brew install chezmoi
chezmoi init
chezmoi diff
chezmoi apply
chezmoi init --apply --verbose
First all "run once_" scripts will run and install all used homebrew apps. Afterwards personal config files will be installed to home dir.
iTerm2 preferences are stored in a custom backup folder in iCloud. For a new iTerm2 setup open
iTerm2 --> Preferences --> General --> Preferences
and check "Load preferences from a custom folder or URL". Select the folder where your config file is and restart iTerm.
Raycast has a lot of custom config like global hotkeys for window management. To export your current config open Raycast and choose 'Export Preferences & Data'. Importing can be done via 'Import Preferences & Data'.
A current version of my own backup file is stored in personal cloud folder.
Go to your source directory of chezmoi and edit the corresponding 'run_once_*' file. The edit can be done via regular vim. chezmoi edit is not needed as you are already in the source directory. Do not forget to commit and push your changes.
chezmoi apply
git add
git commit -m ""
git push
Do not change directly config files with your editor!
You can change your config in the source directory (chezmoi cd) or via:
chezmoi edit ~/.zshrc or
chezmoi edit --apply ~/.zshrc
This will edit automatically the file in the source file and update changes to git. --apply will automatically apply those changes.
Some Personal aliases:
cm -> chezmoi
cmcd -> chezmoi cd
cmedit -> chezmoi edit --apply