Custom field that based on text field and allows to match "regular expression" and/or check uniqueness of custom field from JQL.
Build application from source code. Requirements
- JAVA 1.8
- Git
- Atlassian SDK
- Install Atlassian Plugin SDK
- Download the current source code
- Open cmd.exe 'Windows'|bash 'Linux', go to the direcory with pom.xml and run atlas-package
- Compiled jar file will be placed in direcory unique-regex-custom-field\target\uniqueregexfield-'version'.jar
Build and deploy application. JIRA server will be with development license, bind port 2990 by default. Requirements
- The same as in build plus 2GB memory
- Install Atlassian Plugin SDK
- Download the current source code
- Open cmd.exe 'Windows'|bash 'Linux', go to the direcory with pom.xml and run atlas-run -u 6.3.21
- Open JIRA server by link. Login name - admin, password - admin
Dockerfile placed in directory docker in the current repository. Start Jira server with plugin in docker container:
- Download image: 'docker pull andrewdvizhok/demo-jira:1.0'
- Run container: 'docker run -t -p 2990:80 -i andrewdvizhok/demo-jira:1.0 /bin/bash'
- In the docker go to directory /unique-regex-custom-field
- Run command to start jira server: 'atlas-run -u 6.3.21 -p 80'
- Run command to build plugin: 'atlas-package'