This tools imports android apps into the ES-DE launcher, you need to download it independently.
- Light/dark theme support, material you support, app icon
- Search bar to quickly find a package
- Whitelist mode for only adding specific apps
- More intuitive radio buttons layout
- Settings pages to prevent redundant directory selection
- Path check to prevent overwriting the wrong directories
- "use whitelist instead of blacklist": save the checked apps instead of the unchecked ones
- "do not save media": only save the es-de roms, not the app logos
- "delete existing files": overwrite all android roms from es-de on each save, useful when you uninstall an app and it stayed in the list
- "disable path name check": allows selecting a rom folder not named "ROMs"
If you have multiple apps with the same name, hold click on one to rename it
Inspired from ES AppLauncher, though obviously entirely made by myself since the former is close-source