Pyromancy is the tool we used to set a fire under The SANER Project. It evolved out of initial work on the IHE ACDC Profile, and subsequent evolution around how to structure implementation guide content to make it easier to generate quickly.
It is being released now because while we'd like to continue development of it to get documented and more useful, there are bigger problems in the world that need bold solutions right now, and because others who are willing to use it and evolve it have asked for it.
It's designed for someone who knows and understand the following:
- PlantUML
- The FHIR IG Build Process
- XML and XSLT
Prerequisites to use of it are:
- All of the stuff you need to run the FHIR IG Builder and Sushi
- PlantUML
- Saxon9HE or better
- JDK 11 or higher
Eventually we will get around to providing some documentation. It's not the way we'd prefer to do things, but it might just help others set a fire under their own FHIR projects.
The project is pretty empty to start with. The magic happens through the spell components in a single 300 line XML File, and a few XSLT files.