Cryptolink is a blockchain-based project that enables users to transfer cryptocurrencies globally through decentralized wallets. The project is built using Solidity for smart contracts and React for the frontend.
- Smart Contract Backend: Built using Solidity and Hardhat for secure and decentralized cryptocurrency transfers.
- Frontend: Developed with React, Vite, and Tailwind CSS to deliver a fast and responsive user interface.
- React: JavaScript library for building user interfaces.
- Vite: Modern frontend build tool for fast and optimized development.
- Tailwind CSS: Utility-first CSS framework for styling.
- Ethers.js: Used for
- Solidity: Programming language for writing Ethereum smart contracts.
- Hardhat: Development environment for testing and deploying smart contracts.
- Node.js: JavaScript runtime for running backend and frontend development scripts.
- NPM: Package manager for managing project dependencies.
Follow the instructions below to set up and run the Cryptolink project locally.
Navigate to the
directory:cd cryptolink-main/smart_contract
Install dependencies:
npm install
Compile the smart contracts:
npx hardhat compile
Deploy contracts (adjust the script as needed):
npx hardhat run scripts/deploy.js --network <network-name>
Navigate to the
directory:cd cryptolink-main/client
Install dependencies:
npm install
Start the development server:
npm run dev
- Frontend: React, Vite, Tailwind CSS.
- Backend: Solidity, Hardhat, Foundry.
- Testing: Foundry for testing smart contracts.
- Tooling: Node.js, NPM.