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publish on push

publish on push #1200

- main # trigger the workflow when changes are pushed on the `main` branch
- cron: '30 7 * * *' # trigger every day at 00:30 ex 12:30 am
workflow_dispatch: # allow the ability to trigger the workflow manually
name: publish on push
group: ${{ github.ref }}
cancel-in-progress: true # this workflow stops other concurrent workflows from running
name: Jekyll build and push
runs-on: ubuntu-latest
- uses: actions/checkout@v3 # checks-out your repository under $GITHUB_WORKSPACE, so the workflow can access it
ref: main # pull code from the "main" branch
- uses: ./ # run the Dockerfile, which can call the assumed filename to start is "Dockerfile" with a capital D
USER_SITE_REPOSITORY: BillRaymond/agile-in-action-podcast-website # target repo that hosts the Jekyll website
GITHUB_TOKEN: ${{ secrets.JEKYLLNEW_PAT }} #personal access token of the source repository
## How to install this workflow
# 1. Place this file in the root of your Jekyll repo /.github/workflows
# 2. Create a new personal access token (PAT) in GitHub
# Github->Your account->Setttings->Developer settings->
# Personal access tokens (old)->"JEKYLL_PAT" (or something similar)
# Select: "Repo" (all items) and "Workflow"
# Note: If you are forced to use the new token, allow access to the
# source and target repos and use the same settings as defined above
# 3. Copy the generated token to your clipboard
# 4. Add the the token to your source repo
# Github->Repositories->[your repo]->Settings->
# Secrets->Actions->New repository secret->
# Name: same as the PAT (ex JEKYLL_PAT)
# Value: Paste the generated token into the valuere