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ujson is a tiny C++ library used to read a JSON format. Where u stands for µ (micro). Original repository:

Here is a brief example:

#include "ujson.h"
#include <iostream>

void main() {
    ujson::Json json;
    const ujson::Obj& obj = json.parse(
        "  \"foo\" : 42,
        "  \"bar\" : \"baz\",

    int32_t     foo = obj.get_i32("foo");
    const char* bar = obj.get_str("bar");

    std::cout << foo << '\n';
    std::cout << bar << '\n';

Summary of features

  • Requires C++17 or later. No other dependency.
  • Just two files: ujson.h, ujson.cpp. The tests are in a separate ujson-test repo, so no junk is included in the project that uses ujson.
  • Compatible with JSON specifaction RFC7159 and ECMA-404.
  • The API in ujson.h is simple, easy to read and self-explanatory, rarely requiring additional documentation.
  • The input is always a memory buffer. To read a JSON file, the application must load the the file in the memory as a C string and provide it to ujson.
  • In-place parsing allows referencing the string tokens directly from the input buffer rather allocating each such token in the heap.
  • The input is in UTF-8 format. The string tokens can contain escape sequences with UTF-16 code points.
  • // comments are supported. Note that these are not part of the JSON standard.
  • Number values can be fetched as signed integers (32 or 64 bit) or as 64-bit float values.
  • Exceptions are used to handle the errors. See error handling.
  • Value validation is easy and doesn't require a JSON schema. See:
  • If a named value is absent, it can be optionally replaced by a default value provided by the application.

User Guide

General steps to read a JSON

1) Load JSON file into memory

The application must provide the JSON content as a memory buffer of char elements in UTF-8 format. Usually the JSON data resides in a file, so the application must load the whole content into a buffer. The application can use various APIs to read from file, there ujson doesn't have a function to do that as to not impose a particular API.

The input buffer must be zero-terminated in case in-place parsing will be used. Otherwise the application can provide the length of the buffer.

Here is an example using C standard library:

char* str_read_file(const char* fname)
    char* str = NULL;
    FILE* f = fopen(fname, "rb");
    if (NULL == f) return NULL;
    fseek(f, 0, SEEK_END);
    size_t size = ftell(f);
    fseek(f, 0, SEEK_SET);
    str = (char*)malloc(size + 1);
    if (NULL == str) goto cleanup;
    size_t n = fread(str, 1, size, f);
    str[size] = 0;
    if (n != size) {
        str = NULL;
    return str;

void main()
    char* in = str_read_file("my.json");

2) Parse the JSON buffer

Next we have to create a variable of Json type. This variable must be allocated until we finished with getting all the JSON values. We must not use any references to values after we deallocate the Json variable.

Then we call Json::parse() or Json::parse_in_place(), see in-place parsing. Note, in case of Json::parse() we can optionally provide the buffer length, so that it doesn't have to be zero-terminated.

Either function returns a const ujson::Val& which is the root value. The Val class represents a JSON value of any type.

In majority of cases the a JSON's root value is an object. So we can cast it to Obj class by calling Val::as_obj() method. Should this value be of another type, as_obj() will raise ErrBadType exception. Check other Val::as_*() methods for different types.

If we use the parse() method, the input buffer can be freed by the application immediately after the call. If we use parse_in_place(), we must keep the input buffer allocated until we are done fetching JSON values.

void main()
    char* in = str_read_file("my.json");
    ujson::Json json;
    const ujson::Obj& root = json.parse(in).as_obj();

3) Fetch JSON values

We can read values via following classes derived from Val class:

  • Obj: contains named values of any type. Use the get methods:
    • get_xxx(name): where xxx is a value type such as i32, etc.
    • get_member(name): provides a reference to a Val that can be cast to a particular type.
  • Arr: contains an array of values of any type. Use get methods:
    • get_xxx(idx): where xxx is a value type such as i32, etc.
    • get_element(idx): provides a reference to a Val that can be cast to a particular type.
  • Str: use its get() method to get the pointer to a C string.
  • F64: use its get() methods to get a floating point value of a double type. Can be used on any numbers, integers or floating point.
  • Int: use its get() methods to get a int64_t value, or get_i32() to restrict values to 32-bit. Can be used only with integers.
  • Bool: use its get() method to obtain a value of a bool type.

A null value can be determined by verifying if Val::get_type() returns vtNull.

Note that value references are valid until the Json instance is allocated. See more in value life time section.

Below is an example of fetching JSON values:

    "name"  : "Main Window",
    "width" : 640,
    "height": 480,
    "on_top": false,
    "opacity": 0.9,
    "menu"  : ["Open", "Save", "Exit"],
void main()
    char* in = str_read_file("my.json");
    ujson::Json json;
    const ujson::Obj& root = json.parse(in).as_obj();

    std::string name = root.get_str ("name");
    int32_t width    = root.get_i32 ("width",  100, 4000); // restrict to range (100,4000)
    int32_t height   = root.get_i32 ("height", 100, 4000);
    bool on_top      = root.get_bool("on_top", false); // default: false
    double opacity   = root.get_f64 ("opacity", 0.0, 1.0, 1.0); // range (0,1), default: 1

    const ujson::Arr& menu = root.get_arr("menu");
    for (int32_t i = 0; i < menu.get_len(); i++) {
        std::string item = arr.get_str(i);

Value life time

The ujson API provides references/pointers to objects such as:

  • Val derived classes. Provided for example by:
    • Json::parse() and Json::parse_in_place()
    • Arr::get_element()
    • Obj::get_member()
    • etc.
  • C strings of Str values. Provided for example by:
    • Str::get()
    • Arr::get_str()
    • Obj::get_str()
  • C string names of values. Provided for example by:
    • Val::get_name()
    • Obj::get_member_name()

These references are valid as long as the Json instance is allocated, and become invalid when any of the below occurs:

  • Json instance is deallocated.
  • Json::parse[_in_place]() is called again.
  • Json::clear() is called.

