ModHulk is an automatic CurseForge mod downloader to download all the mods from a text file (like a custom datapack mods list). With ModHulk, you don't have to download manually all the mods. ModHulk saves you a lot of time!
The program can use Selenium and only accepts CurseForge mods listed on a text file.
The functioning of ModHulk is:
At the start, ModHulk downloads the last Firefox web driver if selenium option is set to true.
Next the program reads the file and for each line checks if the string is corresponding to a URL, if yes, add the link to the mods list.
After that, for each mod, it uses the Java library CurseAPI to find the project using the mod name and get all mod versions. Then the program only retains the last version with the same Minecraft version and downloads it in the requested folder.
It may occur that the library CurseAPI can't provide the project with the name. If selenium option is set to true, ModHulk will then try getting the project ID by sending a request to the CurseForge website using selenium. If it succeeds, the program will get the project using the ID and download the appropriate version.
At the exit of the program, the web driver file stocked in temps file is deleted.
N.B. ModHulk only supports Firefox web driver for the moment
You can find the compiled jar in releases, or compile the code with Gradle :
gradlew shadowJar
Then the compiled jar will be in build/libs
You just need to launch the jar with java
command, then the program will ask for five inputs:
the source text file path; the destination folder path; the Minecraft version;
if you want to retry request with web driver selenium when the program can't find a mod in CurseForge API (highly recommended);
the mod platform (Forge or Cauldron).
You can also provide these elements in the command's program arguments while keeping the same order and
separating elements with an @
Example 1:
Download in C:\mods\modpack uranus\ all forge mods of D:\mods.txt in 1.16.5 using selenium
Please enter the path of the mods' list file :
Please enter the destination folder's path :
C:\mods\modpack uranus\
Please enter the minecraft target version :
Please enter if you want to use selenium firefox (your browser) when the program can't get mod informations :
Please enter Forge or Fabric :
java -jar ModHulk.jar D:\mods.txt@C:\mods\modpack uranus\@1.16.5@true@Forge
Example 2 :
Download in /home/download/portable mods all fabric mods of /home/list in 1.18.1 without using selenium
Please enter the path of the mods' list file :
Please enter the destination folder's path :
/home/download/portable mods
Please enter the minecraft target version :
Please enter if you want to use selenium firefox (your browser) when the program can't get mod informations :
Please enter Forge or Fabric :
java -jar ModHulk.jar /home/list@/home/download/portable [email protected]@false@Fabric