The html frontend for CUBIK token crowdsale on Ethereum using Web3, refer to the crowdsale smart contract.
A demo is available here.
- Working in both Main Ethereum Network and Ropsten Test Network
- Working with MetaMask, local and Infura nodes are commented and can be used for debugging
- Bootstrap theme and styled
- Web3 1.0 beta 34 (MetaMask still having issues on Web3 1.0 at the time of writing)
- A inlined version for websites can only use iframe (such as Wix)
- Node.js
- Browserify
npm install -g browserify
- Watchify
npm install -g watchify
- http-server
npm install -g http-server -g
- Concurrently
npm install -g concurrently
- [Inliner] (
npm install -g inliner
(Optional for inlining page for iframe)
npm i
watchify main.js -o js/bundle.js
npm start
inliner index.html > index_iframe.html
To use this crowdsale page for your token ICO, change the token and crowdsale contract address at main.js. Then includes the truffle built JSONs, or simple change the ABI at Cubik.json and CubikCrowdsale.json.
- Optimize using Vue.js or React.js
- Provide a better auto flatten method using NPM
- Fix contract event feedback currently not working with MetaMask
- Add better graphic for MetaMask install instruction