If the in-place parsing is used, then strings and names are valid until the application deallocates the input buffer, even Json instance is no longer allocated. However the references to Val classes are bound only to Json instance.

Number range checking

When fetching number values, the application can specify a range. If the value is not in range, then ErrBadIntRange or ErrBadF64Range exception is thrown.

Example of methods performing range checking:

  • Int::get(lo, hi)
  • Int::get_i32()
  • Int::get_i32(lo, hi)
  • F64::get(lo, hi)
  • Arr::get_i32(idx, lo, hi)
  • Arr::get_i64(idx, lo, hi)
  • Arr::get_f64(idx, lo, hi)
  • Obj::get_i32(name, lo, hi)
  • Obj::get_i64(name, lo, hi)
  • Obj::get_f64(name, lo, hi)

If (lo > hi), then the range is ignored.

The get_i32() methods implicitly check that the number fits in 32-bit integer range.


Str values can be restricted to a set that in the application corresponds to an enum. If the value is not in the set, ErrBadEnum is thrown. Example of enum methods:

  • Str::get_enum_idx(str_set, len)
  • Str::get_enum(str_set, val_set)
  • Obj::get_str_enum_idx(name, str_set, len, required=true)
  • Obj::get_str_enum(name, str_set, val_set[, def])


enum Color { red, green, blue };
ujson::Json json;
auto& obj = json.parse(R"({"foo": "green"})").as_obj();
Color color = obj.get_str_enum("foo",
    std::array{"red", "green", "blue"},
    std::array{red, green, blue});

Error handling

Error handling is done through exceptions:

  • Err is the base ujson exception. It holds the corresponding line number in JSON text. Even if the error occurs after parsing, each Val instance remembers the corresponding line number where it was specified. The application can also call Val::get_line() to obtain it.
  • ErrSyntax is the exception that can occur during Json::parse*() call. It indicates that JSON text is malformed.
  • ErrValue is the exception that can occur after parsing, while the application is fetching the parsed values. It indicates that the value doesn't pass the validation imposed by the application (bad type, bad number range, etc). This exception is split in sub-classes, each indicating a special type of validation. ErrValue contains following common attributes (sub-exceptions may contain other specific attributes):
    • val_name - name of the failed value. Empty if value is not an object member.
    • val_idx - index in the array or object. -1 if this is a root value.
    • val_type - the actual type of the value.

The Err::what() method return a short message. To get more details that includes the line number and other attributes, call Err::get_err_str().

Rejecting unknown members

ujson can throw the ErrUnknownMember in case the application doesn't recognize the name of the value. This is a good practice of error handling, otherwise the JSON file may contain typos that will be silently ignored, leading to unexpected application behavior.

This how this should be handled:

  • Each time the application interrogates a value (by name, or by index), it is marked as 'used'. Meaning that the application expects such a value.
  • When the application finishes fetching all the values, it calls Val::reject_unknown_members() on the root object. This will check recursively if there's any named value that is left 'unused'. If so, it will raise the exception.
  • For this to work correctly, the application must interrogate every known value. Normally this is what the application does, otherwise it may indicate that it never reads some values. However there may be conditions when the application ignores some values, for example depending on the content of the other values.
  • If the application needs to ignore a branch of sub-values, it can call the Val::ignore_members on any of the parent value of this branch. This will mark all the children as 'used'.
  • Note that, even if the parent value is an Arr meaning that it contains un-named values which are not checked by reject_unknown_members(), these could contain inside Obj objects with named values.

In-place parsing

When calling Json::parse_in_place(), the application provides a zero-terminated input buffer that is modified by the library so that the string tokens are made zero-terminated.

For example, the following input

{"foo": "bar"}\0

will be modified like:

{"foo\0: "bar\0}\0

This allows the library to provide pointers to "foo" and "bar" strings instead of allocating and copying each string in the heap.

When calling Json::parse(), the application provides a constant buffer which doesn't need to be zero-terminated if the length is provided. In this case the library will allocate an internal zero-terminated copy for the whole input and will call Json::parse_in_place().

Unicode code points

It is possible to specify in strings escape sequence with UTF-16 code-points. For example:

const char str[] =
          "foo" : "\u00B5",       // µ (MICRO SIGN) U+00B5
          "bar" : "\uD83D\uDE02", // (FACE WITH TEARS OF JOY) U+1F602

The second example has two UTF-16 code points (high surrogate and low surrogate) that form one emoji character FACE WITH TEARS OF JOY.

Unit tests

Unit tests are in a separate repo: ujson-test.