takes a .geojson and emits a list of all tiles that intersect it separated by new lines down to the specified max zoom.
Useful if you want to download a bunch of tiles from s3 or something.
-m, --min-depth lowest resolution tile depth to enumerate [number]
-M, --max-depth highest resolution tile depth to enumerate [number]
-t, --template tile template to use for formatting
[string] [default: "/{z}/{x}/{y}"]
-g, --gzip use gzip to compress output [boolean]
-v, --version Show version number [boolean]
-h, --help Show help [boolean]
list-tiles <options> path/to/file.geojson > out.csv
list-tiles -M 20 -g my-file.geojson > out.csv.gz
list-tiles -M 20 my-file.geojson | gzip > out.csv.gz
list-tiles -M 16 -t something/{z}/{y}/{x}.jpeg my-file.geojson > out.csv
const tileGenerator = new ListTiles(json, [ maxDepth=20, minDepth=6, template='/{z}/{x}/{y}']);
// tileGenerator is an iterable so you can do
for (const tile of tileGenerator) {
// but apparently this can lead to memory leaks if you pipe the output to the wrong things so you might want to do what we do in bin.js
// or get the underlying readalbe stream with