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This script is based on

  • The TwitchNoSub has the logic to convert the twitch playlist into a fake playlist fetching the VOD from (check fakePlaylist)
  • Instead of spoofing the fetch function of our browser when we try to access a twitch VOD (this works great with the twitch web player), I've defined a function fetchVodMetadataById and then I did re-use the twitch API data to download it locally using youtube-dl and ffmpeg. The fetch spoofing is originally done here:

So it's basically just using 3 projects to create this script:


  • Clone this repository

  • install dependencies (npm install)

  • make sure you have youtube-dl installed

    • On my side, I use the window binary (.exe) directly downloaded from and I placed it in the same folder of this project.
    • If you want to install it globally in your system, it should also works fine.
    • I did not try linux and osx, but youtube-dl binary is also available for theses systems.
    • What is important is that const command = ... in the function saveVodToDisk reference the right binary in your local installation.
  • make sure you have ffmpeg installed

    • You can find ffmpeg binary here:
    • ffmpeg is a dependency of youtube-dl. If the command youtube-dl run without error, that means your ffmpeg installation is working fine.

At the end, you should have theses files in your folder

  • node_module
  • ffmpeg.exe (optionnal)
  • main.js
  • package.json
  • package-lock.json
  • youtube-dl.exe (optionnal)

If it's not the case, make sure youtube-dl and ffmpeg are installed and available in your $PATH.

How to use

Simply run the main.js file using node.js

The programme will ask you a twitch VOD URL

If the URL is valid and the playlist can be retrieved, you can select the VOD quality and format

After selecting the quality, the download will start and the file will be saved in .\VOD\owner_title.format

Additionnal information

This is a side project just for myself and I share it to anyone that want to use it, but there is no support or update garanteed. You can take the code and do whatever you want with it.

Original credit goes to, and

I have 0 knowledge on video stream/encoding/decoding... so probably there is many things that can be improved

I have created this script to share the file over a media server and being able to read this file from anywere and not only on browsers.

Another project is work in progress here: The goal is to have a bundled application. The app is currently working and can download VOD but it's few hours of work only.