Box2D.NET is a C# binding for Box2D. Low-level bindings to the C api are included and generated with Bindgen.NET. Native libraries are cross-compiled with Vezel-Dev's Zig Toolsets.
There is currently no high-level wrapper but it may come in the future! Box2D.NET and Box2D.NET.Bindings are identical packages.
You can download the nuget package and use Box2D.NET right away!
Box2D.NET (Wrapper + Bindings + Native Libraries): Release | Debug
dotnet add PROJECT package Box2D.NET.Release --version *-*
Box2D.NET.Bindings (Bindings + Native Libraries): Release | Debug
dotnet add PROJECT package Box2D.NET.Bindings.Release --version *-*
Box2D.NET.Native (Native Libraries): Release | Debug
dotnet add PROJECT package Box2D.NET.Native.Release --version *-*
Box2D.NET provides both release and debug packages for nuget. To include both of them in your project based on your build configuration, use the package references below. The latest stable or prerelease versions will be added to your project.
<Project Sdk="Microsoft.NET.Sdk">
<PackageReference Include="Box2D.NET.Debug" Version="*-*" Condition="'$(Configuration)' == 'Debug'" />
<PackageReference Include="Box2D.NET.Release" Version="*-*" Condition="'$(Configuration)' == 'Release'" />
For more up-to-date packages, development builds are available on the GitLab package registry. To add the development feed to your project, add the GitLab link below as a restore source. You can now reference any package version listed here!
<Project Sdk="Microsoft.NET.Sdk">
<PackageReference Include="Box2D.NET.Debug" Version="0.0.4"/>
Development feed packages may be deleted without warning to free up space.
To run any of the example programs, use dotnet run
and set the Example
property's value to the example's full class name.
dotnet run --project Box2D.NET.Examples --property:Example=HelloWorld
Clone the repo and it's submodules.
git clone --recursive
cd Box2D.NET
Run the following command on the solution to restore all project dependencies.
dotnet restore
Generate the binding code. Bindings are generated with Bindgen.NET.
dotnet run --project Box2D.NET.Bindgen
Compile the bindings and native libraries. The zig compiler will automatically be downloaded and cached in your local nuget package folder. Native libraries will be cross-compiled for linux, macos, and windows.
dotnet build
Reference the project and import the native libraries.
<Project Sdk="Microsoft.NET.Sdk">
<Import Project="PATH/Box2D.NET/Box2D.NET.Native/Box2D.NET.Native.targets" />
<ProjectReference Include="PATH/Box2D.NET/Box2D.NET/Box2D.NET.csproj" />