is hosted at OSF. Download it into this folder structure to run the experiments.
Evoked potentials for each word in the experiment, averaged over subjects.
306 Channels. Data is sampled at 1000 Hz Low-pass filtered at 40Hz.
Cleaned from artifacts (limit 3000fT/cm for gradiometers). ICA components of ocular artifacts are removed.
Data with incorrect behavioral responses are removed before averaging over subjects.
MNE Evokeds files (averaged over subjects for each word): evokeds_averages.fif
event tiggercodes and corresponding stimulus words (only real words are used): triggercodes.csv
In this file, the stimulus onset is at point 238 from the beginning (200ms baseline + 38 ms delay due to the projector refresh rate until the stimulus is visible)
Data is split into 100ms timewindows (overlap 50ms) MEG datavectors used in the decoding:
filename | time window |
megdata_filt40_check_noresamp_1.mat | 0 - 100 ms |
megdata_filt40_check_noresamp_2.mat | 50 - 150 |
megdata_filt40_check_noresamp_3.mat | 100 - 200 |
megdata_filt40_check_noresamp_4.mat | 150 - 250 |
megdata_filt40_check_noresamp_5.mat | 200 - 300 |
megdata_filt40_check_noresamp_6.mat | 250 - 350 |
megdata_filt40_check_noresamp_7.mat | 300 - 400 |
megdata_filt40_check_noresamp_8.mat | 350 - 450 |
megdata_filt40_check_noresamp_9.mat | 400 - 500 |
megdata_filt40_check_noresamp_10.mat | 450 - 550 |
megdata_filt40_check_noresamp_11.mat | 500 - 600 |
megdata_filt40_check_noresamp_12.mat | 550 - 650 |
megdata_filt40_check_noresamp_13.mat | 600 - 700 |
megdata_filt40_check_noresamp_14.mat | 650 - 750 |
megdata_filt40_check_noresamp_15.mat | 700 - 800 |
The segment vectors were constructed using the gensim word2vec skip-gram model with the Finnish internet corpus in collaboration with TurkuNLP group. (Luotolahti, J., Kanerva, J., Laippala, V., Pyysalo, S., & Ginter, F. (2015). Towards universal web parsebanks. Proceedings of the Third International Conference on Dependency Linguistics (Depling 2015), 211–220.)
Before running word2vec, each word in the corpus was segmented into word segments according to respective segmentation schemes. Surface corresponds to whole words (no segmentation).
The subdirectories contain word/segment vectors for various segmentations.
folder name | explanation |
surface | Whole words |
unigrams | 1-grams |
bigrams | 2-grams |
trigrams | 3-grams |
morfessor | Segmentations by Morfessor, a statistical model of morphology |
ling | Linguistic segmentation by commercial Lingsoft utility |
random | Random segmentation |
morfessor_modified | Morfessor segmentation on modified corpus (experiment words removed from the corpus) |
ling_modified | Linguistic segmentation on modified corpus (experiment words removed from the corpus) |
The morfessor, ling, and surface directories are further divided into w1 to w7 subdirectories. These correspond to specific skip-gram window lengths that were used to construct the vectors (e.g., w7: 7 segments before to 7 segments after the target).
Each directory contains the following files:
- morppisanat_170_bigrams.txt List of segmented words (in this case, segmented into 2-grams)
- vocab.tsv List of individual segments (these come from word2vec)
- vectors.tsv Vectors for the segments in vocab.tsv (these come from word2vec)
- bigrams_170_w7_sum.mat Complete word vectors constructed by summing corresponding segments for each word (This file is not needed anymore as the zeroshot script can also construct the word vectors from the segments)
Experimental stimuli
The screen images of the words shown during the experiment. Hosted at OSF.
Figures of containing the hierarchical clustering (complete linkage, cosine) of the different word vectors in pdf format.