Codes for reducing longslit spectra taken with the Robert-Stobie Spectrograph (RSS) on the Southern African Large Telescope (SALT). It requires pre-reduction steps. The fits input should have 2 extensions. First extension is the spectra and 2nd extension its error frame.
- pyraf>=2.1
- pyfits==3.4
- astropy==2.0.2
- numpy==1.13.3
- PyYAML==3.12
Input: list of target and arc frames.
import rsspipe
# No flux calibration needed
salt = rsspipe.rsspipe('obj', 'arc')
for inobj in salt.objlist:
salt.reduce2d(inobj, salt.arc)
# If you have a spectrophotometric standard observations.
salt = rsspipe.rsspipe('obj', 'arc', stdfile='std', stdarcfile='stdarc')
# Create a sensisitivity file.
sensfile = salt.rssstdred(salt.stdlist, salt.stdarclist)
# Apply flux calibrations
for inobj in salt.objlist:
salt.rssflux(inobj, sensfile)